Theres only 2 genders

>theres only 2 genders
>muh binary
>gender dysphoria

These are all worn out arguments. You could go back forth on them for days and not come to any conclusions. The real question is how can you cut off your cock and replace it with a bacteria filled cavity. pic related haunts me. trannies have been around since ancient Greece but this is just fucking wrong.

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What a horrible read, trannies are obnoxious as fuck but you got to pity them. No wonder they kill themselves

Its an internal coup to destroy the country. Be aware.

what other option is there after being trolled into losing your cock? how is this not quackery?

should I be more angry at my own people for falling for shit like this? wtf...

SRS is a meme
Get tits if you want
Hell even go for HRT
But SRS? That shit doesn't work.
t. Actual tranny

how do they get away with a scam like this?

This is what trannies tell themselves when they can't afford surgery or are autogynephillac poseurs who don't want it.

who would want this???

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>been around since ancient Greece
Yes. Mental illness has always been with us. And we know it's mental illness because trans individuals (including those who have completed their transitions) have a suicide rate approaching 50%. Suicide is a dead giveaway as a sign for mental illness. No pun intended.

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whats to be done about this? I feel bad for them but fuck dude I didn't know the situation was this bad

The best course of action would be for the medical community to throw every resource at investigating the cause of this psychiatric disorder and developing a treatment for it.

we're fucked then, they cant even fix depression. I going to Tibet to join a monastery, fuck this country

the real criminals here are the fucking kikes pushing this shit on obviously disturbed people who need severe mental help instead of permanent disfigurement... THAT THEY FUCKING PAY THOUSANDS FOR.
get rid of the fucking kikes and far left libtards and you solve all of this.

decades of Jewish propaganda towards an insane destruction prophecy (what is transgenderism but the attempt to deconstruct, to destroy, the dual nature of male and female within the human spirit?), plus generalized ignorance in the populace about sex, biology, and the complexity of those areas of the body, would be my guess. Then again suppression and subversion of true information is part and parcel of any good protracted propaganda, so perhaps I am being redundant

Nah, dude. Let's remember it's a very small number of people who are trans. And an even smaller number of them who undertake any meaningful transition steps. Most of them just wear makeup and bras and high heels and don't actually mutilate themselves.

My prediction is that in the next 10 years we're going to start seeing a tidal wave of lawsuits. Against physicians and medical providers and also civil suits brought against parents by their own children.

clearly joos aren't responsible for all of this. I'm sure they were early investors. they have this weird rule 34 thing going on

>"if it exists, we will profit from it"

The real question is whether you believe in freedom or not.

Some dude wants to call himself Brenda? Who cares. Seriously, this means nothing to anyone. So maybe shut up and let people do what doesn't harm anyone.

what if I get drunk one night, fuck Brenda in "her" surgery hole and get gangrene on my dong?

the system needs people to be as crushed down and pathetic as possible, fragile and helpless egos.
Empowering people, helping them defeat their weakness and heal their wounds, is completely out of the question. Your mistake is thinking that well being, improvement, is the goal when in fact it is Entropy. Erosion. Eugenics for me, but not for thee, so cut your dick off goyim, it's the proper "treatment", says so right in my little book here....

dubs. I wonder if I could find some lawyers who would be down with being politically ncorrect to make some sheckles

Magnus Hirschfield.

I wanna see this alien pussy

Attorney's don't give a damn what the world thinks of them...if they're good at their jobs anyway. I'm sure there are agreements signed by the patient and the physicians and the facility performing the surgeries intended to guard against any suit in the event the patient comes to change their mind. Of course, much like prenups, paper burns. Those suits will worm their way through civil courts for 10 years before precedent is established. It'll be like the tobacco settlment in the 90's.

It's going to get ugly.

He wrote the theories down yes, but he was no surgeon. I wanna know what fucking ed gien came up with this infernal surgery shit

man, maybe a chance for improvement and profit. I don't see this crap as anything but quackery for profit targeted at weak minded people

you really dont. go into any gore thread, and when you see someone's head being severed, imagine that between some gay dude's hairy ass legs

depends on what you mean by "responsible" and "all this" doesn't it? The etymology of these ideas , and those who profit and lose by their modern propagation are plain as day. Your personal assurances don't really matter. And Jews have a strong preference for high margin profits, like medical billing, narcotics, pharmaceuticals with perpetual prescriptions...
Then there is the perverse, sadistic, narcissistic satisfaction of so thoroughly abusing and manipulating a perceived enemy that it is driven to self destruction. This might prove particualrily elating to a murderous coward.
I digress. It is truly horrific what is done to these young men and women. It is thinly veiled human experimentation. Their problem in my experience is really just a lack of self esteem plus eroded, sexualized, or otherwise non-existent parental relationships. It would be easy to digress again at this point but I will not.

>make documentaries about how awful Mengele is
>come up with shit like this

I guess jews are living proof that everybody is awful, and money covers up just about anything

that said, this had to have an inventor. google isn't being my friend atm

kek jew 34

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> doesn't harm anyone

apparently it harmed him enough to go to reddit

Actual transsexuals.