Do you avoid lefties like the plague?

Do you avoid lefties like the plague?

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I wouldn't say I avoid them cause I'm not a coward but I do hate them.

I avoid lefties and cringe in general like the plague, yes. because it's cringe.

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Why do you hate them?
Do you consider them traitors?

Yes, because you generally try to stay away from insane people that demand you participate in their insanity.

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Traitors is not a poor word though...

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So you enjoy eating shit?

More like an enemy cult. Mind slaves of the MSM.

The best thing Trump did was get all the leftist out of my life. I am much happier now.

Every politician you support is funded by or one of the ultra rich of society. It's sad and kinda a bit pathetic that you trust them.

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Name one time in human history where this wasn't the case. I doubt he trusts them.

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>choose friends by their politics
>wonder why you have no friends

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that's a bold assumption

cant because am one

Weird way to say that your lefty friends stopped being friends with you because youre an idiot


Untrustworthy and usually very "weaselly"

Ironically because they're always RIGHT.

i love you alt-right incels (or trolls) so much. you're so amusing. i hope trump gets reelected. popcorn is ready and i'll laugh so hard when this car hits the wall and burns out

Cause most are a waste of air to talk to.
I'm not a liberal, so honestly their life story is going to consist of muh feels and I don't this and that or the other thing cause PTSD or some shit.

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Righties, po people fantasizing about “the good life”

Actual wealthy fucks, lefties.

Ease off the soy son.

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The thread right after the "I hate lefties" thread is the "I love lolis" thread.

Right wingers think lefties are fucked up because they're fags and trannies, but at least fags and trannies are consenting adults. Conservatives are literally child fuckers.

Thanks "Warrens meme team"

once i became friends with a dude at work who i later found out supported trans right, i instantly became the one who had to pay for everything.
we worked in teams of 3, he would do 25% of the work, the other guy would do 25% of the work, and I would do 50% of the work.
we also smoked weed on breaks, i payed for all of it, if not most of it. the weed dealer was literally next door to our job.
this nigga gave me a ride home 1 time in a fucking year, and i literally drove him to and from work every day for 6 months.
he also offered to sell a THC cart to someone else at work for $30, then turn around and tell me he can sell it to me for $35. nigga what? i thought we were friends'n'shit. dafuq?

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Have you got your wires crossed? All elites seem to be creepy pedo fucks but the left definitely are some of worst.

Shit, this guy is connecting the dots.
Time to gtfo.

Asking a question like this means you don't go out in public very much.

Fucking idiot, you can't even use the English language correctly. You don't get a fucking opinion .

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Dating a liberal, I’m an establishment (center right) republican. It works because we both make fun of the sjws and alt-right

Pretty sure he’s calling the Alt right pedos user, I think he’s using it right.

But the left likes to child abuse, filling their bodies with foreign chemicals because their parents wish it so.

Cause lefties don’t like to work hard, so they’re usually poorfags that always ask for handouts and blame society for their laziness and lack of ambition. Although, we do need them. Who’s gonna clean the tables at the restaurant? Who’s gonna work that drive-thru? Sadly, we need lefties.

Yeah, you are pretty much spot on, user. What I was talking about was similar. I wanted to learn about "intersectional feminism/Marxism" so I went to private class. There was a dude there which I knew since before and he came out as gay. I went to a bar with him and my ex GF. The entire time this gay dude hit on my gf and tried getting here into the left wing. Every time I went away he had apparently put his hand on her leg and started talking about sex. When I later called him out he said I was homophobe and we stopped talking But he kept calling my gf. When she told him to go fuck himself, he started talking shit about us to people we knew. Saying that I had attacked him and whatever. It was later revealed that he wasn't gay at all

yea, people who have no respect will say they are "bi", because they think it's a lifehack that would make cheating ok.
>what, jessica, you had sex with him?
>"he said he was gay, so it didn't count"

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