Serious question to blacks here

serious question to blacks here

how do white people smell? do they have a smell? and is it bad?

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like cheese if not olive oil

i don't know about you other cracker fags, but i smell like lilac in the morning.

If you have 15 cents but only two coins and one of them is not a nickel what two coins do you have?

Like spoiled milk but less pungent and sour clothes

A dime and a nickel.

check your reading comprehension einstein

One of them is not a nickel - the other one is.

taco bender here that has had 4 white gfs and hangs out with white boy friends all the time. fat whites smell like hamburger, slim whites smell like butter or sweat. all whites have a faint sweat smell I assume because you peoples melanin game is weak makes you people extra sweaty to compensate for the heat. Best smelling white gf had a like peach smell she was fruitarian or some gay meme so she was annoying to eat with but she always had a sweat smell to her even when we would work out together or maybe I just remember her better than she actually was because she had a fetish, I forget what the fuck she called it, but she was super into cum and sucking dick. She was a crazy vegan but she was also super fun to be around and easily one of the best gfs I'll probably ever have sucks she moved away probably would have married her.

big brain plays

wut? kys


The author of the bait only specified that one of the coins was not a nickel, which suggests the other coin's type was up for debate. Thus logically the most sensible combination of currency would be for one of the coins to be a nickel, and the other a dime, and when accounted together would equal precisely 15 cents. I understand the post was bait, and your response an idiot troll response to an already obvious and poorly worded question. This is still a sound logical response, in comparison to three fifths of a quarter, or whatever horseshit you are suggesting is the answer. Make yourself sound like an ass on the internet more, trolltard.

Yeahh...Elon was all time..!

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the fuck

Pretty straight forward.

funny. blacks and mexicans smell sweaty to me. whites do not.

its not a terrible smell.
it can be.

but in all honesty yes white people smell funny

maybe this "what do other races smell like" is total bullshit. race is a social construct. genetically all "races" are nearly indistinguishable. hmmmmmm

Nah black people smell fucking horrible.

You ever worked out with blacks? Fuck me its a stench.

im mediterranian (or however it's written) and i once worked out with a white guy that smelled so horrible after cheese that i almost vomitted. cheese never tasted the same afterwards

I'm white and I've noticed blacks are the worst. Indians are kinda bad.

I did group fitness shit for 6 months and it was always the blacks who stank.

this mexican dude at my job smells so bad i want to hand him a stick of deodorant
tried to go on a date with a white guy and ghosted cause he stinks

>oh no I don't understand must type kys

Further proof nogs are a subspecies.

I tell dumbasses to get rekt. I would tell you that too but you have protection from your dub dubs. next time you won't be so lucky.


Like bologna.

Attached: bologna.jpg (175x209, 6K)