Remember that time during the 2016 primaries when Trump boycotted one of the debates and did a televised fundraiser for...

Remember that time during the 2016 primaries when Trump boycotted one of the debates and did a televised fundraiser for veterans? And it was really successful and everyone was really proud?

Well that was a lie. Trump's presidential campaign ran that event, and the campaign took and used the money raised. They didn't give it to veterans causes.

And I know that most of you are so deep in the cult of personality at this point that nothing can change your minds about your support of him. But I just don't buy the act that you guys aren't aware of it. I really think you're lying every single moment that you defend him as a person.

You know he lies constantly. That he's a real piece of shit who fucked over contractors his contractors. He's absolutely reviled in New York, his home city. You must know that he stopped being able to get loans in the west so he started going international for money (that's where the accusations of money laundering come from. A possibility but afaik there's no proof. )

He fucking literally stole from veterans to further his own political ambitions.

Like he's a real piece of human filth. The absolute most contemptible walking diaper barge.

So like, do you ever have moments of clarity where you really question whether your devotion to the cause is a good idea? Because I get that you're pretty convinced Trump is acting for your best interests in some way, and even if I think that's dumb I'll accept it. But doesn't your recognition of just what a piece of shit he is make you want to find another way?

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ok boomer

ok boomer

Boomers are for trump, dumb ass.

ok boomer

Trump's a narcissistic proto-fascist conman with Sun Downer's Dementia and daughter-lust beholden to adversarial foreign interests.

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Boomers trying to insult a non boomer by using the non boomer quip KEK nice try or should I say OK BOOMER

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Yeahh...Elon was all time..!

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just saying “ok boomer” doesn’t win an argument or make you any less of a faggot

niggers tongue my anus

I dont remember and do not care


This is the current GOP stance on crime and corruption

tfw it all makes sense

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Still better than Hillary Clinton, and it looks like he's going to be better than the parade of clowns the Dems are putting forward this time.

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honestly OP, about 1/3 of human beings are dumb gullible animals waiting to be led around by whoever puffs up their ego and makes them feel like they're pulling one over on anyone smarter or different than them. The last few years have just kind of brought it out in the open in a particularly surreal, carnivalesque kind of way.

I don't think these people have "moments of clarity" because it's a purely reactionary thing for them. They don't give a fuck about facts, logical consistency, or most of the values and ideals that used to be touted as common American cultural things. At best they have a pretty incoherent ideology drummed into them about muh immigrants and muh traditionalism and will blindly follow anyone paying lip service to that, at worst they don't even have that and literally just support Trump because he makes people who aren't like them angry.

If their pols manage to dismantle democracy as they are trying to do, they will take everyone down with them, and laugh about owning the libs while they end up in corporate slave state shackles, same as everyone else.

How can we impeach the SOB if we can't even keep an accurate accounting of all his crimes?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

and he was just ordered to pay $2,000,000 in restitution. Obama had paid record setting fines for misuse of campaign funds. it's not a big deal. keep digging and you'll likely find many presidents have done this. it isn't taking food or services away from anybody; it's viewed almost as about as significant as getting a parking ticket, really.

but if your Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to grab this as a "got 'em!" moment, well congrats, you "Got 'EM"!

but in the grand scheme of things, it don't mean jack shit.

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