Hey Sup Forumsros , old fag here, its propably last place i should ask, but is it safe to put cocaine under foreskin???

Hey Sup Forumsros , old fag here, its propably last place i should ask, but is it safe to put cocaine under foreskin???

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people do it all the time

posting ex gf nudes and waiting for answer...

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The danger with coke is leaving it on mucous membranes. How you get Artie Lange nose. One should always snort some water so it doesn't just sit there long past getting you high to eat through your cartilage.
Just don't get it in your urethra & you're fine.

>The danger with coke is leaving it on mucous membranes. How you get Artie Lange nose. One should always snort some water so it doesn't just sit there long past getting you high to eat through your cartilage.
>Just don't get it in your urethra & you're fine.
OK! thx Bro! if i die i die, another photo of her, just for U

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Shouldn't die unless you've a weak heart or just do way too much. I would not advise fucking her with coke in your foreskin however, the vagina's interior is nothing but mucous membranes.

No, you have to insert it in the tip of the penis.

no worries, its ex, thats why im posting, hehe... how much i should put?

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I've never done this so I'd say no more than a line's worth, however much that'd be for you usually.
But honestly you might be wasting it, I don't know that you can absorb it through your skin like it's LSD.

i done shit load of coke , thats why im looking a better way to take it, try LSD too, but it was more spiritual trip

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It gets snorted because mucous membranes absorb it. But if you stick it in your urethra, some could get shoved way up in your dick & never come out. Don't want your cock or potentially bladder /balls rotting.

Make sure it is decent quality coke

if it isn't your putting all kinds of shitty chemicals on your dick

I used to sell it YEARS ago & have had a lot of wild parties, but I never went any more experimental than snowcaps.

Why would you want to do that? I snort it right off my wife's asshole, so I'm assuming putting it on your dick would be fine.

shit Sup Forumsros, U really change, Ur nice now - but thats ok, i will just keep sniffing this shit, will leave my dick for now!
and then i read this... fk it! im doing it!

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if you are doing it so your partner gets a cocaine rush when you fuck her its a good idea, ive had a couple of women lose their minds when i did that to them, but unfortunately it didnt do too much for me. If you actually wanna get high probably not the best.

>U really change, Ur nice now
That's just me being a faggot & in a good mood.
I'm far more aligned with you faggots than I could ever be with any other group of people.

well ok, keep telling me Ur opinions boys!

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this faggot is not an oldfag
he's just an old fag

do it

>snort some water
Bad idea tbqh, the water (if not clean) might contain negleria fowleri, which basically rekts your brain.

just because U want to suck my coke dick that dont make me fag Bro

I shove meth shards up my pee hole and I've put mda up my pee hole.

The meth shards you put meth in pee hole then put water on your finger and let the shard liquidfy and it makes your dick insta hard and you might even cum

i just wanna get more hyper and stop thinking to much

The only way to stop being hyper is to snort a 60 bag in 2 sniffs relax then watch porn ded srs

i got only 1g left, any one want so see some more photos before i go? just request some and maybe i have it

cock in ass?

best one i got, sorry Bros! and thank U all!

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