When did men stop being men?

When did men stop being men?

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Communism seeping into schools and Soy

What does it mean to "be a man" anyways?

I blame Carl Rogers and Mr. Rogers.

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1960's when those pansies started wearing flowers and beads, and started protesting wars, and men could fuck men legally.

that's when everything went to shit.

oh and Maslow too


joing the military, going to war, getting out and working hard and creating wealth for your republican christian wife and kids.

Late 1970s when we stopped getting into real wars and feminism was gaining ground, could call it late 1950s when the civil rights movements expanded though

Good question. Not OP, but I kinda feel like I'll never be the man my old man is, or sure as hell not like my grandad was. Don't know why, but just seems like those are shoes i'll never be able to fill. Is that "manliness" tho? I dont know. Feel like we whine more for less if anything.
>mid 20s dude

Listen, stop responding to yourself and bumping your own thread. It's pathetic. You'll never be a 'real' man that way. Go to the gym and get a life.

In that case, 1967.

when they started making threads on /b

Are you not aware of the unique IP counting feature?

Yeah, I'm supposing you're right.

Yes, you are op. Troll harder. Saged.

>12 / 1 / 10 / 1
Being this new

Does replying to your own thread come with the Sup Forums gold pass?

Actually, no. You can still only bump your own threads every 15 minutes or so, which is too slow for Sup Forums, even now that it's slowed way down.

German/Italian here, it's not the Jews. You can go to Israel and see the men in the IDF who will fuck you up.

It's technology that made us what we are. We're lazy. We want everything delivered to us instantly. We expect things to be good all the time. We have no major enemy so it's niggers, or Jews, or Muslims, or us whiteys.

We don't have to struggle much for anything anymore and so just like your "use it or lose it" brain, and just like your atrophied muscles after months or more sans a regular training regimen, you're bound to turn into the squishy, soft, weak, feeble things this society has bred.

Half of public schooling should now consist of physical training, martial arts, gymnastics, and meditation. That would push things in the right direction.

German/Italian here, it's not the Jews. You can go to Israel and see the men in the IDF who will fuck you up.

It's technology that made us what we are. We're lazy. We want everything delivered to us instantly. We expect things to be good all the time. We have no major enemy so it's niggers, or Jews, or Muslims, or us whiteys.

We don't have to struggle much for anything anymore and so just like your "use it or lose it" brain, and just like your atrophied muscles after months or more sans a regular training regimen, you're bound to turn into the squishy, soft, weak, feeble things this society has bred.

Half of public schooling should now consist of physical training, martial arts, gymnastics, and meditation. That would push things in the right direction.

Facepalm and saged.

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I'm not the OP, I came in hoping for a discussion (sometimes you'll get that here, I like to fish, and I can wait awhile, it's therapeutic in a way), so if you disagree, and it's ABSOLUTELY the kikes, then explain to me why?

Why are the kikes the enemy?

most non-zoomers never quit being men, the media is just waging war on their generation and trying to convince them there is no male/female divide. they're all too brainwashed already to realize it and they now think that it's manly to cry at girl movies and shit.

He's a prime example of edgy teen looking up Sup Forums lingo without understanding it and trying really hard.

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Never. You retards are just to gay to do any “man” stuff, and see where the “real” men are.

So what are man stuff to do for example?


"Women's Lib" was a big thing in the 70s, along with "Black Power" and gays.

this faggot thinks he can break you with Socratic dialogue. he's either early 20s or younger, or below average intelligence. sage and move on.

Kill a man, love a woman, invent a machine, make a fortune.

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This is probably the best explanation.

There are so many of us who grew up with the Internet in our formative years that we forget newer generations are infesting our places of discussion with their niggerspeak.

>Getting shot at so rich people can get richer.
>Working hard to make wealth for others rather educating yourself on accumulating personal wealth.

Enjoy being used for the rest of your life, wannabe boomer.

To start, I’m in the Marines, which keeps both my mind and body fit and lean.

I never forget because of retards like you doing it wrong like a mad cunt all day and night.

Alright. Op, here. I give up. This is a trap/twink thread now.

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Nice try, recruiting officer. Don't make me come over there and shit tiffany cufflinks for you.

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Just be independent. You don’t have to be Joe Bigdick, and fight in a world war, or work in a coal mine to be a man.

Hey, we have the best uniforms.

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Not being a pussy, bitch, faggot, weakling or dumbass.

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who are all those milkmen?

>or dumbass.
whelp that covers everyone lol. nice dubs


so in other words you think being a man means repressing your feelings and being a dick? you know a tall strong man with a big penis can still be emotionally mature? otherwise they'd just be a strong boy

Up until the 60s it was pretty common for men to have sex with men. Ask old gay guys and they would explain that back then straight men were constantly having sex with gays, you weren't considered gay unless it was your life style or if you took it up the ass or sucked dick. Then gays became part of the main stream conversation and men needed to distance themselves from them to avoid being seen as gay. Then they distanced themselves from each other to avoid the accusation. Then they over indulged in dating. Now men spend as much time as they can with women, and avoiding men so they don't get accused of being gay.

Add in single moms and here we are.

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Real men make real money.
I make six figures as an engineer, so I'm a real man. I can provide for a family.
Little weak bitches spend their time at the gym and get a shitty job doing construction work or driving a truck.
Those people are my bitches.

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its not hard to do this stuff

I don't think our greatest generation bitched like we do. They were happy to even have a job and did their part.

Feelings don't get you anywhere. Moving forward does.

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>I don't think our greatest generation bitched like we do. They were happy to even have a job and did their part.
they're literally the ones who ushered in FDR style new deal liberalism. people back then had a way better understanding that they are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity and be able to work good jobs, not just any job. it's people TODAY who think it's normal that wages are artifically low, hours are artificially long, college and healthcare are artificially expensive, etc. etc.

>Feelings don't get you anywhere. Moving forward does.
this is a vapid statement of feelings

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when you were born OP

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