I have about 0.5 grams of crappy coke I got ripped on that im blowing tonight all alone with some beer and my cat

I have about 0.5 grams of crappy coke I got ripped on that im blowing tonight all alone with some beer and my cat
some chat and links would be nice
pic sadly unrelated

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go to an after hours club n get pussy

i work at 8am and the clubs i only find fun with a buddy
my original plan was to see my friend tonight, fill her up and fuck her silly but she works late and is in early tomorrow too

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What's up user?

I'm chilling on my couch with my cat watching some YouTube. Drinking some seltzers (Natty™ to be exact) GF and I are in a bit of a rough patch ATM plus I've got a ham club meeting to go to in the AM so I'm staying home tonight. Long week at work, glad it's the weekend.

whats up is i wish i had a friend over or was out and didnt work in the morning but i enjoy my nights alone with user.
i too am with my cat, she just calmed down after i got home from work. she was in a playful mood so i tired her out and now were relaxing with a molson and the jazz radio station on.
ham club like a radio?

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bump bump

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Coke is 20 minute shit-tier, try LSD

>ham club like a radio
Yup, like ham radio. I'm at a weird point in my life as a millennial where I'm getting into boomer shit like amateur radio and hoarding guns and ammunition. It's a fun hobby, cheap to get into, and being in the club forces me to go socialize with a bunch of literal bonafide boomers who are tickled to death to have some youngblood in the group. I don't talk much on the radio, mostly listen to the old men shoot the shit about what their wife made for dinner and their doctor visits.

Sounds like you're feeling a little down. Sorry to hear that user. I'd come hang out with you, but chances are we don't live near each other and I'm too drunk to drive either way.

Working in the morning sucks ass. When is your weekend? Got any plans?

Cats are wonderful beasts. Tell me about yours! Mine is mostly concerned with getting fed and going outside/inside/outside/inside etc. But he's currently hanging out with me on the couch, curled up in a donut. They're so cute when they curl up like that.

What kinda jazz are you listening to? I wanted to get into jazz but it takes more effort than I wanted to put into it. But I always liked Thelonious Monk, and sometimes NPR will put on some absolute bangers, but it's real hit or miss for me honestly.

Are you high?

cokes the party drug, the thing is more a tool than a drug and i firmly believe that most people enjoy it more for what happens when its around than the high. but when youre alone with an okay amout you can blow it all or cook some and feel bretty gud
LSD is the drug drug and the times ive taken it its been a hell of an experiance, not a friday night thing for me i guess

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Can't do drugs user, gotta piss in a cup at work semi-regularly. Could probably get away with it, but it's not worth the risk honestly.

Booze tho! That shit is always on the menu.

i too like that boomer shit. i go out and camp and shoot and fish. its great i see why everyone has done it forever. Id like to get into radio because im always listening to mine. ive always been into them.
im not so much down as i am frustrated, but even that doesnt make sense.
i prefer morning shifts because they seem to go by faster, i have no issue getting up and going because my job is very relaxed and i love my work. im outdoors most of the day or just relaxing inbetween taking bags of animal feed and soil out to people. my weekend is sunday night and thursday night when everyone i know is working. what do you do to make money?
I absolutely love cats. mines a dwarf and is still the same size as she was at 1 year, shes now 5. shes very needy and loves my company, always in the same room as me blinking and stuff to talk to me.
i always have jazz fm 91 on my radio. its canadian and comes in really clear where i live. its a fantastic station i cannot give it enough praise i recommend that to you. its 91.1 FM and they stream online free
PS NPR is my saturday radio routine at work

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I love camping and fishing! When the weather is nice I'm out all the time. Fishing is like my life, but it kinda sucks when it's 40°F, rainy, and dark when I get off work.

I'm a jet engine mechanic. I work for a small company that you've probably never heard of unless you work in a niche portion of the industry. What do you do? It sounds agricultural(ish)? Working with your hands is honest work, satisfying, and authentic. When I was in school I worked at Lowe's loading bags of mulch and garden soil into people's cars (appliances and lumber too, really anything heavy and bulky) It was a great job, although it was hot and heavy, paid better than the cashier. Definitely had to earn the paycheck, lol but I miss it.

I'll have to try to find that station, hopefully they've got an online stream.

Are you from the US or Canadia?

Bro I'm having a party while my wife and kid are sleeping.. its been years and a friend gave me a g... I cant stop tugging my skin flute.. shits fucked up dude.

>but it kinda sucks when it's 40°F, rainy, and dark when I get off work.
i understand this feeling but i love this time of year and have great memories from being cold and dark. its kind of a nostalgia feeling. I havent been out making fires and huts like i used to but once i get my car back ill make going innawoods a regular thing.
The only thing about aircraft i know is what roger wilco means. i have a friend going to college to become a piolt in the midwest. how did you come across your job it sounds professional? and yes agro is what i do and have been doing since i was 18ish. i used to work at a prestigious nursery and greenhouse but now im at a farm supply store/nursery/general store. i plan on going to school again for horticulture and whatnot next year.
its is forsure online that station. tonight is gumbo kitchen which is kinda ethnic but on sunday night my favorite program the big band show is on all night.
Im from the US of Canada haha i live right in the border in the US by niagara falls

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I let my dog lick my cock once because I did too much coke and whiskey. Couldn't make myself hard... I hate me.

it sounds to me like you have some decent snuff mang. i can tell good white when i get super horny and tingly power to you.
this stuff i have is cut hard and nothing like the full rock gs i can find.
im sure youll be back to normal after a nap user happy cooming

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i was drunk and high and asked a corner store woman how much to suck me off behind the store at 4am. she was about 40 and had no intrest whatsoever, also i cant go back there anymore

It's good... my throat hurts though... fucken guy must have cut it with some ignorant shit

have a beer or something that helps my throat.
i dislike the cut that shuts your nose up immediately and causes a sharp pain in the sinus, but that only happens with large lines

That's awesome.. I have done that kind of shit when I have been away on business. Fucked an 18 year old in the ass... she shit all over the bed, and still sucked me off after. I'm 35. Would do it again.

Found the station! Thanks buddy :) Good sounds!

>how did you come across your job
Majored in partying in college and after a few years of fucking off when the scholarships and shit ran out it was time to get real, ended up in an intensive aviation college. Got my shit together, got licensed, got hired before I graduated, and finished up my degree online.

How old are you user? Sounds like you've got a whole lotta life ahead of ya!

Damn son, I am digging this station. Thankyou sir!

Gonna smoke some weed and beat the hell out of my dick to increasingly fucked up porn.

LSD is my party drug on doses that don’t leave me tranquilized. I love dancing and talking on LSD. But it’s a time and place sort of drug.

i made a pact a while ago in jail to never fuck an ass, but damn if i were 35 and thats all an 18yo wanted id just wear a condom ahah
you have that drive i would never be able to enroll to a college and see things like that through. im just gonna take some 50 dollar classes at the community college to gain some repute in the plant world and also learn more of course. my big goal in life is to own a florist greenhouse and grow my own stock. im only 21 so i hope the world is still around and functioning when im there but if shtf i do know how to grow food and so on.
oh yeah ive turned all my friends onto it, goes well with a glass of brandy and a cat
that is my week nights for the most part though i am trying to end the whole fapping thing, that coomer meme is getting to me...

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Just get adderall instead fuckin retard

thats more how i see weed. after i took a couple tabs of cid a few years ago i cant handle drugs like i did in highschool. i become very paranoid and shit gets too real ya know. im digging this stimulant/ booze bender ive been on though

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my one buddy says this is how he feels on adderall but i cant that those while i drink, the effect disappears. i do feel though that in my age group and demographic addy is taking over as the party drug coke was, phent killed coke.

Had a reg solid yay connect then one day we do a fat line to start the night and BAM instant opiate feeling. Honest to god no idea what it was, flushed the sac and dopped the connect. Last time I ever touched powder.

>my big goal in life is to own a florist greenhouse and grow my own stock

You can do it user. You'll be forging your own path, but it sounds like you've got the drive to go a lot further than somebody aimlessly going thru the motions in college.

An education is important, but a degree is just a piece of overpriced paper hanging on the wall. I'd encourage you to learn as much as you can from every source, and absolutely to take any class that interests you! But don't feel you have to hang a piece of paper on the wall before you can make something of yourself. Biggest lie ever told was convincing millions of young men and women they wouldn't amount to anything without a college degree.

who else /drugs/ alone? munching down 4 grams of dried shrooms alone with my dog, gonna go walk innawoods later.

>instant opiate feeling
describe pl0x. im like wired but feeling just anxious. its good with a beer.
sounds like a good way to take shrooms. my cat trips me out when i take them so i stopped until beter times.
>An education is important, but a degree is just a piece of overpriced paper hanging on the wall. I'd encourage you to learn as much as you can from every source, and absolutely to take any class that interests you! But don't feel you have to hang a piece of paper on the wall before you can make something of yourself. Biggest lie ever told was convincing millions of young men and women they wouldn't amount to anything without a college degree.
i have to quote for importance. i never went for the full ride after highschool because i knew id just be working with my hands. my goal in school will be to learn all i can, get that paper slip to show employers and maybe meet some job connections. also to find those qt3.14s

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>meet some job connections. also to find those qt3.14s

You'll do just fine. You'll go far. It won't be easy, it'll be a hell of a ride, but you'll do just fine.

Do me and every other old-user a favor and soak up every ounce of that shit. Fuck EVERY piece of ass you can get. Don't waste any of it. Even if you'll regret it in the morning, wear a rubber, and bury your dick deep. You'll make mistakes. Fuck it. Live life to the fullest and savor every fucking second of that shit. Because one day you'll wake up and realize that train has left the station, so make hay while the sun shines.

God's speed young man. You'll do just fine.

Goodnight user, it's my bedtime. I'll see you around.

that spiel about soaking it all in sounds like my dad rest his soul he always said his biggest mistakes were while in college.
ill be up but thank you for the chat aero-user goodnight from my cat and me

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