Hey doctors of Sup Forums

Hey doctors of Sup Forums

I accidentally took 2 vicodin. I'm taking them for a broken a bone. 325 mg pills of hydrocodone acetamin (aka vicodin). I accidentally took 2 instead of 1. Should I be concerned?

pic... kinda related

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nah but seriously, realistically what's the overdose threshold ?

ur dead sry

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That's not enough to hurt you. Honestly the acetaminophen is more dangerous to your long-term health than that dosage of hydrocodone

Don't go taking a third one but you're totally safe no worries

LD50 (the dose to kill half of the test population) of hydrocodone in rats is 150 injected or 375 oral of mg/kg body weight

Which means essentially if you weigh about 84kg (182 lb), you would be very worried if you took 8400 mg of hydrocodone. I don't know what the interaction effect of the acetaminophen is but that's a shit ton of hydrocodone, much more than you took

Even so, I wouldn't go testing to see if 8399mg is enough to kill you (it very very likely is, especially with drug interaction)

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>will 2 pills make me overdose?!?!?
Jesus christ youre a faggot. The party just started pug a fuckin pint and put on a movie

Greg always took 4. You'll be fine. How's the high, btw?

Percocet is better

I took 7 percs one time and its just made me itchy and tired. Meth is better

this in late... the high is nice. dont know shit about this stuff

different user here, what's the potential risk of too much acetamin?

acetaminophen, aka tylenol, is a terrible terrible drug
Besides acute overdose which is of course fatal, taking it chronically can damage your liver beyond repair even in normal doses

2600 people every year in America are hospitalized for liver failure from acetaminophen, usually just from normal daily use, and 458 people die from it every year

Emts laugh at u mfs who accidentally take too much tylenol on accident. Imagine what everyone would be saying if u did take too much. "What a stupid fucking idiot."

well I should be fine with what I took, right? I honestly never take tylenol, but the stuff I'm taking is for my injury.

yeah you're fine I'm just on the war path to denounce how bad acetaminophen is because people don't know

You should be fine mate
just take the rest of what your Dr gave you as instructed and then fuck off of tylenol for a while

Attached: acetaminophen.jpg (1126x577, 84K)

No, you are fine. Are they Norco 5's? (hydrocodone-acetaminophen 5-325)

It's not a big deal. We give norcos with the equivalent of 10mg's of hydrocodone routinely in the hospital for severe pain. Just don't take any more for at least 6 hours or so.

The 325mg portion of that pill stands for 325 mg of tylenol. People will fuck their liver because they will take tylenol on top of norco, not knowing there is already tylenol in norco. Make sure you don't take more than 4000mg of tylenol in a 24 hour period, overall.

You should be fine, OP.

Source: docfag

It's gonna be 8 hours from now very very soon, but unless you do that as a habit or take it with alcohol or have severely impaired liver function, you'll be fine.

To clarify, norco = vicodin. Both are pills that are combo pills with acetaminophen and hydrocodone in them, combined. Usually the pills come as 5-325 and 10-325 (you can also get 5-650 and 10-650, if I am not mistaken).

Small number corresponds to the dose of hydrocodone. Big number corresponds to the dose of acetaminophen aka tylenol aka paracetamol

cheers thanks. i never take tylenol for shit anyway, so I wouldn't take it on top. Plus I'm aware that tylenol is actaminophen.
thx docfag

Yeah I know about too much tylenol being bad for your liver. spread the word bro lol. thx for help

You're about to find out why pills like percocet are so addictive my dude. It's a good thing vicodin isn't so bad...enjoy your self, and relax. You'll be feeling pretty damn good once they kick in. But your tolerance level will build fast. By the end of the script it wont be as good of a feeling...and you might even be a bit moody once you stop taking them all together...best of luck to you though OP. Wish you a speedy recovery.

Congrats you're gping to kys user

> 325 mg pills of hydrocodone acetamin
>took 2

Fuck off. That’s barely enough to get high. You’ll be fine. Watch TV and have the best sleep you’ve had in a while.

Not really