What drugs have you taken before ? How they make you feel ?

what drugs have you taken before ? How they make you feel ?

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is it possible to try cocaine once and not become a junkie ?

I mean I try Cocaine 4 or 5 times a day and I haven't become a junkie yet.

Took HFCS once. Felt Brimley the rest of the night.

cocaine is the best drug I've taken. It's amazing

Weed - OK
LSD - Awesome
Shrooms - Horrible
Benzos - Good
Steroids - Incredible
Alcohol - All of the above

weed - fine
shrooms - reality bending
acid - unstoppable
molly - pure bliss

>what drugs have you taken before ?
most of them
>How they make you feel ?

next question from the peanut gallery

> what drugs have you taken before
>caffeine daily
>nicotine daily
>weed daily medicine
>cocaine if you like talking nonsense with stupid people
>opiates pills only meh and you can’t cum or shit
>DPH whhhhhhy? Shadow people nightmare world
>DXM excellent like grainy ketamine
>lsd fun and if you DPH no bad trips relatively speaking
>mushrooms start here
>PCP Do Not!
>ketamine a panacea to cure the world

>San uhhhhh Peru shaman tea

Oh yeah and
>benzos amazing poison
>antidepressants not worth it

In my experienced opinion. Coke is vastly over-rated do speed insteed if you really want uppers , psychs are very low danger, high rewards in term of fun versus addiction and side effects. Weed is always recomended. Benzos are better kept to relax and nothing else. Dont drink too much because its a shit tier drug.

ive only done kratom and alcohol and caffeine. i drank way too much alcohol the first time and got really sick and dont really feel the desire to do any more. kratom for some reason took a shit ton for me to feel anything but when i did the effects were just OK. it made me feel extremely relaxed but also a bit nauseous. i also started "nodding" but to me it wasnt really pleasurable and i just felt like i was really tired and went to bed. caffeine doesnt really have any effects on me but i like the taste of energy drinks and black coffee

i also did 2 hits of weed off my sisters thc vape once but i dont think i did enough or inhaled it correctly since i felt nothing. i will be trying weed properly with my friend soon and also probably LSD though.
dont. from what ive read it basically instantly puts you into a terror trip

> >>Datura?
> dont. from what ive read it basically instantly puts you into a terror trip
Yeah. I know, but DPH is a hell of a deliriant, too. It’s also the source of more powerful hallucinations than anything I’ve ever taken except ketamine and that doesn’t feel so much like a hallucination as it does a trip to the center of the universe.

Anyway DPH things
>snakes on the counter
>spiders everywhere obv
>the toilet is a mouth
>shadow people
>shadow people walking around my apartment whispering terrible truths about me
>commando crawling back and forth through my apartment convinced alternately I had killed my cat (check on him) then my gf (check on her) for fucking hours
>conversations with blankets
>the couch is made of crystals
>a rabbit in a suit is here
>50 people in my apartment who evaporate when my incredibly tolerant roommate informs me that the people I’m so desperate to get out don’t exist


i smoked some weed, ya see
mmyeah mmyeah
it got me high, ya see
mmyeah mmyeah

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Oh yeah. I also formatted my fucking HDD on a computer full of stolen nudes on DPH. Fucking Christ why am I still doing this shit at my age lol

I split a bag with my gf a few months ago for the first time. It was fun and I can see how an addictive personality would have a problem with it. I haven't asked for a reup tho.

why the fuck would you willingly do that?

this shit is way too broad of a topic
you really can't put into words how any drug makes you feel. they're all different and the only way to know is to try them

weed: very good and bubbly
cocaine: suuper good but very short, great to use sparingly
lsd: the best. love it, learned a lot, feel good for a long time after
shrooms: veeery dependent on setting, not a big fan
molly: feels very very very good but afterwards you feel like you've been acting like an idiot for hours

I did it once when I was grounded as a teenager and couldn't smoke weed and honestly it's not as bad as people say. I enjoyed what I actually remembered

from what im reading on the psychonaut wiki it just sounds horrible. like basically only bad things. every description is spiders everywhere

> why the fuck would you willingly do that?
Honestly? I was in a shitty relationship with a controlling lunatic and getting actual drugs was out of the question for a while. I started fucking with DXM and it’s fucking amazing. Riding the plateaus is pretty informative about all this stuff and you start to get an interest in consciousness.

I did not realize at the time that the dissociative properties of DXM were enabling a healing state. I would eventually cure for 40 years of depression with ketamine, the same sort of dissociative hallucinogen. DXM is grainy and gritty and buzzing whereas K is a HD signal delivered in stunning clarity.

But I read about DPH and the quest for Elaril, city of the shadow people and I decided to take a look. Quite a look, in fact. I needed hernia surgery to repair the fucking damage (look up anticholinergic.) BUT DPH will teach you a lot about fear and what you specifically fear if you’re willing to look. Plus it’s like $5 for enough to wreck your shit several times over AND they sell it at CVS.

The best description I’ve read is “It’s like being inside a horror movie you can’t turn off.”

So probably definitely DO NOT, but maybe...

I had a good experience that seems out of the norm
I saw butterflies and other beautiful bugs rather than spiders and basically felt like I was in a dream
of course it affects everyone differently but I enjoyed my experience

> I had a good experience that seems out of the norm
To be fair on my first DPH trip after many years I took 1000mg @170lbs and the couch turned into a rich obsidian traced with crystal roses in intricate patterns, then a bunny rabbit wearing a suit hopped onto the couch danced and departed, then I had an enchanting conversation for hours with the girl I live with and it’s my understanding that she was even there for 5 minutes of it.

A few days later it was clear I couldn’t leave well enough alone and I’d been keeping track of my prostate so I took 1500mg and it was a fucking horrorshow.

Smoked pot in a country where it was legal. Felt like time kept slipping a second at a time away from me, and communication seemed like I was a god damned stroke victim. Would not recommend.

Someone slipped me mdma in a drink at a party once. Colors were more vibrant, and I couldnt stop clenching my jaw. Otherwise felt normal. Though the next day I honestly thought I was dying from some sorta lethal hangover.

Morphine makes me itch and want to vomit before it makes me feel good. Turns out im opiate resistant though.

Yeah, overrated and kinda annoying

>Did all the drugs
>Still more boring than a clerk on Monday
Go take some more

> Yeah, overrated and kinda annoying
This is very true about coke. It’s annoying (try getting “just one gram”) it attracts annoying people and it makes you annoying.

That said, it can get you laid easier than anything other than MDMA and related.

> Turns out im opiate resistant though.
Blessing in disguise. Opiates, Benzos, and Alcohol are all too common poisons.

>Blessing in disguise.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Especially with a chronic pain condition and occasional injury, would be nice to have effective pain relief sometimes.
On the plus side, I've developed a pretty high pain tolerance. On the minus, sometimes I'm in so much pain I can't eat for days.

LSD - GOOD. Bad at burning man.
2CB - MEH.


Goddamnit. How’d you get it?

you were able to take meth and have the willpower to not do it again? i kinda wanna experience it once but i know it will completely fuck my life is up. ill probably try it when im like 80 and about to die just to try it

you can extract it yourself. it occurs naturally in a bunch of plants and the extraction method is supposed to be really simple and the ingredients are piss easy to get and legal (including the actual plants)

> meth
Avoid meth and its relatives including adderall. But you can certainly try it or heroin once just make sure to do enough that you get the desire out of your system.

my point is that im gonna try it at the end of my life so there isnt much left to fuck up since i know it probably will.

I definitely cannot relate with the specific details but I'm glad I tried it
I think you fucked up doing it again lol, for sure something I'm glad I tried but will not try again
nice list. close to my personal experience. I had a gram of dmt and never broke through but helped others get there. I've had some wild experiences using it otherwise but I really do not trust it
care to share why you hesitate to go all the way?

> you can extract it yourself.
I guarantee that if I can’t be assed to do a DXM polystirex extraction I’m not gonna do some DIY ayahuasca.

Plus once you get your hands on really clean stuff made in a real lab or actual medical you lose your taste for home brew stuff pressed by goons in the basement.

> my point is that im gonna try it at the end of my life so there isnt much left to fuck up since i know it probably will.
That’s fair for meth. I’d advise you to not wait to try psychedelics if you haven’t already started on that.

if your looking for pre made stuff you can get pretty much any drug off the deepweb

i dont plan on waiting for psycodelics. im gonna try lsd in a week with my friend for the first time. i would have tried sooner but i dont really have any days off and i know that it basically takes up an entire day (except for dmt but i dont wanna try that until i have experience). plus i live with my parents still

> if your looking for pre made stuff you can get pretty much any drug off the deepweb
Haven’t been since what was it agora replaced Silk Road. Is there still a hidden wiki I can find? Is bitcoin still safe?

>im gonna try lsd in a week with my friend
Awesome. If you like it prioritize ketamine.

I tried weed in a legal state once. I was expecting it to be similar to alcohol but it wasn't at all. I remember feeling very calm and relaxed and talked a lot to my GF but I don't remember what it was about.
Since then I haven't been interested in trying it more but my GF fell in love with it and uses it once or twice a week now.

ive not used it personally but there are new markets empire is the big one that i know of. vendors accept bitcoin but monero is much safer since its untraceable

Oh yeah. The last time I took fucking ambien I should know better but I drank a six pack and woke up in bed with my goddamn mother (why can’t I enjoy Christmas without drugs lol) she said I came downstairs “like I did when I was little, said I had a nightmare, and got in bed” I was like 36. Fucking hippie families.

Taken everything except mescaline peyote or ketamine. do you have any questions? Or you want a ddescriptive list of effects/ side effects ect?

I'm on amphetamines lorazepam and suboxone atm

Weed makes you feel a foggy, your eyes kinda feel like there's a pressure inside them and your thoughts race and become very loud in your head, eventually as you build up a tolerance this calms down and becomes a more heightened perception state with a lot more creativity, or a more euphoric and tired feeling depending on the weed.
Acid or LSD feels a little different every time you do it, but it usually feels very good. It can make you very energetic and makes you see things differently, almost like you're seeing it for the first time in your life. In higher doses you start to see patterns in places where there are none and things start moving and shifting in ways that almost look like optical illusions, faces also look really strange, all off the small movements seem pronounced and skin almost looks stretched in most cases. At much higher doses you will see strange shapes that have infinite detail when you close your eyes and will see or hear things differently than they are. When you are not having a good time you can become paranoid and a bit delusional, often with accompanying visuals, but once you get back into a good mindset it feels good again.
Cocaine feels like you had three strong espresso's for 5 minutes with an accompanying feeling of "I'm the shit", though that's probably only because you just spent 100 dollars on something weaker than caffeine. If you do a lot you can feel light headed and euphoric, which then quickly fades into feeling shitty.

MDMA feels weird on the comeup, which will take varying amounts of time depending on how you do it, then you will feel very good for a few hours, everything that feels good will feel better and you will feel warm because it also increases your body temperature. Make sure to drink Gatorade. Also you will be depressed for a week after you do it.
Mushrooms feel similar to LSD but different in ways that vary from person to person, the visuals aren't as active and are generally just from an overall heightened perception. (any time I take over a gram of mushrooms I notice no difference in visual fidelity with or without glasses)
DMT feels very different every time you do it, but gives an extremely powerful trip that can change your views on life. A lot of people speak to strange entities while on DMT who tell them strange things. It would take far too long to go into detail.
Salvia feels like a lot of LSD but much scarier. Things will morph into terrifying monsters and you will feel very helpless, in my limited experience.
Bath salts felt weird, there was a very lightheaded feeling and I was sweating very hard, I could feel my heart palpitating and was overall not feeling very lucid for a while after.
Meth has a very intense euphoric feeling similar to when you do a lot of cocaine only it lasts a lot longer, then you feel very productive and a bit jittery for about half a day to a day, then you have trouble sleeping for about 4 days.
Alcohol makes you lose your sense of reality and makes you unable to distinguish each moment from the next, you only carry the emotion from the last moment with you, which can lead to intensely overreacting to literally nothing. You also lose control of your body and speech.
Adderall felt like meth but without the euphoria and for less time.
Concerta felt like adderall but with added heart racing and shaking.

Vyvanse makes you better at everything, in my experience. You speak pretty quickly but generally think a lot faster and do everything very intensely. Only downsides are very cold hands, feet and a shrunken dick.
Opiotes and opioids all generally make you feel shitty and amazing at the same time. I haven't had much experience because fuck that shit.
Xanax makes your head hurt, makes you feel a bit drunk with added forgetfulness.
Kratom feels euphoric in the same way as an opiate with an added feeling of clearheadedness and ability to think with ease.
Nicotine makes you feel euphoric and light headed but that quickly dissipates with continued use. After a while nicotine makes you feel clear and calm but only in contrast to how foggy and irritable you are without it.

none of it is made in a lab I assure you friend
test your lsd. please. so much fake shit going around

depends on the person, did coke once and right after seriously contemplated selling my assets to buy more

> monero
New crypto for this oldfag. I’m gonna bug this rich kid of instagram I know about it before I go through the hassle but thanks for the info, user. Have some teenage tits I used to enjoy.

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>mescaline peyote or ketamine.
Those are probably all in the top 5 drugs to do tho

my friend already tried a tab and said it was good. im only gonna do one anyway

i'm posting in order i've tried them, but all of them basically compared to weed since it was my first.
weed: the best of the best, balanced high and not addictive.
benadryl: at high doses, this gets you unimaginably high, your thoughts become mechanical.
shrooms: gave me a severe urge to jack off
benzos (xanax): when you have actual anxiety like i did, this takes you way beyond relief, euphoric experience. didn't get addicted; only had a 90 day supply.
heroin: my buddy at work gave me a hit from his pipe, there was a black blob on it, he said it was "wax", i thought he meant THC dab wax, but it was heroin. shit had be beyond chill.
meth: i actually bought weed from a shady dealer one time, and it was laced with meth. how could i tell? it had way more "crystals" than other weed i've seen, that shit kept me up for 48 hours, and when i went to reup, she straight up told me it had meth in it. never did it again. fuck that shit.
crack: went to a "friend's" house, he handed me a joint that was rolled out of my sight, i always watch whose rolling now. he confessed they sprinkled crack in the joint after i took a few hits. I COULD SEE EVERYTHING.
datura: my eyes would be wide open, but i can see the dreams inside my head. i completely lose decision-making skills, and it gave me erectile dysfunction.

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> none of it is made in a lab I assure you friend
I assure you that the IV ketamine I pay an anesthesiologist to administer is made in a lab. Not to mention even street K Is usually veterinary from South America or India (definitely had cut, but the stuff lately has been fucking choice and it better be at $120/g)

Plus I still want to believe that LSD is made in a lab.

I know man. Hard to find here. Too much of a pussy to order online

man your descriptions brought me back to the first times taking all these drugs, good fucking times, now I only worry about going full psychotic episode lol

> Hard to find here.
Whereabouts? I’m in NYC and I literally can’t tell if the pussy or the drugs are better. Maybe come here?

Yeah I was more going for the first time description because that's the only time you're going to want a description, everything becomes different once you become used to the feelings.

who the fuck puts crack in a joint???

obviously the drugs are better
you ain't seen niggas dying over pussy

Oh yeah. If any of you guys are on meds certain ones will fuck your experience up. If you’re on abilify you’re effectively immune to LSD (Considered trying to win a who can drive better on acid contest but I’m too honest) and it’ll also strip all the love out of MDMA so it feels like shitty coke. Do your research and don’t waste your money.

just like everything else in life, it’s all declining

Can confirm the Xanax only I don’t get the headache. Mostly I feel the negatives the next day. Mostly when I do then though it’s been about a month or two and I’ve lost my tolerance so one the first night of my binge I’ll take a whole bar to start off and everything is fine until I try to stand up an hour into it then it all comes full force and you realize what kinda buzz you’re in for. Then major forgetfulness for sure, but when I wake up the next morning I’ve usually overslept by a lot, I have trouble waking up (both physically and mentally) and it takes me a good hour or so before I’m fully functional.

Fucking love those little bastards though, too bad it’s almost impossible to find an actual bar around here, too many fake ones floating around.

the joke

your head


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have fun but be aware plenty of shit will make you trip but most of it is not lsd
I have a sheet of nbome that would make you trip your dick off but it doesnt come close to real lsd. just hoping you stay safe
ok I thought you meant dmt specifically
yeah ket is likely gonna come from a pharma source and lsd for sure comes from a clandestine lab, you can't synthesize that shit at home

I'm all the way in WA state man. We're lacking quality pussy as well

>who can drive better on acid contest
please tell me this wasnt done on public roads

> you ain't seen niggas dying over pussy
This sounds ominous, but I’m in the process of stealing a dude’s gf and everyone’s telling me I’m gonna get murdered, but if I haven’t gotten murdered fucking anonymous projects pussy I sincerely doubt some white dude is gonna be the one.

a crazy mexican who refers to himself as the "sex-god of shrooms" this dude grew 800gs of shrooms in apartment, and ate them all. after his shroom episode, he started shooting meth and heroin. haven't talked to him since i found that out.

> ok I thought you meant dmt specifically
Nah. DMT I just expect to be produced by someone who knows what they’re doing. I wanna see clean white powder or crystals or whatever it is. Definitely not gonna get that with some homebrew vine extract made on the stovetop.

Cocaine - overrated, keep your nose clean. It's not as dangerous as the media says but I promise it's not worth the risk.
Xanax - one my favorites, risky though. High potential for abuse so be careful. Numbs you out physically, mentally, and emotionally. Fucking awesome.
Acid - awesome but it gives me a headache so I avoid it.
Shrooms - amazing. Reality bending. Do not go through life without trying. Impossible to get addicted.
Marijuana - great
Alcohol - good for social settings.
Adderal - my fucking favorite. The physical feeling is comparable to shrooms (in my experience). Some would disagree. I loved the body high for Adderall and it made me feel like I could conquer the world. Like crystal meth but less sketchy. Did homework for 14 hours straight

Best drug I've done is heroin. And that's the shit you shouldn't do.
> best description, feels like a warm blanket is posted over your whole life when really everything is going to shit. But it doesnt matter because you feel so good. .

That shit will take you down fast

> please tell me this wasnt done on public roads
Well it didn’t happen, but if it did I was on the goddamn abilify when I conceived this and could have taken ten hits and driven and/or done my taxes. If you mean the other guy, while I would hardly feel responsible if someone were reckless enough to accept.

ok I got you. same here though I ended up with some super clean DMT since the dude couldnt send mdma and while I enjoyed what I tried I still dont trust it
I smoked it at least 5 times but never had the balls to break through
that shit is no joke though I had some wild shit occur even after one good hit

> I had some wild shit occur even after one good hit
Care to elaborate?

fuck abilitrash, my shrink gave me that shit and i got seizures and tardive dyskinesia.
>supposed to reduce suicidal thoughts
it sucked all the fun out of life, and i felt like a zombie. that shit made me literally just want to die!

MDMA: first time: untouchable, happy like never before, like I discovered what true happiness meant, pleasure radiating through my jaw particularly and rest of body, simple touch is amazing... would do anything to feel that again. Makes music amazing

Heroin: complete lack of any care in the world, tingly all over, a vibrant euphoric feeling at lower doses, a beautiful opiate nod at higher doses where you delve deep into the pleasure and "nod" out into it

Shrooms: mystical sensations, connectedness with the rest of the world, a type of giddy euphoria that will radiate from your stomach into your face... music is good, some visuals at higher doses.

LSD: never liked it, INSANE visuals, overwhelming mental sensations. I remember hearing a crackle and then I was fucking sideways bro

Weed: meh

Coke: meh, need to try some raw

MDMA, heroin and shrooms are obviously my favorites.

I'll do a few more

Ketamine: meh, never liked it. Very inwardly oriented. A sense of empty disconnection from the rest of the world, like something that was there before is not there now, like whatever tethering you to external reality is gone. I never k holed, maybe that's what I need

DMT: tried it, saw the white light, didn't break through, everything in vision was crackling, and sizzling and waving into these undulating textures with the white light approaching more closely and closely but I stopped myself from going into. Wasn't my time

Pregabalin and gabapentin: great, great drug mixed with a few beers. Amazing euphoria, slightly trippy. Don't really have a good spiel for this one. Euphoria tingling down into my fingertips and in chest, a sense of extreme drunkenness

> fuck abilitrash
Yup! Did it make you spend uncontrollably as well? Did you ever have to kick Cymbalta? “Worse than heroin” they’ll say after the fact “Taper down until you’re cracking the capsules and weaning down grains of the shit.”

Was it around this time you realized the doctors had no more idea what they’re doing to our brains than when they performed outpatient lobotomies?

If you struggle with depression, user, I will tell you that tremendous healing can occur in a K-Hole. 65% of people with treatment resistant depression respond after a single IV dose of .5mg/kg. At 1mg/kg you will start to understand...things. Beyond that seems to lay some sort of deep, deep enlightenment but I’m just starting to understand that.

so the first time I did it I intended on breaking through and was on video chat with my best friend who has done it many times
I got scared and everything felt wrong after two hits. so I stopped there. but I was in between worlds, I felt like I broke through the simulation and saw the inner workings of reality. I can go more into detail if youd like but essentially I was in some kind of limbo
second and third times I was drunk as well and had the most intense dreams I've ever had in my life which I can also elaborate on if youd like
i still dont trust it but holy shit a small hit of a bit of dmt sandwiched between weed is so fucking euphoric, there is something to it
I just prefer lsd

> I felt like I broke through the simulation and saw the inner workings of reality.
It would be helpful to me if you could describe what you saw? Is “machine elves” still an appropriate vocabulary? Was there a sound or vibration associated with this? Did you feel a deep understanding of say geometry or language at this time?

It's more easy if you ask which I didn't tried yet. I have a sad background story and was catched in a deep for several years. I tried literally anything what I was able to get. From harmless stuff like LSD and Cocaine to more hard shit like Dragonfly. I am clean since 2017 but still have brain damages.

> It's more easy if you ask which I didn't tried yet. I have a sad background story and was catched in a deep for several years.
>drain bramage

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>spend uncontrollably
yep, i developed a spending addiction from it. when i would my paychecks from work, the money would be gone in less 48 hours of me getting it. i'm a virgin NEET so losing large amounts of cash in a short peroid of time doesn't affect my life much.
but i told my doctor about it, and he said "impossible", i'm like "nigga what the fuck, you put me on this shit, you don't tell me about the devastating side effects, and you're defending a drug that you haven't taken yourself? how can you tell me, a person who has taken the drug for many months what the drug does, when you haven't taken it yourself?"
there are tons of online stories of people developing spending/gambling addictions from abilify, and this faggot has the nerve to tell me, to my face, that those stories are fake?!

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im on mdma right now and it feels fucking miiiint

I didn't see anything that wasnt there, what I saw was an overlay of a pattern akin to what I see on large doses of lsd
an almost diamond pattern of glass-like shapes with a holographic color scheme
I freaked out and immediately let my dog in through my window (I was staying at my moms at the time and would let my dogs out through there)
when he came in I noticed that I and he both acted in a certain way during the process that made me think everyrgjnf we do is programmed. it was something I'd subconsciously done and seen so many times before

imagine taking mdma and browsing Sup Forums

Weed, MDMA, speed, meth, acid, nbome, mephedrone, pcp, ketamine, and LOTS of cocaine.

>yep, i developed a spending addiction from it.

Exactly. They don’t know, user. They’re guessing. And I don’t know about you, but no med ever brought my baseline up more than 12-15% without serious side effects. The best I could hope for was a 5-10% increase with tolerable side effects. It is not fucking worth it.

> I noticed that I and he both acted in a certain way during the process that made me think everyrgjnf we do is programmed.
More about this, please? Did you feel that you were in a play being compelled to play your part, so to speak? Did you feel that words appeared before you? Were you compelled to speak them like a script?

essentially I felt as though we were both programmed. I opened the window to let him in and I had the most intense feeling of deja vu I've ever felt. I'd been there before. I was going through the motions but extremely aware of it. so yeah I'd say your analysis of playing our parts is accurate. I had no words during this experience other than the ones in my head but everything I did before I realized what I was doing felt like a script. very much a Truman show kind of experience

tell me about. we are heading into a period of time where everything is turned on its head.
sanity is insanity and; insanity is sanity
men trying to be women and; women trying to be men
people living in a digital world, instead of the real world
people trying to get fame and fake man-made currency; instead of actual wisdom that will help them live long (back then a man's worth was gauged by his wisdom; now it is gauged by what kind of iPhone you have, and what kind of BMW you drive)
making natural medicine illegal; while making man-made "medicine" the norm
the list goes on

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> so yeah I'd say your analysis of playing our parts is accurate.
I have obviously had something akin to this sense. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to share. There’s a lot to unpack about consciousness and reality here.

> we are heading into a period of time where everything is turned on its head.
> sanity is insanity and; insanity is sanity
> men trying to be women and; women trying to be men
> people living in a digital world, instead of the real world
> people trying to get fame and fake man-made currency; instead of actual wisdom that will help them live long (back then a man's worth was gauged by his wisdom; now it is gauged by what kind of iPhone you have, and what kind of BMW you drive)
See? The thing is that as you travel down this path you will hopefully start to see the commonality of the consciousness when you get past sex and material things. You will start to see the tranny with the Beemer and see something of themselves in you and vise versa. That may just be the shared experience of conscious beings, but it’s a start.

>real world
As fucking if, user. As fucking if. None of those things that you seem to ascribe “real world” qualities to actually exist.

of course man I kinda feel ashamed that I've never broken through but that experience and others have been enough for me. DMT is serious shit
feel free to share if you're so inclined but no worries if not. I really like sharing my experiences if I think they can help others, I've had some wild times on different psychedelics and I've absolutely had to spend months at a time regaining my footing in reality. which I don't think I've fully done yet even years later

Whiskey, weed, nicotine, whippets. The douchiest but my favorite combo ever