I'm a conservative Christian white man from the southeast, and I have to say that women like AOC is my ideal mate...

I'm a conservative Christian white man from the southeast, and I have to say that women like AOC is my ideal mate. I just love Beautiful, compassionate, intelligent brown women that don't take shit off no one.

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you lost me baitmaster.


Of course you do, it’s your evolutionary programming telling you to diversify my nigga. Seriously though it’s hot as all fuck and I get it.

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I want her to diversify my genes

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If you don't think she's hot you're a faggot. She is objectively sexual.

She looks dirty as fuck too, and energetic. I'd ride her until the friction caused hydrogen atoms to fuse on the end of my cock.

Until she talks

I love it

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I like her voice.

Her boyfriend is very lucky, yes. But god help him when she gets angry.

Hers are a mixture of Spanish, Taino, and Nigerian.

that's some yummy ROLCON

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I hate her politically, but yeah i would stick it in her pooper. Multiple times.

Moar AOC pics. Anyone got any shooped nudes? Man I'd love to have a bite of her slice. Can't decide if she'd be hairy or trimmed down there. I reckon she's pure filth so going with trimmed.

Whether or not you like her politics, she knows what she is talking about, and is genuinely is trying to do what she thinks is best. And is gorgeous.

Everyone has a right to have an opinion,
Everyone has a type good on you for knowing your type OP.



intelligent?? shes dumber than a box of fucking rocks


Progressives have very selective compassion.

All the people calling her dumb in here:

She graduated with honors from Boston College with a double major.

She literally has a comet named after her by MIT for a microbiology research project she did in high school.

AOC is smarter and better educated than everyone in this thread. Disagreeing with someone doesn't make them dumb.