Hey does anyone have what it takes to convince me to kill myself?

hey does anyone have what it takes to convince me to kill myself?

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I have a mirror that you can look in, that should do it.....

You should always try to get help, talk to a family member or close friend. But if you’re sure you want to do it, you only have to do it once.

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cowards (yes, i too am a coward)

Whether you choose to do it or not: Stop being a pussy.

You are God but you are insane because you can only talk to yourself. So you created everything by to hide this fact from yourself. Enjoy it.

what is like, the quickest most painless way? ( fuck anyone that thinks im pussy. i want fuckin results here)

Post some screenshots of your female relatives for us to enjoy.

OP just stop being a pussy and get some pussy

gas mask and helium tank

are you retarded as well?

you'd be better off jumping from a high place though because obtaining those things might be too difficult for a person of your lesser intelligence

i have plenty of pussy at my disposal. not the problem. also my female relatives are fuck ugly. heres a pic of a tree for reference for sustenance

Attached: tree.jpg (600x546, 280K)

im afraid of heights so likely wont be on a rooftop anytime soon. i do like the gas mask idea. i have one i converted into a bong/ pipe. i can tape it off to allow 0 airflow maybe

im sure you fucking weiners think im bsing but i am really waiting for the moment i decide to fucking end. obvs i am too fucking pussy to just do it so i need a push. wtf is this board good for except this? do your fucking job. make me want it. jesus (isnt real)

Yo op in order for us to determain whether or not you deserve to die we have to know about you, tell us about by our self

well to start i am an enormous waste of space. havent had a job in 8 months. have been sitting around takin up resources and using people i love to get by. all the while offering absolutely nothjing in return. my whore gf has cheated on me (7ish times?) and i have forgiven and moved on with each one. as we speak she is out doin me wrong and you know what? when she gets im not gonna do a fucking thing about it. i offer nothing to anyone. i contribute nothing. im not even surprised shes fucking around because why wait for a pos like me. i owe my parents thousands of dollars ill never pay back, i have other debt in the thousands. i cant get a job. i only cause problems for those around me. im a prime candidate for a fucking sacrifice but basically outta luck there. i need to be outta here man.

Well op if your existence only brings pain to those around you, in a way wouldn't it be better if you just stopped existing

to be honest the only reason ive not killed myself yet is because my brother is getting out of prison soon and my mom might kill herself which i dont want. how do i get around these obstacles?

Wow op that sounds like it would be a horrible thing to have to deal with. I can't even imagine dealing with that much pain. Maybe it would be best to be the first to go so you didnt have to experience it?

i guess thats true. if i wasnt here wtf do i care about the rest. they dont help me when its all over. if i had a gun of my own id pull that fucking trigger so easily. in a bathtub or something so the cleanup would be easy and simple/


Just doit

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Your doggo or cat will never know why you left and never came back thus projecting them into a life of depression, drugs, and 0 self-worth. Dont be a fucking asshole.


Here is how to live forever:

Don't kill yourself, user. Life sucks but it can also not suck. There is a way out of whatever you're going through.

You'll inevitably die anyway, might as well wait and see what happens.

yeah OP your dog will start doing smack

No matter what you accomplish in life it will eventually be forgotten. Even if you did something that effected the entire world, it will be forgotten over time. Not to mention whether you're alive or dead the world continues to function. And it doesn't matter if you become rich, smart or successful, when you die, you're buried in the same ground as a homeless guy, and at that point you and the homeless guy are no different, nothing you did in life can help you now coz you're dead. So why go through the suffering of life if it all means nothing?

Stfu about your magic man in the sky. We're not caveman anymore, we don't go apeshit when we see fire.