/blacked/ Lolis

/blacked/ Lolis
let's have a seperate thread for this

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These are the people that make up trumps support base, horrid individuals.

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There's nothing better than blacked lolis

Trump was recorded in Epsteins private flight records as having visited his lolita island, this is the man currently president of the supposed greatest country in the world. 2020 cant come sooner.

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You're right, seeing their little white cunnies get impregnated by black cocks, makes me harder than anything else.

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People like to rebute the accusations towards Trump with ''B-but Bill Clinton'' Well guess what, Clinton isnt the current president. If Clinton is guilty, it will come to him eventually. Trump is the primary goal here.

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It's really nearing the end for this guy isnt it? I certainly wont miss him, but the guy he has for a VP is just as bad. We must endure and hold till 2020.

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Nah, lolis love dark meat

The racist ones have to be taught a lesson, till they understand how good it feels. Blacks can just fuck the racism out of them, it won't be hard.

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Reminder Trump boasted about meeting semi naked kids during his howard stern show in 2005, the stuff this guy gets away with.


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And we now have Virtuous Pedos and MAPs. We have bigger problems. "Orange Man Bad" ? How about MAP is Bad. Epstein was so bad that he didn't even kill himself.


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He was flying back on the plane. Not to.
Get fucked shill.

And you will never get him.

Ending only in your fan fiction.

> MAPs
I have no idea what this is, so i cannot comment on it. What I can comment on how stupid his voters are for supporting him even if he goes against their interests.

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It's not rape or pedophile if the men is black

Damn right

Interesting read on how Trumps buddy had a bunch of child models, this shits scary.


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Actually he wasnt recording the island he did ride on the plane however I believe it was twice although bill Clinton was recorded visiting the island multiple times

If you want to make trump look bad dont lie to do it just makes people ignore anyone who comes out with something true so basically you do more to help trump than his own supporters

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based. No point in lying, Trump makes himself look bad on his own.

Simple response.

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next part?

Yea that's not the only thing hes eine hiw voters mostly dont care about that shit either

This is why no one listens to the complaints about trump instead of making valid complaints most people just say dumbshit yo try to make the people they disagree with looks stupid as a result everyone just ignore the complaints against trump because it also ends up being autistic shut like this here's a better meme try a soldier saying thanks to trump he can now carry on a military base if hes licensed to so they can prevent another shooting like fort hood for example (yes before trump it was illegal for soldiers to carry handguns on base)

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Pretty much but people quit caring because of all the lies and misrepresentations of his comments from Rabid retards from the left

Why anyone would want to talk about this kind of stuff on a thread like this, is beyond me.
I wish I could still delete this thread.

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Another simple response would be to point out he always makes nice comments about people when it benefits or may later benefit him look at his recent comments about the president of Mexico or that of China leader but what you pay attention to is his actions like him banning epstien fron all trump properties for sexually harassing (physically) an employee's underaged daughter

As I said before lies and misrepresentation only helps trump because it discredits his opposition and please stop making me defend that mongoloid

You sound like a Trump supporter and defend him like one, do yourself a favour and get off the Trump bandwagon before it's to late for you. Impeachment is nearing ever closer and the whistleblower is going to be the one that blows the cap off it all.

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Scrolled through reading that theres nothing even remotely solid just assumptions accusations the only possible thing being solid there is him not understanding privacy which not everyone is raised in a family like that for instance I'm in switzerland with my gf at her families they sometimes bathe or use the bathroom with the door open if someone's showering the door is often unlocked if someone needs to use the bathroom the do they also don't really knock so dont assume everyones background is the same as your own its really ignorant

Also the one claim against him in the article (only note worthy claim anyway) is also disputed by another contestant of the same year if you want to make trump look bad pick a more concrete story or let him do or himself

Oh and he never boasted about it that's a straight lie as the article says he just said he is allowed backstage while they're changing

What was his connections to Epstein, how did Epstein make an obscene fortune and noone knows how? Trust me, Trump knows exactly how he made his money. Dont play coy.
This changes nothing, his relations with all these unsavory people is already enough.

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Sauce or is this an edit

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No, not an edit.

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Not on any bandwagon I hate both sides of this retardation you're all just a bunch of tribal monkeys flinging metaphorical shit at one another than smiling anytime some gets alittle dirty not understanding you're bathing yourself in your own shit to accomplish what little you do

Right or left you're all an embarrassment to America and we as a species you make the country look like a bunch of autistic children screaming until you get your way making up lies and bullshit just to do it

I've been called a soyboy for disagreeing with the left aswell as a cuck and other insults as for the left is been called a trumpanzee (stupid fucking insult btw) and a nazi aswell as other things for simply disagreeing

Both sides are cancer at this point it's just monkeys throwing shit laughing about how they got someone else meanwhile they're covered head to toe from the outside looking in its cancerous but funny how either side can think its moral or correct

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His relation with Epstein basically ended when he banned him from being on any of trumps properties you retard

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You are the minority, dont think yourself anything special with your pathetic centrist act. Maybe people are acting so erratic is because we have someone like Trump as president? We certainly didnt act like we did before him, it's that simple. Remove Trump and things go back to normal.

Yea tou did the first time I was called a nazi was under Obama thata when politics began escalating as for pretending to be a centrist I never said I was and I'm not if you're so stupid you think hating the attitudes from both sides makes you a centrist get out of political discussions im primarily conservative with some left leaning values i just hate stupidity

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Obama was the epitome of centrist politics, I do not believe he brought about the current climate in the least. It all spawned from Trumps rhetoric towards 2016.

Thanks man

It actually is an edit if you play the game

I wish someone would make a part 2 of this where the whiteboi is jerking off and squirting as thick black cum drips out of their pussies

I wish the blacked edits weren't just shitty photoshop "dye the white man one shade above jet black" jobs

I would torture every single one of you. I would yank out every tooth, rip off every fingernail and break every bone. After that, I’d either flay you or burn you alive. I have been meticulously constructing plans to commit such crimes. Pedophiles are so easy to fool. One minute they think I’m an innocent little girl and the next they are being impaled by a ruthless monster. I thoroughly enjoy fantasising about brutal vigilance, therefore I can’t wait to find out how much more I’ll relish inflicting unbearable pain on maggots.

No, the original game had a black guy in it.
People complained and he changed it in later versions.

Jet black guys look better than mixed african americans, though. The contrast makes it.

If you're white pick one:
>liking blacked lolis
>not being a disgrace to the white race

You fucking coomers got fucking brainwashed. Stop watching this jewish cancer

I'm pretty sure I got brainwashed into liking this, but I don't care anymore. Nothing makes me cum harder.

Dont lie, the anime didnt even have a black guy. The game just lets you change the shader.

Nothing better than seeing them getting creamed by big black cocks

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stuff like that makes me want to post more

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More ir shota please

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