At Walmart and broke but must buy policy wont let me just walk out. What do?

At Walmart and broke but must buy policy wont let me just walk out. What do?

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What must buy policy

By entering the store you automatically agree to buy something

pasta is stale already

buy some a gun and shoot everybody

buy some beyblade

where's the pepsi merchandiser?

Buy a bucket, a bottle of bleach, a bottle of ammonia, and dump them both in the bucket at the register.
High score.
Do not actually do this as it violates US law and I am not trying to catch another fucking bullshit ass month long ban over a fucking joke shitpost.

>By entering the store you automatically agree to buy something

lol. get a load of this fucking guy. ive walked into stores many times and didnt buy anything. because they didnt have what I want or it was cheaper elsewhere. you arent obligated to buy shit when you walk into any business. fuckoff newfag

But must buy policy is different. You are REQUIRED to buy something because its the stores policy and not doing so will have severe consequences for you.

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>must buy policy

No such thing.

No establishment can demand that.

get a load of this troll bait. go back to Sup Forums newfag

rhis is a bait thread obviously. another one of those meme ones like the wendys chef guy or the pepsi guy or the mcdonalds guy. protip: just dont reply to the bait

holy crap just say that you forgot your wallet in the car and need to get it real quick.

Fuck off, retard. Go look fo attention elsewhere.

Gotta keep those jannies alert!

Isn't this how Walmart usually recruits people? You can't leave until you buy something, so they make you get a job there for like a year?

You will be escorted to your car by a massive muscular security guy and possibly choked when trying to run away. A must buy policy is no kids game. And its enforced in any legal way possible

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Totally WILd suggestion:
Ask them for a job?

Jesus Christ imagine spending your life being this gullible. Combine it with his anger and you’ve got a grade A faggot on your hands. Maybe? Neck? Yourself?

I can confirm op. My store also has that policy to cannot leave without purchase. Its not walmart though but ive seen culprits getting handled hard with rough treatment and a loud voice of humiliation. It states big and clear at the entrance that when entering the shop you MUST make a purchase

Just start working, organize things, ask for stuff to restock

Op should become free labor

So if you don't buy anything are you trapped in there forever?

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This is entirely false. 4th Amendment rights constitutes that it's illegal for anyone in any authoritive position perform a search with no probable cause, so they can't even check your receipt legally. Let alone this must buy policy bullshit. They cannot without probable cause detain you and false imprison you. This is illegal and the retailer is now held liable for this crime. Yes, it is a crime for Walmart employees to stop you from leaving. Unless you actually committed a crime, you are not obligated to stay in the premises even if they tell you otherwise

A must buy policy like every EULA you have ever accepted is not actually legally enforceable.

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They’ll admire your balls (maybe ACTUALLY get your balls out), resourcefulness, drive and focus. Maybe they’ll make you mister manager

Wrong. Some states have a bi-law in place to circumvent this. Fucking retard.

Bleach, hammer, duck tape and condoms. No self check out.

You sound new to /b
Congratulations on learning how to greentext and for using some of the exclusive language

This guy gets it and security can hold you by suspicion and can actively go through your belongings. I mean as soon you enter the store you accept to their terms right? Yes and otherwise shoplifting couldnt be stopped if you could just walk out with it and nobody could touch you. Lmao its not how it works

Only a retard will argue a constitution protection.

False imprisonment is across the country loony duck.

No store is allowed to false imprison people.

You are the retard. Not me. You look into your tiny law book of your county. I will look at the highest law in the land

You'll learn eventually when you grow up

Actually it's only enforcable on people, who skipped mandatory penis inspection day in school.


I’m in the US
Google it you spastic!
I assume you’ve an internet connected device in your hand:

“In 2017/2018, 37 US Citizens were incarcerated for failure to confirm to retail bi-law 15.7 ‘when clearly posted a purchase MUST be transacted in stores with over 4,000sqft of retail area’”

I despair at the state of intelligence in our nation you retard

See if you can buy pokemon cards. Open it and share it with us. I'm curious.

>OP and everyone who responded to OP
pic related

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Just till closing hours.

Idiot just leave you sperg

Where the fuck do you all live? At my local Walmart i can in and out as many times i want at any time. Nobody says shit to me when i get in and walk out the next minute. Hey i even spray myself with deodorant in the hygiene aisle for free and eat some berries for free and nobody ever shitted on me for it.

Am i just a chad?

Yep you will be informed that the store is closing and yhat you please go straight to the exit

No. They dont. Consider suicide.

How do you get through life being so dumb?

Stop deepthroating the bait
Sage and hide

Its fun cos its so easy to troll these fuckers

Alternatively you can work a shift in the Walmart mines in order to pay for goods so you can buy your freedom.

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>Am i just a chad?
No, you are in fact so disgusting that no-one wants to even get within speaking distance of you.


Remember that you're in Walmart. It's a zoo. There are no chads, no alphas, no betas, just one homogenized collective blob of scooter-driven subhuman trailer park trash.

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Dude just stay there .Walmart is pretty lit . If they demand u to buy something demand food .if they fail to provide food they're breaking the Geneva convention laws making u an unlawful prisoner. U win either way

Fat, stupid and lazy is no way to go through life son

Again...Fat, stupid and lazy is no way to go through life son


You are shoplifting you ignorant hillbilly

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