Does anyone know why Asian girls (especially Japanese) only like black men? why do they dont like white guys?

does anyone know why Asian girls (especially Japanese) only like black men? why do they dont like white guys?
anyone experience?

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wut never seen any asian girl with a black dude

Dick size. Simple as that

Because japanese are so progressive that they want to try all kind of exotic things and are not conservative at all in any way


Yeah, this is just retarded

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Nice bait, we all know Asian girls love white guys and hate black guys.

me neither but I heard Japanese women only like black men and that I dont have a chance

The only girls that date black men, are girls with daddy issues.

no thats not anymore in Japanese porn the girls only have sex with black men but never with white

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times changed

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Nice cope

Porn isn’t real life.

but its true
I always wanted to have a Japanese gf but everyone tells me they only want black men in Japan
Im very sad

Blacks don't have bigger dicks though

Lol nice try nigglet. Japanese girls still want that pink dick.

Life really isn't about porn, so stop.

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Friday night detective work?

Nah, just not gullible enough to believe folk tales.

Is porn your life

Finish your cereal, leave chan, and go back to vidya

Nigger level intelligence detected

how to you know?
everyone says otherwise
no but its a reflection of reality and women watch this porn they get influenced by it

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>porn represents real life

Fuck you’re dumb. Asians are scared of blacks, they’re exotic

Nice singles

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they dont

how do you know? did you go to Japan?
everyone keeps telling me when you go there now its mostly black men + japanese women everywhere

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

>everyone says otherwise
Not one single person has said so or confirmed yet in this thread, everyone is saying the opposite.

yhea but on other boards for example

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There are no black people in Japan. Japanese view men as dirty criminals.

From the US, nice try faggot

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no there are many mostly in the district of Roppongi in Tokyo

Is it Opposite Day? Japs and chinks prefer white skin. Example. Geishas. Now fuck off back to Pornhub

>why are these women who are paid to commit taboo acts committing the largest taboo in Japanese culture
Gee user you're on to something here.

Facts are facts broslice.

Not from the us

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White men are gods in Asia. Chinks will literally pay money just to date white men. Explain this flyer or kys

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Imagine being this much of a faggot. OP didn’t come for answers to a question, he came to argue and is being fed all to fuck

I'm serious

Found a pic of Op

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No, I'm white and I'm just sad that I won't get a Japanse gf anymore these days

Does anyone know why Jewish women hate Bankers and money?

No one believes you

Because fake memes. Go to Japan they really don't like black residents and tourists. Some older people have sheer terror seeing them get on a train or walk into a restaurant.

They really don’t

This is a lie and you know it

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If I would be black I would not be worried about that

Right. A decade has changed everything. A decade might me a long time to you but in regards to cultural and biological factors, it isn't.

post skin with timestamp negro

If you were white, your grammar wouldn't be shit like it is.

Be nice he’s got nigger brain.

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Had a beautiful chinese ex who when we broke up, fucked two different black guys. Doesn't know why she did it, dated a black guy before and after me and now is with an asian. She claimed she didn't and still doesn't care about race or skin color. I'm hispanic so idk, but I think it's hot when girls like black cock whatever, who cares.

sorry Im not native English speaker

Holy shit, entirely this

no why would I make this thread if I would be black?
makes no sense

What the fuck are you smoking. My wife hates niggers more than me

It's because they have such a strict culture, and whenever something is withheld from people they go out and seek it.

where is she from?

>not conservative in any way
>ONLY like black men.

Is this hook going to get bait on it any time soon? I’m hungry


They don't. Like pretty much all races they hate niggers. And like all races they find white people more attractive. They still prefer their own trace naturally. But no one finds black people attractive over whites. Op is such a faggot as usual. Fuck off shill

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She your girl?

I think they just don't like you, bruh

okay I dont know about I only get my knowledge from people on Sup Forums but mostly always ay the same to so thats why Im worried

They typically only want to date Japanese men but do like white men. The phillipino girls in Japan like black men, but that is because phillipino women are stupid.

Even if we didn't, people think we do

Most Japanese people hate niggers. Hell I wasn't that welcome and I'm white with an excellent job. Also english isn't your first language is it?

There's quite a few jap girls that like white guys but for the most part they stick with their own. If they're in the West though they typically marry white.

asians hate black people. and often dislike whites as well

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okay but people who lived in Asian here give me completely different answers

Then you're golden and the opinions here don't matter to you. So why did you ask in the first place? (setting aside the bait factor and the fact the thread is sponsored by Tenda Lung Spencer)

no the opinions do matter but I just want to justify my way of thinking

So you're a black guy who posts on Sup Forums, takes notice of Sup Forums's opinions and believes Asian women like black men over white/ Do I have that correct? You don't have a single horn in the middle of your forehead as well?

> everyone
you know there is a world outside your moms basement right?

>Japanese women only like black men
>I dont have a chance
Black men have nothing to do with you being a worthless loser Sup Forumsbabby

not only Sup Forums most boards actually
what? why should I be from Sup Forums?
because Im scared that I cant get a Japanese girl because they are all with black men?
this is fucking stupid

not only Sup Forums most boards actually