

Attached: deathstar.jpg (696x564, 70K)

Death Star is stupid

They look like flat straight lines when up close but from a distance they are obviously circular. Much like the Earth.

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Grow up

According to the Cross-Sections book, the outer decks are aligned to the surface. Then the inner decks are stacked.

From looking at the semi-constructed Death Star, the horizontal layers obviously point to the top pic.
How gravity or whatever works should just be ignored. Shut up man, it’s just nostalgia capeshit.

You know there’s cross sections and plans for it that answer this question right?

It's still stupid, no amount of wookiepedia faggotry and autism changes that

Neither. Shit got blown up.

they r not layers like an onion. U can see that in death star 2 construction stage and in the fact all the ships have gravity perpendicular to floor plane, not radial to wherever gravity generator is, or the center of ships mass

This, stars was is always been stupid

thats not stupid

It's pretty stupid



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neither... they are like a labyrinth

stop projecting

stop enjoying trash

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learn what the word projecting means

nah i'm good. star wars has been for retards from the outset.

>how gravity works
The amount of gravity generated by a (largely hollow) station smaller than a good-sized moon wouldn't be enormous, and could be overcome with the settings artificial gravity.

stop projecting

Keep liking the gay shit you like faggot.
I don't give a shit.
But star wars is objectively stupid if you think about it.

It depends where you put the camera

define projection in your own terms and how that applies to how you're using it

You realize this is just a samefag who wants to hate on star wars right? They dont have anything meaningful in their life so they ask a question about a topic they hate and try to shit on anyone who answers on it. Or just some psyops disney shill

This is the part where you tell us what you like, and we tell you how it's objectively stupid

setting up the artificial gravity generator in the middle would be more efficient energy wise

u wanna have a meritorical discussion only now, that u cant avoid being wrong?

exactly what I thought. check out a dictionary some time dipshit

dictionaries dont have word definitions, dipshit

We are not arguing on what we like stupid fag.
We are arguing on whether star wars is stupid.
And it's objectively stupid.
There's no denying this.

Yup, so is whatever you like

...that's literally all dictionaries have in them

no, they dont

is this some form of trolling? because if so it's literally the dumbest trolling I've ever seen

What's the difference? The location of the convex laser opposed to the orientation of the people?

>those damned liberals trying to undermine trump
>yeah, thats the argument

I'm not talking about Wookiepedia fan bullshit. I'm talking about the actual designs the film makers made and released in the DK Cross Sections books.

How is stupid you dumb cunt?

ok retard

r u ok, retard?

the floors must be both - simultaneously assuming that either of those views are correct; see
> Plan (view) and Elevation (view)
(of an architectural building)

If i dont see a post about lightsaber crystals or what deathstar bathrooms look like in the next 2 seconds im gonna leave this bot fuckfest and do something meaningful with my day, like research what deathstar bathrooms look like

Death star.
It's stupid.
What purpose does a huge butt battle station serve?
Deploy some satellites and beam a laser beam, done, easy and cheap.

Sposed to be big and menacing, like your girlfriends bull. Yiu wouldnt be scared of no sattelites


No u spockbitch