What really happened?

What really happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/DancingIsraelisFBIReport/fbi report section 2#mode/2up

Some people did some things.

The day the world instantly changed for a generation.

Prince sang about it in his song 1999

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shit went down my nigga. twice

A cabal organization framed foreigners for a terrorist attack while 1) collecting insurance money on two undemolishable asbestos-lined towers and 2) creating casus belli that the masses could accept in an effort to line pockets and keep the Great American Illusion going.

mass tulpa


the jews


Lol beat me to it rabbi

you're welcome goym

Hillary and the DNC added to their body count in an attempt to show weakness from a sitting President.

Good way of putting it.

Sand niggers flew planes into buildings.

Sandniggers being sandniggers

If you have to ask you must be an idiot

A bunch of sand niggers flew planes in to buildings and killed a lot of people.

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Israel tricked the US masses into fighting their enemies. The Deep State approved & let their financiers profit immensely.

Jeffery Epstein is alive and living in Antigua.


Go read the book "Where did the towers go" by Dr. Judy Wood. Brainwashed normie faggots will disagree but this is what actually happened. Its undeniable

>What happened?
Don't know, I just played a nice game of Tetris.

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Sloppy job Mossad

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eurofag doesn't know what he's talking about

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This is literally one of the brainwashed faggots I'm talking about thanks for the example.
Hell yeah buddy at least no goat fucker takes your freedoms right? But what do i know murica lost to burgers and fat so who knows maybe cave living monkeys can beat them too.

9/11 was an inside job
Very obvious
Not for the reasons everyone talks about
WTC was home to 2 major credit firms
One of them closely monitored and handled credit transactions related to gold
Prior to 9/11
Several huge bets were placed
These were called options bets
And several of these huge bets were placed
That these companies stocks would tank
So many people who had prior knowledge of 9/11 made tons of money
The owner of WTC, a Jew, placed a huge insurance policy on WTC right before 9/11
A multi billion dollar cash insurance policy
So when the towers fell
The owner made a cool 11b
WTC building #7 falls with no external influence
No bomb, no terrorists
Just collapses
And what do u know!
WTC building #7
Was where a huge amount of gold was kept
And all that gold is now gone
And no one ever talked about building 7 anyway
But financially speaking, that day, lots of people got very rich
Lots of financial records at WTC were wiped
Meaning all that money was in limbo
And now thats all gone
Swept under the rug
A bunch of goat fuckers from the mountain couldnt pull that off
Remember when Payne Stewart, professional golfer
His private jet lost cabin pressure
No communication with the pilots
Within 30 minutes 2 F16s blow it out of the sky
This was mid 90s
Youre telling me in 2001 a bunch of fuckers from afghanistan hijacked a bunch of 747s and flew them into the most heavily guarded airspaces in the U.S?
Both the pentagon and WTC¿
If u buy that story you are fucking stupid
Just follow the money
Oh yeah, and George Bush's brother was CIA at the time, head attorney, and on 9/10 the building was closed for "maintenence"
9/11 was orchestrated by our own government
And not a terrorist act as we have been led to believe

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Aus fag here, this seems fairly plausible

They made me miss cheese tv, fucking terrorists

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Death to the Republic long live our Democracy. Diversity is our strength.

Nevar forget

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Oy, Vey!!

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Here ya go
>archive.org/stream/DancingIsraelisFBIReport/fbi report section 2#mode/2up

Alright, then you explain

they forgot the tower that just collapsed even though no plane hit it

Jews did it

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Inside Job

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The towers got jewed, now the US is in constant conflict with the sand people. All while Tel Aviv prosper.


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DBZ was airing the cell saga for the first time on toonami

You mean Jerusalem
We changed their Capital remember