Why do liberals drive cars? They're destroying the planet

Why do liberals drive cars? They're destroying the planet.

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Fine, I'll take the bait. Libs drive cars because that's the only way to get around. They live in the same world as all of us. The oil industry has been creating this world through money and corruption in order for us to be dependent on oil for travel. It's going to take some time and persistence to fight for cities and governments to choose less polluting forms of travel when upgrading infrastructure. At the moment cars running on gas are the norm. Electric cars will be an improvement but that doesn't solve the traffic problems we all deal with.

But it's not t bgg e only way to get around. There's plenty of alternatives

because it's not safe to travel on transits in liberal cities.

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Electric cars are not an improvement, you only think that cause you don't know where power comes from. You are only shifting the emissions to some plant that burns coal for electricity.

If you want to save the earth, kill yourself.

Not liberal, but I’m in rural Kentucky, commute about an hour to work and there’s no other option. I hate it.


I buy carbon offset credits. For every mile I travel by internal combustion engine, I contribute to technologies that reduce carbon emissions. It's pretty cool. You should look into it.
Also, try to read a book.
Actually, big cities tend to have more crime, poverty, etc because they attract more people--that's what makes them big, user--and the people who have to deal with those problems tend to be liberal because they actually give a shit about people and not just profits.
Some conservatives may become "law and order" mayors and council members from time to time (unconvicted felon Rudy Giuliana, for example), but their tenure is short-lived and then people who are serious about long-term service to the community (i.e., liberals) get back to work running the city, like they were before the blowhards took a turn.
Read books, kids! Stay in school!

>If you want to save the earth, kill yourself.
The earth will still be around, user. Whether or not it can support the lives of your grandchildren's grandchildren is the issue.
Then again, I doubt you will reproduce. Lol!

Why do conservatives let blacks marry whites? Its destroying thier race.

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ya sure, kiddo

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Clearly, you have no idea what "conservative" means...

Boomer detected

Fucking hang yourself in the closet today you friendless loveless futureless spamming loser

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How are electric cars an improvement? Where do you think the electricity comes from? Hint: Mostly fossil fuel plants. And when you add in the transmission and storage losses, it's a lot less efficient than an internal combustion engine.

No, most city problems are because of mismanagement by the Democrats who have an almost complete lock on their governance.

Read a book with facts, kid!

Most cities are fine. Its cuties with Republican mayors that are shitholes

13 does 50 apologist

>see levels are rising
>we gonna die

>guys coastal house....

YEAH ok libs

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Chicago is a shithole and has had a Democratic mayor since 1931
San Fran is a literal shithole and has had a Democratic mayor since 1964

Facts, user. They're important.

Remember, she also has an economics degree
>and yet somehow believes in the Magical Money Tree

The actual FUCK are you talking about? Republican faggots brought down Chicago and San z Francisco with fucking POLITICS. You have literally no ideas what going on here hopefully a train hits you and your whole retarded conservative family

So should I take 2 hours of public transit to get to my job every day? For some of us it's just not feasible

>I can tell everyone else to do it but for me it's inconvenient
What an actual fag.

There hasn't been a Republican mayor in either Chicago or San Fran in more than 50 years, yet somehow it's the fault of the Republicans? kek, you're a retard.

all day, every day the same thread. I sure as shit hope they're paying you enough to be worth a squandered Saturday.

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Because president had nothing t o do wth this??? Ok whatever

You're a moron lol.

Oh look, an upset boomer post a worn out gif of a forgotten rapist actor.

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I have a solar sailboat. It does not go well on the roads.



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wasn't AOC fired from a hot dog stand or something like that because she couldn't handle the money properly?


So you're blaming Bill Clinton and Obama? kek

Yes she was

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If you just print more hot dogs, you'll have infinite money.

Because Republicans refuse to fund greener projects like high speed rail, vs bailing out executives of failing companies.

no, that was just made up here

>blaming others for your misfortune
You either believe in your message and demonstrate it with action or you're a hypocrite. If you think the world is ending but don't stop using fossil fuels because "Republicans", you're full of shit and I am making fun of you.

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Who was it who signed that huge bailout bill in 2008? Was it... Obama?

that's fucking retarded.

there isn't one, because the hot dog story is made up

You sound like an idiot, you know that, right?

What about the story where she believes in the completely discredited Modern Monetary Theory?

loans that were repaid child

source that too while you're finding proof of the hot dog story.

>you either live like LOTR elves or you are a hypocrite
fuck off with that sophistry shitforbrains

How does fucking black guys create electricity?

You can call me kiddo if you want to, son, but that doesn't change the factual information I posted. Re-read it with an open mind.

Soo...he was behind of all that...

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You're a child if you don't understand how loans work. That was a high risk gamble.

I never made that claim, I'm just trying to get the conversation back on track. But you clearly prefer to talk about that, rather than her massive failings.

Via white rage. Cuckpower is the energy of the future.

>I buy carbon offset credits
Holy fuck, you can't lead with that if you expect to be taken seriously.

Kid. LOL. Does Putin pay you by the post or the hour?


Do you suck Soros' dick for free, user? Serious question.

Sophisticated argument, son. Be sure and tell your buddies about it in middle school next week.
Oh, right. You don't have any fucking friends. LOL

although this is the usual bait shit... nobody is destroying the planet. the earth does not need to be rescued. i can't hear that "save the planet" shit any more. we are in danger. the earth doesn't give a shit. it has billions of years to recover and without us it will do so.

If any bank made a high risk loan and only got their principal back, everyone would think they got ripped off.

>Why do liberals drive cars? They're destroying the planet.
Libtards aren't about fixing the problem. They want to manage the crisis. Just give them all the power over you and we'll all live in a Socialist/Communist Utopia! Except for them, because in their world view everyone should be Equal, but they need to be "more equal" since they are Special and have to make the hard decisions on how poor the world should be. Double Plus Good? The Orwell story of 1984 was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not an instruction manual.

I did look into it. It's basically a currency that big companies are using to trade amongst themselves, and the companies most behind carbon offset credits are... wait for it... Exxon Mobil, General Motors, need I go on?

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>Holy fuck, you can't lead with that if you expect to be taken seriously.
Holy fuck, you ever read anything besides message boards and alt-right blogs?

Boy she's crazy

Communist revolution when? The libs have got to go

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Yeah. Why? Koch brothers pay more? Or are you shilling for Putin?

Actual liberal logic, folks. Explains why they lost so hard. Their intellectual potential is crippled.

Proud of it, kid. How's your mom, btw?

So, if you're a Chad that doesn't get cucked, does that mean that you have no energy for the future? I just blew my own mind.

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>implying Russian government doesn't support Leftist ideology
The gymnastics required to be liberal are astounding.

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>but the russians!
kek, thanks for ceding the argument

I'm a real socialist. Don't lump me in with those SJW pussies. I'd gladly kill them along with the rich.

An illegal immigrant killed her.

The ultimate power is in the grand wizzards watching their waifus get cucked

And the money is used toward developing...wait for it...wind, solar, and geothermal.

Too bad. She had a nice mouth.

governments aren't banks, they do not need to turn a profit. thank god, else it would be fascism.

I didn't cede shit (nice word, btw). We just traded strawmen.

>russian government is liberal
now that's fucking funny. you need to work on your material Ilya, that's not even remotely believable in the age of that manlet Putin.

Fuck yeah, those socialist girls are sweet

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Did you know that illegal immigrants commit fewer property crimes and crimes against persons (violent crime) than the population at large (that means everyone)?
You can look it up.
But you won't.

>making money is fascism!
kek, so let's have the government underwrite all risk! It'll work out fine, just like it did during the housing bubble that caused the crash!

This is the best a boomer can come up with. If you're older than 21 and here right now, you're a fucking loser kek GTFO old man

Most of them don't wax their pussies either. Nice!


I never said making money is fascist. The government making money off its people for a profit is fascism though. Why the fuck would you want that?

Waiting on my car to be serviced at the dealership.
Kind of like your whore mom used to service my dick back in the day.

No, you ceded the argument by screaming muh russians. I mocked you with the Soros comment, then pointed out that you effectively admitted you lost by switching the argument to a shill-exchange

my new fetish is girls with swastika-shaped pubes

No, it doesn't go to developing wind, solar or geothermal.

>illegal immigrants commit fewer property crimes and crimes against persons (violent crime) than the population at large

well no shit, because there aren't as many as the country's legal populace.

For the same reason they complain about capitalism from their iPads or complain everyone on the right get news from right-wing outlets while the left only gets news from left-wing outlets.

They're hypocrites and they don't care.

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Per capita.

Why can't you list them? Fucking trannies are becoming a gigantic parody of themselves