S/fur s/fur s/fur s/fur

s/fur s/fur s/fur s/fur

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bewbs and goo.

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trying to paint this
the gloves are a huge pain in the ass

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If you were an inch tall, would you crawl up a furry's asshole?

>upside down pentagram
>no flags shown
Show flag cuckn¡ggerfagg0tmodtrannyjannies.

Attached: 20191109_111330.jpg (1280x1076, 732K)

Anyone want to start an h/fur thread?

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gonna be a no from me dawg

Attached: 1534731402814.jpg (1280x1079, 1.12M)

i have a few to bute

Attached: totesfleisch8_tra.jpg (1280x747, 102K)

why do furries keep making these threads????? Can they be stoped?

Attached: 3c7193de96c4c594b4bdd106b447c197.png (1268x847, 734K)

No we cannot be stoped.

Attached: 1534728700653.png (1031x1640, 1.54M)

ok boomer

Attached: c7cc82454c05d8894f997522945dc6ce.png (1374x1422, 886K)

ok retard

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this is now an honest furry thread

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gtfo faggot no one wants you here

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dont make me do it.

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sick dogfuckers and animal rapists

cool story bro thanks for posting

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Ive seen your threads they are always full of dogfuckers you disgusting pig. You must be proud og raping animals. lol

When we come to power, and we will, every fucking furry degenerate will be sent to concentration camp and recycled to soap and fertilizer

When who?
>Niggers don't give a shit
>Spics don't give a shit
>Whites are apologists and are on the way out.
>furry only grow in numbers
>people who tolerate them are increasing

Nice try clansman.
But neonazi-ism is dead.


Disgusting animal fetishizers kys

Attached: 1522194228176.jpg (1280x1109, 166K)

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s/fur lives on

Attached: 5fbcd62e302815578d8008f621c5c148.png (700x1050, 1.32M)

>dat exoskeleton

Attached: d9mprrn-41a5f7ac-dd40-4fb4-a81a-a50a47aa7c98.jpg (879x810, 175K)

The Ride Never Ends!

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the shit posters are entertaining but they give up too easily

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Attached: 1461036914.abluedeer_cute_solaris_w.jpg (1024x1280, 190K)

Can I request some thicc/MILF furs?

Attached: 8283f76b48d4f805a3bc70b267081c3c.png (560x789, 61K)

>dat hip to waist ratio

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Some of them can be very persistent. Not the logposters, though. We once had someone dumping tons of weird art with each post having part of the lyrics to "The Sound of Silence". That`s the closest anyone has ever come to stopping the s/fur bread ride.

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Iska doing breast expression?


Attached: 1571903032368.gif (320x240, 889K)

I mean its very obvious that they are closet furries
iskra makes top quality shit

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Lactation is hot, especially when it's a lactating dragoness. Got any of those?

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I think only this one

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