Happy 9/11 everyone

Happy 9/11 everyone.
How are you celebrating it?

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Took my first flight exam today, happy 9/11

that's the wrong 9/11 retard

No, it's the right 9/11... Fucking Ameritards!

europoor trolling at it's... meh. have fun in islamastan. also sage

No its not you fat american cuck

Hey Europe, how you enjoying brexit / your recession? Trump f;'d the eurotrash by putting China into a non spend mode.. no one buying your pos BMW / Mercs.. Enjoy! USA market all time highs. enjoy.

apologizing to future generations for letting drumph get elected

>Faggot detected

Kek. MAGA amirite?

who do u have ?? Merkel ? Macron ? lol Trump beating all of the top leaders.. cry some more !

Poor Eurotrash... enjoy you extended recession ala Trump! Best world leader atm.. o btw turn off your televison and learn to think for yourselves. Maybe you wouldnt be in a recession it the people of europe where not so dense.

bhahahhaha hahahhahaha

BTW, tell Prince Andrew that Epstein said helllo .. bahahhahahahh hahhahahha

wait, what where u saying again?

Like the man himself, blatant disregard of anything factual.

Btw how's that impeachment going?

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Not actually 9 11 it is however 9/11/2019 or as it is in America 11/9/2019 pretty pathetic bait honestly just comes off as desperate and scrubby

killing jews
I'd post pics but I might go to jail

About as well as it was when they started trying the impeachment shit 2 years ago according to the media impecheamnt has been weeks away for a year now if you're to stupid to look some shit up dont even try trolling it just makes you look out of touch


>Pathetic bait
>Still chowing down on it

You're a confused little scamp, aren't you.

The same way you/other user looked up the facts about euro car sales amirite?

How am I chowing down on it? I just came to see all the autism between desperate trolls and people to stupid to understand the entire world isnt america and use a different order for dates in well satisfied

#1 doesnt mean shit. imf.org/en/News/Articles/2019/11/05/na110619-europe-facing-spillovers-from-trade-and-manufacturing

I never commented on the euro card you moron

enjoy your recession..

You need to learn to read articles, not just headlines.

≥ Car sales jumped in August, ahead of the introduction of new emissions-testing rules in September, but this led to a drop in demand in the following months, the association said. Over the summer, European car makers had offered large discounts to offload noncompliant vehicles ahead of the new emissions rules, leading to increased competition and pricing pressure

>Still biting bait


You're literally not even able to read the posts you're replying to, are you.

Your fluffy haired overlord would be so proud of you!


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enjoy your 1.4 GDP. us ? 2.0 Trump ftw. , o wait and europe running on negative rates too?? how the fuck you have 1.4 gdp? o thats right shitty leaders...

But I'm not biting? Lol? I'm just replying to what you said? Why are you so desperate for attention?

again, what where u saying, im having trouble reading due to laughing so hard, i nearly fell out of my chair.

Is that the same one you're in, or do we have our own special recession?

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You're replying to bait. You're literally taking the bait.

How are people this dense in the 21st century?

attention? your the one who created this .. not me. go look in the mirror little one. Europe in trouble, just give it 6 more mos. enjoy brexit !

I did read it incase you're too stupid (you seem to be)

"You/other user" when replying to me refers to me and/or the other user I said I never commented what he referred to me commenting in them called him a moron

I understand you were raised in a third world country so your english is shit so I recommend not arguing in it in the future

US has the lowest unemployment rates ever seen. you kinda need unemployment at highs for a recession unless you have another way of measuring it. man your Europeans are as dumb as rocks..

Actually biting means getting salty or taking it seriously you retard

Replying to make fun of you isnt biting just laughing at your desperation

>You/other user" when replying to me refers to me and/or the other user

If it wasn't you, then I was talking to the other user... Seems you did understand after all, but your angry little redneck brain still needed to insult someone regardless.

I'm not in Europe? Are you fucking retarded? Brexit doesnt effect me at all

can u read this money.cnn.com/infographic/news/economy/us-versus-europe-economy/index.html

>getting salty

You seem salty.

Coming from the person who referred to the other as a "redneck" I think you're the one who's angry lmao its ok we cant all be born in a good country it's natural to be jealous of americans


canadian here, by far the worst celebration i have ever herd of.

i dont get why Americans love celebrating the random execution of their own nation wasting tons of resources just so they can invade another country and not look as bad.

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o man, you fucktards in europe think your so bright. keep telling yourself this is the case. now im going to leave this post and go enjoy the sunshine in California.. highest taxes in the US, yea dont care. i make lots of $$ .. enjoy!

>US media outlet

The only difference between the US and North Korean media industries is that one is state owned and controlled, the other is simply state controlled.

>jealous of americans

It's funny because Americans *actually* believe this.

Did that really go that far over your head? Also Americans dont celebrate it it's a remembrance for those who think they should personally I think it's kinda stupid to make a big deal about it remember it happened and move on with your day and quit all the virtue signalling

>make lots of $$
>Argues with strangers on Sup Forums

12 year old trailer dweller spotted.

before i go, did i mention that the US markets are at all time highs? did u say recession? hmm, unemployment at all time lows and market at all time highs. and the us is in recession uh? ok, better get a new brain to work that one out.

europeans are such tards lol

No most Americans dont but its fucking hilarious saying that because it pisses of euros with superiority complexes (see it alot in switzerland)

either way you lose on that one my friend .. because if i am 12 then you where just schooled by a 12 year old.. thank you for bring that point to light.

OP, I hate to break it to you, but it's 11/9 not 9/11. Wait for another time, Mohammed.

Kek ok m8

You realise there are 15 posters here. Why are you only replying to OP?

anything else super duper intelligent you want to get across? im all ears .. was going to get back to coding algos, but you have peaked my interest now. anything else mr big brain european?

ZZZZZzzzzz ZZZZZzzzzz

Flying 2 planes into the twin towers

o yea, forgot this one.. enjoy your ugly women in europe. all the good looking ones come to US.. Thank you for that.

Lewis knows mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/lewis-hamilton-jets-los-angeles-5786523


This town is our town, it is so glamorous, bet yoy'd live here IF YOU COULD and be one of US. about to go enjoy the sun.. its that thing in the sky u rarely see.
