I desperately want to fuck my daughter... what do?

I desperately want to fuck my daughter... what do?
Pic related

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fuck her

need more of this beauty

You made her, it's your right.

It's fug OP

Bad idea but post more pix

Honestly fuck her, I plan on fucking mine when they are old enogh.

Seriously thinking of it... but what if my wife saw? And thats IF my daughter even went along with it

More of her? Kik?

Record it and post it on pornhub pussy

wanna talk on kik?

Kill yourself, obviously

I want to fuck your daughter, too.

Fun fact most guys would fuck their daughters.


Me or nobody

Seriously? That can't be true

Lol dude ass is ass.

Try having two teenagers in vollyball

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Once you come to the realization that nothing in this world really matters and that we’re all gonna die anyways so you should do the things that make you happy, it’s not that hard to wrap your head around

>Guys like to fuck young hot girls
>Daughters are young and hot

its not rocket science

I'd love to!

its hell

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Roofie, my friend. It worked for me to fuck my mom and sister, it will work for you to fuck your daughter.

do you love her like most people love their children?

If so why did you post this picture to Sup Forums ?

>he never caught his dad staring at his sister's tight body

Did you have a childhood?

you are fine with fucking a dead fish? Roofie sex blows dude

Tell you what, I'll fuck her and you can watch


Stop pretending you have a daughter and that she looks like that... moving on

Actually have with a woman, impregnate her first, you fucking pathetic incel cunt..

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Do you think hot girls don't have fathers?

Tell you what, i will fuck you and he can watch along with her.

My sister had a baby with our dad.

don't lie
I know you smell the seats of the minivan after you drop them off

say what? tell the story

have you ever wanted to fuck your mother or father?


>my daughter
"Your daughter".
And while we're at it, I know her! She went to my school!

You sniff their panties?

Yes not literally the seats of the van but their panties lol

thats hot

My Dad? No, My sister FUCK YES

My Mom? Not particularly but I would if she anted too

Like I said, me, or nobody

Post some hamper wins

I dont really know the story.

All I know is that at some point my dad was fucking my sister and she got knocked up. Nobody knew but My dad confessed to me years later.

My brother in law thinks it's his, my Mom has no idea.

Yeahh, Elon Musky...you was all time

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you put a pair of those little shorts on your face when you jerk it don't you

I have many times

is the kid retarded? how old was she when she got pregnant?

I have a friend I would not trust around any woman in my family, because he tried to fuck his daughter and it blew up in his face. His daughter has not spoken to him in 25 years and will not attend any function he is at.
So fair warning O.P. it may not end the way you intend it to. Now go beat off and forget about banging your daughter unless she is the one who initiates it.

Wasnt planning on actually doing it

Have sex

>Is the kids retarded

Nah dude obviously most inbred kids are fine my nephew/ half brother is great, good in school handsome kid athletic etc.

Then what the fuck are you doing here asking what do?

You can call whatever you want loser, I fucked my mom and sister by the way of roofies, and your hand falls a sleep when you masturbate cause it does not want to fuck you either virgin.

because he wants to do it
if he can get away with it
and there's usually someone here who knows how he can open that door

unfortunately, the faggots are out in force right now

this is how someone who was telling the truth would respond

if you by some small chance actually did what you say, youre clearly very proud of it which is pathetic

social programming doesn't affect you because youre too smart!!!

What's her social media? If we get wins we'll post them for you



Fuck that’s hot I have masturbated with my daughters panties for a while now. Huge loads

but how old was she?


oh 19

that's sociopaths thought pattern, normal man doesn't see his daughters as sex objects.

tell you what, I'll fuck all of you and nobody can watch

Imagine being this oblivious to reality.

Jesus Christ, everybody knows if you want young pussy alcohol is a must. It lowers inhibitions. I will bet some weed offered up will not get refused and help with the process. Subtle hints like, my how you have grown into a fine young woman, and subtle comments about her body. Letting her catch you eye balling her ass and tits, so she knows you have noticed her body. Then you keep up with the drinking and smoking weed with her, and let her make the first move. The alcohol and weed will lower her inhibitions as I said and if she is down with it she will initiate sex. By all fucking means do not be the one who initiates the sex, because if it blows up in your face it will be a fuck up you will regret the rest of your life.


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don't project your own weird dark perverted reality to everyone else.

dude lol grow up its not even uncommon

castrate yourself, both physically and chemically

srsly, get help

Imagine posting like this, living your life so locked up by social norms

If my daughter grows up hot I will drain my balls in her endlessly

you should have been fucking her since before puberty, it's too late now. she's been ruined by other guys.

you're a sick man, I hope you get hit by a bus before your daughter reaches puberty

Lol at this anons life

somebody is going to fuck her bro might as well be me

All of my loads!


they know right? They gotta know

You can figure this out. Do what ever you think it's right. Btw, we are still waiting for moar, so...

is her one of that chicks?

>is her

H-H-Hell user, and what are you waiting still for?

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If I could I would but it’s complicated

Ass on 3 says she's already taking dick

Dude just rape and kill her and then yourself already, we all know where this is heading

Yeah, or just left her as fantasy. Be realistic, in 20th century the world has seen like 400 - 500 anons which fucked their hot children, and their lifes are not ruined after (both). So why not creeping her? She lives on your house man, take nudes. If she brings are guy at home - you know what to do ;) And then come back and share on Kik thx

Looks way to much like JS

Way more than that lol

You might think you are being edgy but this happens way more than you think