Share something interesting about yourself

share something interesting about yourself.

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I have two additional teeth.

I photographed every woman I knew nude as a hobby in younger days, never had to pay any, and now have thousands of old amateur artistic photos of dozens of my friends and exes.

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pic related ?

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Yep, I have tons of them. I used to post a few now and then, but they're old and not overly sexy or skilled, so nobody cares much. They weren't pro models, just my friends and circle.

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I am a serial pedophile rapist in Albuquerque, New Mexico. No boys though, i'm not gay or anything.

Chance would be a fine thing.
I've fucked around 100 women... lost count at 75 like 10 years ago... stopped counting, could be anything.

i like these two thus far.
you've done well.

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greentext ?

Thanks. Most of them were taken with film (I'm old).

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I wouldn't say I'm interesting. Joined the military a couple of weeks after 9/11, got out in 07, I've built millions of followers online, made millions, lost it all. Have pretty bad ptsd. bla bla bla

Do you look like Brad Pitt?

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and they have been scanned in well.
i'm old too.

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Wish my wife was cool with a belt around her neck like that. Gets me diamonds.

thxs for sharing.

I don't think so. More like Weird Al. Why?

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How did you get so many chicks to pose nude?!

I like toast but hate bread.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I think one big factor was that it was mostly pre-digital. Nowadays any girl who wants nudes can take them herself and doesn't have to think about processing film, making prints, etc., but in the 90s having a friend who wanted to take beautiful photos of you was more useful (and you didn't have to worry about them being shared all over the web yet).

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Also, it helped that I was fairly serious. I wasn't just trying to get laid or take wank pics. We usually shot outdoors, and most of the time my models didn't even wear makeup. It was my main creative outlet for about 20 years. I was never that great, but we had fun.

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Nice trips.

I'm a really good bowler, have 6 300's and 2 800's

>I am a serial pedophile rapist
>No boys though, i'm not gay

top fucking kek

In the town i grew up in I have a street named after me

That's pretty cool. Is it for work in the community, or outside?

Nice, I miss film photographs so much

Do you have any albums uploaded anywhere?

I used to have a few hundred on DA, but shut it down a few years back (and before that I was on a few sites). Nothing current AFAIK.

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I once refused what I believe was an invitation for a threesome, or cuckolding where I would have been the bull.
Yes, I have regrets.

I work with mentally challenged people and i enjoy working for them because i feel genuinely good wrangling them into living normal lives.

I have both navel and feet fetishes

you shouldn't regret not engaging in degeneracy, user

That’s disappointing

I miss that era.


Yeah, but it's been nine years, I'm still a virgin and my higshchool years were plagued by insecurity. I am pretty sure it would have cured me of that at least.

Truth. Photo class in High School was something special in the early 90's.

I got hit by a car and shattered my spine.

My mom used to work for a mentally challenged home and used to bring us to work with her. One of the mentally challenged residents used to grab me and my brother in our dicks and ask us if he could suck it. We were like 9 and 11 at the time. Our mom would say "oh he's retarded, just tell him no thank you"

im a male in a all female household, i'm terrified of rape allegations. I do an overnight sleep position, its free fucking money and i love it. I'd never do anything to the girls, they're not attractive, and i genuinely despise that idea.

I tell girls that I date that I have a mental disorder that causes me to become a violent rapist in my sleep. I warn them if they sleep in the same bed, I may hurt them without realizing what I'm doing, They all seem to sympathize, and I've never lost a girl because of it. Of course, this allows me to act out some violent fantasies - and feign ignorance the next morning.

There's something to be said about real film. There's that certain "umpf" like duende. I used to do the classic film cannister to the developer to the wash and fixer routine. Then my teacher died prematurely most likely of exposure to all those chemicals so that was the end of it for me.
And also, it's nearly impossible to get film anymore. I think there's a place in Colorado that still has it available. Shame really, cuz I've still got cameras.

yeah you have to be a special kind of evil to fuck with mentally slow people

How'd you make millions? Gambling?

Was in the same town, when I was 12 I saved a 6yo kid from drowning.

nice job

Mainly through Youtube/Facebook content. Horrible investments, stupid lifestyle, and lawyers are what ended up bringing me down.

fuck... good for you man.

Take pics of my gf when shes sleep

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I can understand this. I love baguettes sliced up and toasted with stuff spread on them.

But on the other hand I like bread, too...

Fucked a dog once when I was 15

the Jews took all your money after sending you to fight for their oil and poppy fields? I can't believe it

how old was the dog?

Most more of your friends nude

As someone looking to get into photography (not purely for nude) - how did you ask your friends to model nude for you? Just upfront about it?

Did you ever fuck any of them after a shoot?

Uh, dog years or people years? He was 3 yo

welcome to home, I guess...

me too

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i ask the same thing

Femanon, user?

thin hips are hot

Nice, moar?

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Seconded. I could get gals to pose for whatever because of legit art. And it was. But you had to go through the process of developing it. High school in the early 90s was good at times. You could take pictures that only you and the model knew about.

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me three

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Beauty ass ma friend

I once blew my roommate's dog. I want to get one of my own now.

I used to be known for my art, but I'm nothing today

Me again.

Are you just gay for dogs, or for people too?

I don't know why, but I get excited about male dogs more than female. For humans, I'm totally straight though. I love eating pussy especially.

I find it easier to remember the most random numbers than remembering people's names. Even people I see daily.

I´m an okay smart guy, but surround myself with idiots, so that I seem smart as fuck. Not only talking about friends, but work related too.

not even a butterface, would be pretty solid without the retarded short hair

Nah, guy

What kind of dog, and why did you decide you wanted to blow him? Did you enjoy it?

It started as just gay for dogs and straight for women, like it was gonna be a "cheap" way to explore my sexuality while still staying straight, but now I'm realizing it's more like gay for men, and gay as fuck for dogs.

I know this. I will be introduced to somebody and within 15 seconds will forget their name. It's the same thing with celebrity names, too. But random shit sticks in my brain. I think I did too many drugs in my youth...

yeah and u?

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I once met a girl, got her number and managed to smash my phone before the end of the night. Remembered her number the first thing in the morning, ended up arranging a date with her using my roommate's phone.
Perhaps it would have been better not to remember that number, because she ended up cheating with aforementioned roommate.

I saw my best friend murdered. An acquaintance was also shot. It happened exactly 10 years ago yesterday. Still not sure why I wasn't killed.

millions of followers? Millions of dollars?

lol millions of Lies.

You're braver than me, though. I just don't date because of being cucked as well. Sucks.

Jesus Christ! WTF?

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> what kind of dog
Golden retriever.

I've been excited by dog cock since I was ten. This was my first opportunity, though. Roomie was gone for the weekend and I was dogsitting/dogsucking.

I loved it. I love giving pleasure. He just kinda laid there. I think he didn't know how to react. :-) But he was a good boy.

I'm sort of torn, I want to get a dog, but I'm more interested in dog cock than dog pussy. OTOH I want to get off sometimes too. Not sure if I want to get both because I don't want to end up with puppies running around, and of course the male can't be neutered without killing his sex drive, and spaying a female removes most of her vagina.

Do you have your own dog(s)?

because lying on here is going to make me feel so good about myself? Everyone will think I'm cool?

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Not the user you responded too, honestly being cucked isn’t that bad. Gf basically just cheats on me when she wants, I’ve started doing it as well. It’s toxic clearly, If I ever find a girl that’s into me and nice I’d leave her in a heart beat. But better to be having some action then none at all, we’re basically roommates that are fwb at this point.

Any moar?

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sorry for your loss. My best friend was murdered across the street from my kids 16 years ago. Shit still fucks with me.

Kek, underrated.

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Nice. Goldens are a pretty nice looking breed. I dont currently have a dog but plan to get one soon. Definitely a Male. I'm not too into topping a Male dog cause I feel like it's a little messed up forcing him to get used to it, bit I'd definitely at least attempt it with him. Like you said, getting a little top would be nice, but for me my primary interest in a dog would be underneath him on all fours with my ass up.

You ever let the golden fuck you?

Wow amazing tits

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I fell off my bike and smashed L1. I can walk though so someone up there was looking out for me

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Sorry, I was eating. I'm not sure where to start. Any body type or hair colour folks like?

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What’s the pain like ?
I slipped a disc years ago on my lower right and it took a good two years before it was really liveable

You were quite skillfull IMHO. Internet has not been a total gain from this point of view (easy to spread that induce shyness from amateur models)

I'd have be happy to browse your collection, anyway.

I like all of them, love your pictures man

I started with my girlfriends, and then their friends, and then their sisters, etc... it sort of spread that way. Once you have even a half-dozen shoots with different models it's easy to show prospective models what they'd be in for--and I always encouraged them to bring a female friend--no boyfriends--as chaperone, and often the friend would join in.

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More like sucked a dick