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I take pictures of my girlfriend's friends feet, jack off to them, jack off to the thought of their feet, stare at their feet, and have smelled their socks and shoes.

I honestly think that I prefer her friends feet over hers.

I kill homeless people in a country where no one gives a shit about them

You seem to be lucky.

>took a friend's 4/10 fat sister to prom in return for him fixing my dirt bike
>one thing led to another and we got married 6 years later

I fucked my stepsons wife, multiple times.

i fucked my girlfriends mom several times and would also fuck her sister if i had the chance

I randomly bump posts.

I commited multiple war crimes during war in Kosovo, I can't sleep at night and want to be punished, and at the same time I have very good life and family and I don't want to lose it all and end up in Hague.
I know it was war and it ain't pretty but stuff we did were pure horror. I don't know how much more can I take.

this lol

Top kek. Was the fixing of the dirt bike worth it?

Pray tell more.

Not immediately since initially I wasn't attracted to her at all, but long term it's definitely been worth it.

I posted this so everyone that comes to this thread looks at it

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You are not alone. War is hell.

When I was 15 I was pretty mentally unstable and just started puberty so i was a ticking timebomb of sexual degeneracy waiting to blow. Long story short, had a dog that I let fuck me semi-regularly all through out highschool. Dont have the dog anymore and I've been out of highschool for a long time now, and now that I'm a little more stable I honestly cant even believe what the fuck I did. I feel disgusted everytime I think about it....which is a lot.

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I meet mostly underage girls on omegle and make them emotionally dependent on me.
I've been doing it for years, I really need to stop but the trust really gets me off.

Elaborate if you will. What aspects made it worthwhile? Or did an attraction occur?

Are you good looking? Hard to get girls on Omegle.

Top zozzle


I'm like a 6, but most of my good finds were in text, definitely tougher, but that's where the really self conscious ones are.

I had to help my 11yo niece bathe/shower several times and it was honestly pretty fun

Well, for one, I pooped into a tank. Noone noticed it, and when it was ordered to move a couple weeks later, the smell made it impossible to deploy.

I also used my ordnance gun t o kill mice. Man, you can't just imagine how many fucking mice I executed. Then one day the commander-in-chief had a number of cats deployed, and the remaining mice became their food.

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that imaginary niece is seriously retarded if she's 11 and can't shower/bathe yet.

Country? Need to plan vacation.

Posted this in a previous thread, too, but here we go.

I was head over heels crushing hard on this Chinese girl in college. I got very close to her as friends but that was it.

Fast forward 5 years after graduation, she's doing some travelling before going into business school and wants to come stay at my house. Of course I accept.

The first couple of nights, I make us drink but not too much. Then the third night, I make her drink a lot. While she's drunk as fuck, I have sex with her because I know she won't go to the police or tell anyone.

The next day she tries to bring it up but I say I don't know and change the subject. She tells me she has a boyfriend and I just nod it off. (She went on to marry this guy).

After she leaves, I ask for her mailing address to send her a gift. I mail her a vibrator from Amazon with the message, "Remember our good times".

I never heard from her after that but from looking at her Facebook profile, I see she's gone on to become an executive type at a large tech company.

I have to tell people I'm scared of dogs because one bit me when I was a kid

Nice try, FBI!

I made my younger brother into a slave who did basically whatever I told him to from when he was maybe 12 until 17.

And you are a guy or a woman?

She couldn't physically do it herself due to injuries

I posted this last thread and I'm not looking for sympathy but it felt good to say it.

I have liver cancer
No friends
No family

I'll save a seat by the fire for anyone who wants one

>What aspects made it worthwhile?
I got laid that night, had brunch with her and her friends the day after, and got a date out of it

>Or did an attraction occur?
I guess so. She looked surprisingly pretty with her gown and her hair and makeup done. When we slow danced she pulled my arm all the way around so that I was essentially cuddling her, and that helped the attraction.

Her reaction to my erection poking her thighs didn't hurt either.

Nobody believes that I can get a boyfriend by myself but they're wrong. I can.

I regularly listen to music like Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, and other pop singers. Secretly though.

If it is a country no one cares, even FBI doesn't care. Du Rindvieh!

I'm a guy


A dude

I am a man.

Damn, nigger. Any plans on treatment, or is it too advanced?

I need to learn this

Any pics?

Any pics what are you working with here?

Save me a seat b/other

Been looking for a hidden camera setup for my cabana where everyone changes for the pool. Happy to take any advice.

yes, I read that hentai as well

Not many.

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guess who?

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is she still 4/10 and fat

I just saw the pics ffs user.......why?

I think she's more than 4/10 now but yes, still fat.


Is that one of her friends she's laying next to there?

They give me 3-5 years with treatment

No, that's her other leg.

When I was 17 I went on craigslist's M4M section. I was curious and had a fantasy about being used by an older guy. Talked to someone who was going to be staying at a nearby hotel. Arranged to meet him on afternoon in his room. I had never done this before so didn't know what to ask beforehand.

Got there and this guy in his 50's overweight answers the door. I'm too shy to say anything like "sorry, not interested" so I go in. for the next 4 hours he made me blow him, fucked me twice (once bareback in the shower after pissing on me) and generally abused the shit out of me.

I'm 22 now, never done another thing with a guy, have a girlfriend and when we have sex I think about that afternoon.

Well... there goes my smile.

i used sun glazing to cure my hikikimori

If your happy that’s all that matters

Bring the marshmallows I'll bring the chocolate and we'll make smores over satans balls

fake and gay

i'm 18 and a virgin. i so desperately want to hug, kiss, and fuck someone. i cant stop thinking about it no mater how much i try to distract myself



I tried making a separate thread about this, but there's probably more readers in here...

When I was 11 - 17 me and some friends were first groomed and recruited into, then became active and enthusiastic members of what can only be called a secret sex cult for boys. We never told anyone because it was fun and we didn't want to get the older guys who started it all to get into trouble, they were just teens we looked up to, and we were just curious and horny. It felt like everyone involved just wanted to experiment and fool around. And although the recruiting process was a little creepy, when it came to actually fooling around, every guy was only there because he wanted to be.

It was pretty hardcore right off the bat. The older guys who started it had been fucking around for years since they were our age, had become experts at recruiting young fags like us into their secret club, and they happily taught us all about sucking dick and fucking ass and much, much more. And we were eager to learn - by the time I was 12 I was regularly having sex with around 15 guys, some as young as 10, the oldest around 16 - 17.

The big culmination of it all and the real crazy part is... we even went as far as filming a whole bunch of very illegal very hardcore underage porn videos. I never kept a copy and to this day I still don't know if any of the videos we made got out onto the internet, and I'm definitely not going searching, but I'm like 99% sure they're out there somewhere. And I don't even care if they are, the thought that a younger version of me might be an underground cp star is actually kind of exciting. If you've ever consumed such media you may have seen me and my fuck buddies going at it.

So ask me literally anything. Pic related, it's the kind of porn I was in at age 12

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neck yourself

Kys faggot

When I was a 13 year old I started having sex with a guy in his 50's told the story here before). I never regretted it and remember it fondly. I know it was child rape and I know it can fuck someone up. It was just a great time for me.

Are you by any chance a biological woman?

I’ve nutted to Boku no Pico. Also, I’ve done LSD, DXM, shrooms, and whippets.

I can’t watch porn of guys fucking girls. It just doesn’t sit right with me. I’m not sure if it’s a retarded jealousy thing or what. I’m basically limited to solo porn.

I spotted a hidden camera planted by my father in law while we were visiting them for thanksgiving a few years ago. Never touched it, but investigated his PC and found years of footage of his 3 daughters in their bedrooms, shower and pool, all perfectly categorized.

Stole it all, fap regularly over it, always make sure I fuck my wife when we go visit so he has a perfect view.

I'm 52 and a virgin, but I don't care anymore about having sex. Sometime around 30 you stop obsessing about virginity, and only crave for genuine love with genuine cuddling and genuine kiss. Will I ever find a woman genuinely into me?

i masturbate to pics of my older sister

post them

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>Her reaction to my erection poking her thighs didn't hurt either.

Did she laugh?


About 4 or 5 times a year I travel 200 miles to get sodomised while dressed as a girl by an old college friend. I have a fiancee, she has no idea. My college friend wants me to marry him. It's actually very fucked up. Im not gay, but he has a very large penis, a good job, and wants to move to Japan with me. He would pay for it. I'm actually tempted. But I still love my gf.

yes. She said "it's at most a four-incher, how pathetic!" and laughed her ass off

I listen to cspan so I can hear someone speak "to me." I live with an shitty bf who cheats and treats me like shit and we dont even speak to each other at all. I kinda wanna cry. He has killed the joy in spirt.

What was the grooming process like?
Did you know what you were getting into before you agreed?
Any favorite moments you can think of worth sharing?

oh thought they would be nudes.

> full, perky tits

I see your point

I like to drive around dtla at night wearing slutty heels and lingerie while looking for hookers

and her ass is nice

i wish

Have you ever masturbated to the idea of your bf cheating on you?

im a long way from 30. i dont even get touched by another person very often, it drives me fucking crazy

Nicee one Elon Musky...Nice one..!

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Fuck off.
She said that it made her feel attractive for once and then she kissed me on the neck

Not gonna lie, this is kinda cute and I'm happy for you. But this was funny as fuck

I'm sorry user. I hope you're doing things that make you happy while you still can. And please save a seat for me by the fire.

Yeah me too.. I hate when camera zooms in on dudes asshole or his ugly face when he's about to cum. And male moaning is disgusting.
That's why I watch only girl on girl.. or shemale on female, it's less gay then with some ugly hairy dude