WTF is wrong with these people?

WTF is wrong with these people?

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they actually believe this shit too lmfao

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what's your problem with feminine peanus?

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It wouldn't be an issue if we let kids wear whatever clothes they wanted and play with whatever toys they wanted.
I always wanted soldier toys but my brother wanted barbies. My parents should have just let him wear pink and play with barbies.
If society didn't box people by their genitals, we wouldn't have people trying to jump into the other box.
You don't see many people saying they identify as brown-eyed. That's because eye color doesn't dictate how people treat you.

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I also like my women with a penis

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being a tranny is like trying to fly an airplane under water in a backyard swimming pool that is 4 feet deep and saying:
>hmmm, why does everyone who tries this die 80% earlier than everyone else?

They hate western society and want to destroy it.

Ultimately it's just a way of expressing their self-hatred.

Who even makes this shit, people like this make all trannies look like self righteous cunts

I'm saying trannies wouldn't even exist if we didn't have gender roles

Who is this?

oh, you want a fantasy world i see. good thing you're not God, or we'd all be fucked (literally).
if your life is defined by what you put your dick in, then maybe you should just stick to jacking off so you don't reproduce and spread your own faggotry.

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no idea

I don't hate trannys, I find them oddly amusing in a sad kind of way. Sort of like pointing and laughing at midgets, retards and grossly obese people. I know i shouldn't be laughing at them either, but I can't help myself. but, unlike trannys, at least I have some respect for them because it's rare that midgets, retards and fat fucks they go around crying victim hood, and demand that society play along with their nonsense and mental disorder.

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unlike your own mental disorder theirs isnt cured or dimmed down by drugs.
Sure trannys participate in a ton of faggotry, but you sucking the cock of that high horse is pretty much just as bad.

You only think you're better because you're crying about it here on 4 chan.

Im heartbroken

i think she's lianna lawson

I've been called faggot and get threated like a trans person all day tought im a male hetero fuck this matrix and fuck you all especially gabriel/a

This. Their entire ideology is destroyed when you explain this. Yeah, there are feminine males, and masculine females. Just let people live their lives rather than box them in. A male shouldn't need to lop his dick off because he likes barbies and dinner parties.

It does not affect me. I'm a male I like women a lot, but if ppl want to identify as whatever why not. Stop being so fucking worried about some ppl lives.

He is actually right..and you know it

only semi retarded tranon here, gotta admit these kinds of trannies are more fucking retarded than a kid with down syndrome. How tf can they not understand your dick or lack thereof determines your sex and then they act so offended when you say they're wrong even if its got nothing to do with the fact they're trans. And then, when you think they're done they bring up something entirely new to make a fuss about like fucking gender reveal parties or something

I've always wondered what the criteria is to have a mental disorder deemed acceptable by society

Nicee one Elon Musky...Nice one..!

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there are people like this on the both sides of the fence unfortunately
just look at this retard:

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are you saying you don't shit out your own ass? fugging hypocrite.

"Cis" a made up word for "normal"

I wish for someone to translate all this mans comics into Ork speak from the WH40k universe

cis isn't a made up word. The fags culturally appropriated a scientific term.

denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond.

Yeah ok, and when everyone is told to learn an infinite amount of pronouns to address these fruitloops what then? You'd be locked up for "incorrectly using their pronouns" and shit. Slippery slope is real and it's here.

>user sitting in the hospital
>his kid was sodomized by a tranny
>police walk into the hospital
>user gets up and starts explaining what happend
>police handcuff him and take him away
>why are you arresting me! my son was raped! user shouts
>unbeknownst to him the globohomo agenda succeeded in making it illegal to report sexual assault from a tranny.
>anons child is executed for being a homphobe

I shit out your ass

i wish to poop back and forth with you forever


Is there any rule 34 of this or what?

>cis isn't a made up word
All words are made up

is that why you call it write things down?

>eye color doesn't dictate how people treat you.

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Ork speak is just ghetto slang

what if i want to identify as a sports car?
you can talk shit to me, but all i can say back to is you is:
>vroom vroom vroooooooom

and you can't do shit to me in court, because only us carkin understand the language of vroomskrt.

it hurts to say that ork speak is a bit more eloquent compared to ebonics


Its a biochemical thing with the brain, not really even an imbalance. Most are relatively sane and can function in life. They don't shoot up public places. You rarely see violence. Truth be told they are less problematic than most of you fucks. Sure there is always gonna be depression and drug use amongst them, for the most part they dont really fuck up the world and for that I cannot see why everyone hates on them. It is kind of immature and totally fucking un-called for really. If my child felt an impulse they cannot control to act like the opposite sex I could care less and would support them. It is the Wiggers that suck, the white suburban kid with a good wholesome family who listens to rap and dresses black and commits crimes regularly for drugs money because they made a choice to emulate the life of dumb ass rappers they idolize. Shoot people trying to act hard even though little Preston went to a good school in a good neighborhood and watched a couple Wu-Tang videos and now they are the expert on sayin Finna for no reason. That is a choice. The people trans look up to is RU Paul and shit, people who hate violence, give to charity, doesn't hate people out of ignorance or differences, generally nice to everyone. What is wrong with that?

Waz iz you sayin huumie?


its hard to shoot up a place when most gun stores take one look at you and absolutely refuse to sell you a gun or even ammo.

But a tranny can buy an axe and go HAM on bitches in a gas station tho

Ill give it a try
>me ork, me strong boi
>ork boi haz strong spores, no weaky snot spores
>sayin morkies have spores and gorkies haz spores is biolowaaAAAAAGH
Tbh that stuff is harder than i though as orks just dont have genders

i warned you bro i warned you about the ork speak

>implying they all look like these.

but the ones they do...oof.

>proceeds to type a paragraph of lies
as if you know every transfag in the world and not to mention the dead ones, who die of gay-related diseases and suicide.
how is having a pink sock and a shit-smeared dick normal? and if it's a neovagina, then how is deceiving a man to insert his penis into one of those abominations full of MRSA and the same bacteria found in ACTUAL FECES good?

you go to these lengths to defend the trannies, all so you can jack off to them, in comfort, on your favorite porn site.

good grief!

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>most snots haz weaky spores, many bois haz strong spores
>boss sayin some snots strong spores
>boss sayin stop chopping snots, but iz fun


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>me wantz people thinky im not snot, haz to be seen stronk
>but am snot

the warcraft orcs are much better:
>something need doing?
>me not that kind of orc!
>ogie dogie
>yes, chieftain?
>how may i serve?
>tas dingo!!
>puff puff give
>that be good choice, mon!

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Iz hard be'in boi

classifying you as male or female let's society know how to teach you to become a respected and valued member of said society, males go one way and females another, looking at your genitals is the easiest way to do that


>a girl can't have boy parts
That's like saying women can't buy mens' shoes.

this is the stupidest statement in all of Sup Forums this century

*autistic screeching*

Nice hook hitler

>that's like saying women can't buy men's shoes.

actually no, no it's not. not even close.

A cock isn't shoes

1. This is essentially correct.
2. That this is correct does not make make the behavior it points out ideal.
3. If you think your roll in society should be dictated by your genitals or that the respect you're due should be dictated by your adherence to that roll you are demonstrably a moron and should relieve society of the burden of having to put up with you.
4. Trump killed Epstein.
5. Water is wet.


ayyy lmao i found this on page 10

I've been looking for this reaction gif for a while. Thank you, user

>son was raped
user, the year is 2019 and males cannot be the victims of rape

Can you imagine how utterly pathetic and butthurt you'd have to be to take the time and effort to do this to some nobody's comic just to assert his sad concept of sex/gender?

This is just plain SAD.

how... could i have possibly forgotten this?

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ANTIFA is an anarcho fascist terrorist organization

communists aren't people

First of all, Grandpa, "Tranny" is slang for transvestite, and they just wear differently gender-based clothes.

Second of all, your analogy is shit and you should feel like shit (because, frankly, you are shit.).

This is true. We can thank the retardation that Christianity and prudish assholes in society have afflicted on our existence for it.

tranny isn't slang for transvestite you mong. Its slang for "gigantic flaming faggot that shouldn't be trusted around children or people with compromised immune systems".

stop trying to appropriate our words

No. "HE" is a mental midget and so are you.

This is 100% correct.

So please continue to cry.


Well that sure escalated into Full Retardhood quickly.


were you dilating the whole time that post was up?

>Anti fascist
"Anti" means "against or opposing."

Against fascists.

It's that simple.

Now grow a brain.

this is the nigga that would reeeee out when someone told him to use a different color than what was listed in the coloring book.

How sheltered of a life have you lived user?

over 80% of child sexual abusers are their own family unit members and over 95% of child sexual abusers are heterosexual cisgendered persons. they are also THOUSANDS of times more likely to be sexually abused by clergymen than by the LGBTQA community.

Your whiny Christfaggot "kEeP THeM aWaY fROm tHE cHiLREn" has officially worn out completely. You might as well be that insane faggot on the streets who still claims that Harry Potter and Dugeons and Dragons come from the devil.

Consider the kilt. Then consider suicide.

They took the feminine penis meme seriously.

I'm cisgendered, actually. But nice bit of projecting that shows everyone how ignorant and bad at debating you are!

>hurr durr i'll toss religion in there cuz its an easy target

ok pat

they suffer from a condition called gender dysphoria

In what sense and why?

"REEE" is for Trumpanzees when Starbucks doesn't mention Jebus on its cups of overpriced espresso.

And "using a different color" shows creativity and independence, so not sure what you were trying to assert there.

lol found the bjorn

Religiosity and being against LGBTQA rights and ESPECIALLY that bullshit about sheltering children from the existence of non-heterosexual people are extremely interwoven.

guess what jimmy fedorawitz?

all religions and even atheists for the most part are against the insanity of trans faggotry.

You keep using the same comic to start the same thread that you failed at twice this morning. Get better material, this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums or Sup Forums you big dumb faggotOP.

Oh here we go. You faggots just have to bring up fucking children. Like you can't stop talking about it.

>I come from Sup Forums where we don't understand contextualizing statistics

so stop fucking doing it?

Keep reading, Scooter. It was the post that one was in reply to that brought it up.

>Caring about child abuze on Sup Forums
Talk about virtue signaling. Now go find the study that says only 2% of kids molested have negative consequences in their life and the ones that do are from society

actually, no. No they are not.