Waifu something breadamajig

Waifu something breadamajig

Previous:Not this time

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Rory-sama claimed

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Other urls found in this thread:


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i don't sleep cuz when i do;
all i dream are dreams of you...

Attached: uzu2rrfhh.png (960x539, 418K)

thats so deep bro...

You've been listening to some lofi?

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Aegis claimed.

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theres a little thread in the dead

Attached: Interesting....jpg (600x600, 129K)

I wish I was in the dead.

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Attached: Wondering what do you want.jpg (413x600, 55K)

Life is stressful and it sucks.

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Attached: Ritsu 3320.png (768x1024, 386K)

You're on a bullet from where you want to go

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if you crave death so much, go to it

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Well, aren't you just a bundle of edge.

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I finished cleaning and made myself some food. What are you up to?

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Attached: Portrait in Thamasa.jpg (1268x911, 126K)

Drinking my troubles away and playing a racing game.


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Attached: Cute portrait.jpg (500x500, 28K)

what racing game?

Attached: ak-me149.png (1155x340, 411K)

Sounds rough, hope you enjoy your game at least.

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Gran Turismo Sport.

I'll be fine.
What are you up to?

with time, people change;
eternal solace one round away...

looking gud btw.

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Attached: A very cool pose.jpg (1037x1200, 81K)

do you have a simulator?

Attached: ak-me325.jpg (300x300, 46K)

Just browsing through youtube, nothing exciting.
gud to see you.

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Do you mean like a wheel setup?
If so, then no. I may get one eventually though.

I suppose so. More history videos?

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Yeah, and watching the witcher trailer again.

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mhm thats what i meant.
im interested in having one too because i dont like playing simulation racing with just a controller

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The Witcher trailer?

I know they can get pretty expensive, which is the main reason I haven't gotten one, but I imagine a game can be a lot more fun with it. I'm already practiced with a controller, so I'd think there'd be a bit of a learning curve with a wheel.

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stabbed in the back;
you're not coming back...

some days i can't get enough of cute stolfopics

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Trailer for the netflix tv show, the books are being adapted, not the game.
I'm always on the hunt for more.

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hello world. pictured here is Yui Hirasawa. she's a cute girl i know, and she's just a little special to me.

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hi there!
how are you this evening, Relm?

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Come on over and we can watch it. Netflix and chill and all that.

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still tired, was a hard day

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aw dang, i'm sorry...
are you relaxing now, though?

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It doesn't come out until December, unfortunately. But that sounds fun, you forgot to say no homo.
Hello there

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yeah, and you? how are you?

Attached: A sweet portrait.jpg (600x600, 69K)

hilo thar
you're him, right? you know what i mean
oh, good
i'm doing alright, too
i finished some quick little job and now i'm free to relax and enjoy this milkshake that i shouldn't have.

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ashes to ashes, dust to dust;
what's done is done, even if not just...



cute is subjective.

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Oh, I see.
There's nothing gay about two bros sitting on a couch, getting drunk, and watching Netflix.

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>i shouldn't have

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aw, okay...
i think that's a cute... i don't know what that pic is but it's funny.
ah, it's just unhealthy. i remember someone saying "carrots are not healthy" and someone else replied "compared to what? a milkshake?" and that just makes me chuckle
anyway, milkshakes are unhealthy

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Lovin' this one even in the dream world.
G'night, all.

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i did a little research (i just googled it lol) and it seems that you are right, sorry

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have a good night. i hope you dream about her
ah, it's okay, no worries. but yeah, you need to watch what you eat and stuff.
are you gonna do anything fun tonight? i'm probably gonna play... Portal 2 maybe... or Dark Souls.

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The gay one or the best looking one? I'm just kidding, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.
I feel these lyrics are describing how you're feeling. Also fried Nep's cute.
Of course, btw that image of Aegis talking about drinking always make me smile.
Anything interesting show catch your eye recently.

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a portal 2, thats indeed a good game, well, i gonna compose some music until i get sleepy

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never mind... it's a dumb question. i trust you, though. sorry for being dumb
yeah, it is fun! i'll play with friends or something
that sounds really fun! i hope you make a bop! or something else that sounds good.

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It's always a good one.
I can't say I keep up much with TV. If it counts, I watched the pilot for Hazbin Hotel. It was interesting.

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after finishing a few songs, ill put they in a mega link so you can hear it

Attached: Relm and Locke.jpg (462x600, 94K)

you are cute.


with sunrise, nature blooms;
with sunrise, life resumes...

no lyrics, just words i jumbled together.

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Don't sweat it, not the person you're thinking of. Were you in the waifu thread earlier?
I should finish Made in Abyss before moving onto a new series. I haven't heard of Hazbin Hotel, but I might give it a look.
I remember on the xbox 360 there was an interesting feature where you can watch shows with your friends.
Go write a poem. See you later, friend.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_oranggila12__sample-7695748d225ec1731b57773e2e4a990a.jpg (850x1198, 240K)

I've heard of made in abyss. It's that one with the rabbit thing the one guy posts right?
I'm not surprised you didn't hear about Hazbin Hotel, I just kind of stumbled across it. I don't what if it'll turn into anything considering it's just a pilot on youtube right now.
I don't even have an Xbox, we'd just have to do it the old fashioned way.

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oooh, sounds fun!! let's do it!!
no, not really
i don't know. yes?

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Yep, the rabbit is named Nanachi. I only have an episode or two left to finish.
That feature show your avatars getting into a theater, it was kind of cool. Handy because my friends lived far away.
Apologies if get on your nerves, just a little bored right now.

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so, i asume do you like dark souls, right?

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But how are you supposed to give Brojobs over the internet?
I'm certain there were PC services along the same lines, but none immediately come to mind.

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I feel bad for one of my friends last night, he lives with his mom, whose a staunch Seventh Day Adventist. She got mad at him for playing way into the night. No brojobs, sadly.

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hi again every body

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I can't say I know what that means.
Brojobs are a staple of every non homoerotic relationship.

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From what I heard Seventh Day Adventist observe Saturday as the sabbath and I guess my friend's mom was mad because he technically Saturday at one 1:00am. Sad times.
No better way to help out a bro than with a brojob.

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That sounds really dumb. I can't say I'm religious at all. I don't get it, it all sounds insane to me.

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I should really proofread, before I post. It's nutty, but I sort of understand, my family is catholic, though not strict.

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I can't say I care much about religion.

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She's ugly.

no, nothing wrong.. i don't think, at least
ehhh.. kinda... my friend introduced me to it

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Oh boy what a rush of work. Im ready for slep.

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oh well, in that case, youll probably end playing sekiro, im gonna go, im pretty sleepy tbh, farewell!

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sorry to keep you waiting
maybe! it could be really fun!

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Not a very interesting topic, I agree. Also a lot of boring rules, my aunt is doing her first communion over again, because it wasn't official the when she did it in the past.
That's why I don't really bother with it.
Good to hear, friend.

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I imagine the whole "Being gay is a sin" thing is also a little off putting.

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Half gay! But yeah that too, I guess. Plus being in mass and things like that, bores me to death.

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Half gay is still gay.
I remember going to church when I was really young and being bored out of my mind. I can see it not being appealing.

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bit off-topic i guess for a thread with no rp, but is there any good places to do rp? ive tried some discords, but maybe besides that?

this is my waifu and i love her!
when i wake up, you are not around
good taste

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It definitely be weird to tell a priest in confession that I swing both ways. Sometimes I feel like the Romans made a mistake.
Hello again

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I don't see why it would be, priests are all about cute boys that like it from behind.

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hello hello, I love you all

heya! how are you doing today?
hey there
hello! been a while
how have you been?

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long time no see

Lewd and heresy.
I'm good, I plan to finish Made in Abyss tonight.

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Hey, how goes it?

Lies and slander.

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oooo how have you been enjoying it?i hear its a great watch. ive been behind on the manga for a few months now, it got kinda....
well i guess that doesnt matter, thats way past the anime obviously
it goes well, work was good, smooth, short, just how i like it
watching some youtube and finishing some dinner before i start up some more vidya
how about yourself?

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Remember, handholding is forbidden!
I've enjoyed so far. I'm at the part where Nanachi just met Reg and Riko.

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I'm okay. I've been drinking a bit and now I'm tired, but that's nothing out of the ordinary.

We can hold hands as long as we say no homo.

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good luck.
ah, i see. drinking always makes me tired. i hope youve had a nice day :)

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Gotta make your intentions clear.
The show has an amazing soundtrack.

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Not really, but it doesn't matter now.

Yes, can't have any accidental gayness.

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