Family members you would fuck and general incest discussion thread

family members you would fuck and general incest discussion thread

bonus for nudes

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does anyone have a sister they would ram their dick into?

None because I’m not a fucking degenerate

But I wanna hear some stories, go on

cumming to your sister makes you cum buckets though, I'm sure going through her stuff would turn you on

My sisters a cock tease. She thinks it's funny embarrassing me



well you should give her the dick


I mean, I've been inside my sister.


OP probably has tones but won’t share if no one else does kek

I want a blowjob from my cousin.

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There are many, we basically spent our childhoods expirementing with each other.
Even now we're still touchy-feely


I have a half sister I would love to fuck

came buckets when fapping with sisters panties, but never really fapped to her pics

dunno if i should try

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dem lips

I have nudes of my mom

goinbg to stay with her for a few days as shes feeling low - gonna try and fuck her

would fuck my older sis

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Would ram it into her for hours if i could

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They're why I want her sucking me, I would love to blow my load in her mouth.

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Ever see her naked?


it feels good to cum to your sister, but you regret afterwards. slowly the more you do it, that regret goes away. would suggest

you got pics?


yes, tits are not soo good but her ass is big. wish she would give me an offer


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She looks very slutty

you and me both

goddamn that mouth

cousin - left

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yeah, i would always feel regret and switch to porn before cumming, should def try sometime to finish it to her

older sister, she is 29

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yes i wish i can fuck her while she thinks that is her bf, but the life is hard haha

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Sure fam

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go on
bump for some stolen nudes

no way dude thats fucking hot

I have no interest in my sister but id probably fuck her if she asked

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so good

You can reverse image if you feel like it.
That's a fairly recent one. She was going through a break up and we sexted a bit.
I don't have any from when we were kids. Not that I would share if I did.

keep posting

I was lucky enough to find 2 videos of my sister fingering on her MacBook, nothing makes me cum more

yes i love it too that she can post it openly haha

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I film mine taking a shower every now and then

Alright children, gather round for story hour.

It started a little over a decade ago, my sister (who I shall call C) and I were always fairly close. I was 14 and she was almost 13.
Every summer we would go to our cottage up at Sauble beach Ontario. Me and C always had to share our room, which was never a problem before this point. But puberty was hitting, and naturally privacy was becoming a concern


that ass is so fucking good, wonder if she knows her brother jerks off to her

my 19 y/o mom in the early 90s

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i think she would kill me haha sometimes its hard to see her, especially in the summer...

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im sure if you saw nudes that would change your mind

my sister on the right. love this pic bc its almost just barely so close to an upskirt

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Now, I wasn't unsympathetic, but C got it in her mind to be a right proper cunt about it. Every day it was the same thing. It's not like we were sharing a bed either, we each had a single. But every day "get out OP" or "I hate this, why am I stuck here with you" bla bla bla.
I spent most of my time outside and with a couple of the local kids, but every single fucking night it was the same thing


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do continue kind sir.

I see her naked all the time. trying to get nudes is the problem. id still fuck her though

Tell her I have a few more pens if she needs them.

omg, how can you hide your boner when you see that

damn, nice tits too

One night, about two weeks in, I was out late with some friends and we got it in to our heads to do some late night swimming. So I ran back to the cottage to grab my trunks. It was around 11:00, and I assumed everyone was asleep, so I did my best to remain stealthy. I get to my room, open the door, and there was C with her shirt off and her pajama bottoms half way up her legs.
I reacted... Slowly.
She was so fucking hot, her tits were these firms little pears, her thighs were turned to me just right so the moon was glinting off the curvature of her ass.

Even now, whenever I think back on it I can't help but savour the memory

when i was 14 i had that fantasy that she will force me to fuck her in my room hahaha she is strong i think

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and few month ago she use that as whatsapp profile pic

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Hahahaha metoo

Really want to fuck and knock up my nerdy sister

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How often do you cum to it

My nieces, which you like/want more of?

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hnnnggh dat body

how old were you when you first started fapping to her?

good question, but a few times

i think i was nearly 14 and she was 25

Happy with either. Show us the best you've got.



would definitely like to try her ass


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fuck, bet she gives great head too

I'm enjoying her Insta

Lefts name is Γεωργία

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Any other stories and pics

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Then I got yelled at.

I closed the door and went swimming in my underwear.

The next day was tense. I slept outside that night and tried to avoid C, and had half a mind to sleep outside again, but I decided to try and make peace.
I waited until I knew our dad was asleep (single father) and came back home.
Knocked on the door to our room this time and waited a moment before going inside. C was up, in bed, and looking like she wasn't going to talk to me so I started.
"Hey I'm sorry about last night, I didn't see anything (lie)"
She resonded with something to the affect of "I hate this place, every summer to come up here and I hate it. I wish we stayed at home, at least then I wouldn't see you"

I was kinda pissed at that, but we really were outgrowing a shared room, so I stayed cool.
"Look, C, I don't want to be mad at each other. Coming up here with you and Dad is my favourite part of the year. I'm sure we can find a bigger cottage next year, or even stay home and do something else, but don't you want to enjoy the rest of the summer?"
-"no, there's nothing to do here"
"Come with me and [friend] tomorrow, we're biking in to town"
-"I still want my own room"
I stood there a moment then kinda just shrugged in my mind
-"alright C, this is probably going to happen again, so lets just get over it
I started pulling off my clothes and she looked away and asked what I was doing
"It's to make it even. We can keep fighting over the room or we can just get over it. It's no big deal"

What is


which one do you prefer?

I fingered and fondled my cousin when I was younger. She's about 15 years younger than me.

me tooo :D

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How old was she at the time?

What’s her insta

Won't show her face

Cont: I walked over to her bed and just stood there completely naked. She was still staring intently at the wall behind her but I whispered to her "it's alright, the sooner we get over it the better

It wasn't even sexual in my mind. I just thought it was the for the best

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2 or 3

i dont wanna be banned or that people fro, here raid her and tell her, her brother share the pics and want to fuck herhahah

I like them both, i have a closer relationship with Γεωργία she has ever put me under close friends on Instagram (no idea why she did that, doesn't she mind that i can see all her pictures?)

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omfg, if she posts pics like that, she has to know guys jerk it to her

of course but not her brother...

Damn was that the only time you did anything with her?

I was about a foot away from her, and in retrosect my cock was basically in her face, but she glanced over then shot her head back
-"Oh my god, put a shirt on" she squeeled (yes, really, it was a squeel)
"Nope, not until you get it out of your system."

It should be noted that this was still a purely pragmatic enterprise in my mind. Eventually she did look back over and this time she was staring.

It was only at this point that the situation became sexual in my mind. She wasn't saying anything, but I followed her eyes as she ran them up and down my body.
The covers of her bedsheets were below her breasts, and I could see one of her nipples was hard pressed against her shirt

A thrasher phone case? I subscribed to thatmagazine for like 10 years...


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shes probably thought about it tho

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My mom

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