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This thread is obviously started by the same dude who does the same larp every day over and over again.

It's a facebook jew bot trying to steal your secrets

You may want to see a psychiatrist, you may have issues.

Nah just another poster from that thread

>was molested starting at 3 by 5yo neighbor girl
>daddy was teaching her
>I taught many of my friends and cousins what I had learned of the years. Of both sexes.
>devolved issues only resolved by ageplay

When I was 16 I was driving across state for a football game and stopped at a public rest area to take a piss.

It was about 1am, nobody was around.. This was before everyone had a cell phone (though some did).

When I walked into the bathroom that was a dude standing in the middle,moerfectly still, facing the door.. Waiting.

Standing in front of him, was what I presume to be his daughter. His hands were on her shoulders, both standing still.. Silent.. Facing the door.

I walked past them to take a piss, he looked nervous, she didn't. Washed my hands and left.

Being the naive angel I was, it stuck out as weird.. But I didn't figure it out until later that he probably brought the poor girl their to blow strangers.

She was like 8 :(

Been in a very happy relationship for about 6 years, sex life very good, love my partner and would not change a thing.
But... i want to screw every single female that moves.. never cheated but i'm really really considering waddleing my mansausage around.

Any advice from b? Are hookers fine or should i refrain from everything?


How did you come to that conclusion?
Not doubting, just wondering. It's a sad world

Everything's fine if you keep your mouth shut

My mother cleaned my ass when i was 10.

Because I have a perfect memory and can literally go back and re-examine the scene.

I was in there for like 5 minutes.. They didn't move a muscle, he gave me a nod when I walked up to them and past them to the stalls.

I smoked a cigarette when I got in my car and they still hadn't left the bathroom ten minutes later.

The way he was standing behind her was like he was trying to hide his hard on.

It's normal for dads to take daughters to the bathroom I get that... But to stand perfectly still in the middle of a public rest stop bathroom for 15 minutes staring at the door.. Nope.


You're probably correct..
Do I still share a secret though?

Sounds kinky. Any details?

I'm the guy from the last thread that would pay his little sister to pose/model while I jerked off to her

And I'm the guy still interested in more stories!

Back in the pre-internet days, truck stops and rest stops were the places for deviancy after dark.

There was no Tinder or Grindr or Backpage. You had to get to these places or bars if you wanted to step out of the norm. So user was probably right, the guy was waiting for someone to show up to share the girl with.

> have had a colleague which had been attracted to me
> I've been towards her too
> chat, dirty chat, blow job, fingering
> never fucking her as I've been in a serious relationship
> could've done everything with her
> did many things with her
> always sucked my cock like a vacuum
> fingered her hours and hours, woman passed out
> could've done anything ,fucked her with dildo and vibrators of her own
> she liked ass play too
> offered to fuck her, I didn't do
> broke up with her
> relieve
> pain as my relationship broke
> thinking of her, but she's no colleague anymore
> want to fuck her until she passes out
> and try all the dirty things we've been talking about
> no more contact, pics and vids deleted at break up
> iam an idiot
> no benefit, no win.rar, just a memory boner

More here:

My niece was raped when she was around 5yrs old by her babysitter.
She was 17 when I found her page on fetlife while searching for local whores.
I recognized her room but she never showed her face. I modified my profile settings and added her.. Actually ended up paying for a subscription just to see her video's. Managed to convince her to anal bate herself for a video too. After about a year on the site her page was just gone. Not sure if her age was discovered and they banned it or she deleted it herself. She did get into a relationship with the just prior to it disappearing.
I'm still irritated that it's gone because you can't save pics/vids off the damn site.

As a therapist, i think people would be shocked how often kids get sexually abused one way or another, and how often they experiment at a young age

I mean lots. Had a sexual relationship in kindergarten with a girl one year my younger. Didn't really know what we were doing but we were doing it. Idle penetration some genital kissing and she really like me to draw her spread pussy for some reason. And growing up it seems those who also knew what sex was too young found me. Last 'experience' was having a 8 year old reach up my swimming trunks and jerk me off immediately as soon as she touched my dick. I KNEW she knew what she was doing. I was probably 16-17 then. Sucked a Lotta shota dick when I was a shota and got my little shota dick sucked by several boys and girls. Had sex many times through elementary and middle school. Tapered off through HS

>Back in the pre-internet days, truck stops and rest stops were the places for deviancy after dark.

Still are, to be honest.

Why did it taper off instead of you two getting married and pretending to all your friends to have started in high school?

the most interesting one was our last time doing it that i greentexted in last thread

>As a therapist, i think people would be shocked how often kids get sexually abused one way or another,
Its because we dont want to know and avoid confronting it. Especially who does the abuse.
>and how often they experiment at a young age
this is just cause we're collectively morons who dont remember pre-puberty sexual exploring.

Yes this is exactly it. Parents see the signs but ignore them because they are in denial or involved

Two!? I mean there were PLENTY of encounters with PLENTY of kids of EITHER gender. Just kids out in the country having fun.
Once had a 3 way jerk and suck session with a buddy and his little brother. Led to fucking the little brother for about a year

Did you develop any lasting issues or kinks from it?

Are you the jerk ing the rapist from the last thread?

Yeah, last I heard, credible estimate lowball it at 40% of children experience some sexual abuse. With estimates reaching as high as 70 in poor and rural areas.
And yes, its always someone who knows the family and is close, or in a position of authority over the kid.

As for the spontaneous play, that's just kids being kids, but even then, "my little angle isnt masturbating!" Because they're too young to know why something feels good somehow means they're too young for it to feel good.
Cant tell you how many parents are terrified and ashamed of it when they are at the pediatrician.


Why's a therapist on /b ???

Maybe they enjoy the challenge?

I'm this guy ama


Most therapists I know are nuts. Sup Forums is the perfect place for a therapist to hang out.

I can keep secrets

Show me your girl or wife
Kik: MarriedSlutsWelcome

Very good point. Kinda odd they're fucked up, trained and give advice to other fucked up people.

Do therapists see therapists? *Mind blow*

I have a huge handjob fetish
I get turned on more from getting a handjob than anything else

I once had sex in a church parking lot and was scared God would smite me.

My wife has PTSD from her childhood sex abuse from her stepdad. It took us 6 months before she was comfortable even giving me a blowjob. We have a good sex life now though. I never bring up her abuse because it triggers her anxiety disorder, but I often think about the time she told me that her stepdad took off the condom because “he just couldn’t take it anymore” and bought her a Plan B instead. She was 12.

i shared this story once here long ago before Sup Forums just turned into pornhub lite.

Long story short.
>Meet girl online during AIM days
>talk for 3 years
>go with her to my senior prom
>jock used to bully me all the time cause he cheated off my world history test
>missed the last 4 games due to failing grade
>blamed me
>told her about it
>she hooked up with the jock at my hotel room
>was heartbroken
>this was in 2004
>later that night she told me she had HIV/AIDS from a blood transfusion during her birth
>he thought he got one over on me and never bullied me for the last month of school
>She gave him an STD intentionally because he bullied me
>Online GF disappeared
>heard from her sister when I just got my BA
>online GF from high school died from the disease wanted to get a goodbye from me
>Go to the class reunion
>jock looks so thin
>shares his story on how it's changed his life
>I laugh hysterically
>he gloats about how he screws my GF
>tell him She gave him aids and i had dumped her before they hooked up
>He faints
What I didn't share with everyone when I shared this story here years ago was that he recently died about 2 months ago.

imagine some online girl loving you so much she literally killed someone for you in one of the slowest most painful ways. Havent met a decent girl since her

She left you a high bar to compare future mates to.

Part of the training process is you go through therapy with another therapist. I briefly considered it as a possible job, but I figured it would make me more fucked up than I already am.
I have a friend who's a drug counsellor and she is the biggest drug fiend I know. Apparently very successful.

I was in several GILF porn shoots for a small UK website when I was at university.

we know

massive degenerate here. group sex, orgies, older women, couples, cucks, public sex, nudist beach sex, hookers... i don't think theres anything more to explore as as straight male. ama i gueess

I'm not sure if it was "abuse" since I enjoyed it, but I got semi-regular blowjobs from a retired older neighbor when I was 15-16.
He had a pool table and a cocktail table pacman cabinet in his garage and I'd stop by to chat and chill often after school, he'd let me smoke weed and cigarettes in there and that seemed cool at the time.
One day he was asking about girls which led to asking about my experiences, and he acted shocked that I'd never had a blowjob and that I was really missing out. Then just casually said that he loved doing that if it was something I was into.
I thought he was joking at first and laughed it off, but he was serious. I kind of froze as he started to touch my thigh, and i remember him saying "it's just head, no big deal, but i can stop if you want me to." I didn't really know how to react but once his hand was on my crotch, that combined with the "sure thing" aspect got me hard. And just like that i felt very surreal as i leaned back on the couch in there and this older guy gave me amazing head.
I felt instantly disgusted with myself after i came, he asked if i could be sure to not tell anyone for obvious reasons and i laughed because holy shit how could i tell anyone?

I didn't see him for about a week but of course i got over it and came back, and it became a fairly regular thing for a year and a half or so, until i started junior year and decided it felt "too gay".

Over the weekend I had my wife jerk me on a car ride while truckers could watch and watch they did. She really didnt want to do it but i am dominating and she wont admit it but she got a kick out of it.

Fell asleep on the couch to wake up hearing my roommate getting head from his gf right next me. I pretended to be asleep and it was hot.

Thing was, she kept rubbing into the whole time. Loved it

The 3rd or 4th time I had sex with my high school gf she accidentally shit on my lap.

In gym class our teacher made us line up naked after showering, and he'd look at our bodies, supposedly to make sure we were clean.

I accidentaly gained access to my sil security cameras. Can’t stop whatching her fine ass and boobs.Also noticed her vero poor sex life

What's so weird about that?

It's embarrassing for boys at that age, and it's a bit creepy for a grown man to be looking at a line of naked teenage boys.

I used to date a single mother that had a kid with "insomnia" (personally I think she just didn't make her stay in bed at night.)
Regardless she got a prescription for this stuff called Sonata to give her every night.
It was decent because we could fuck without her waking up and didn't have to stay quiet.
She worked swing shifts and I'd babysit the odd time until she got off work in the morning. It didn't take long for me to put 2 & 2 together on what my risk/reward factor was while in that situation.
Tbh I miss that set-up more than I miss the relationship.

what did you do user?

idk, my pe teacher did the same thing and I turned out fine

Was it just a quick glance over or a thorough look everywhere?

I, too, literally fucked the shit out of a girl.

Uh.. Played C.o.D. at full volume Mr.Officer

Op here. It's abuse by definition only. I enjoyed every single one of my childhood experiences

Fuck who you want. Just keep quiet. Be extra good at home. She'll end up cheating on you anyway.

here's what he'd do at the beginning of every pe lesson:
>We're all in the changing room
>He opened the door
>We all get on the floor
>He starts walking the dinosaur
Perfectly normal

Was she paraplegic too?

Nice trips but no. Just a hard cummer.

most heartwarming Sup Forums story award

..if a girl shits when she cums there's something severely wrong user.

Doesn't matter. Had sex.

When we moved into a neighbourhood I was 8 my parents had the neighbours over including their chubby 14yr daughter. We were both sitting in my room talking about random things, started talking about sexual stuff, she said she'll teach me things im not allowed to say to anyone else, she was then facesitting me with her chub pussy. This went on for about 4 years until she had to go to college

well this seems like the proper place to admit this, so i'll just say it. I'M NOT GAY!

Therapist and people working in the psychology field are in most cases if not all a little bit crazy themselves.


same here Sup Forumsro

Pfffft can’t tell you how many times I filled around in and or around catholic churches. Gets the girls all fucking wet cuz “muh guilt”

Fucking based


Jesus. Slow down and try that again.

From 19-23 I sold pills cuz I didn’t want to get a job. When I was 20 I started dating a “fire dancer” ( rave stripper) who was 26 and I moved in with her and her daughter. I was with her for a free place to live she was with me for free drugs it worked. One night while rolling and drinking she decided she wants her 7 yr old to x-pierience the joy of e. She gave her a half a pill and the little girl rolled balls while her mom laughed. After awhile my gf passed out but her daughter was semi conscious still fucked up. I got her one of the pacifiers and as I watched her suck it I wondered what it would feel like. So I took the pacifier away and put my limp dick in her mouth. She sucked my like a toy. With the back and forth suck like my dick was a bottle of formula. No blowjob before or since compares to that girls sweet mouth. I came in her mouth and she ate most of it. I cleaned up what was left. From then on I just started to give her pills when her mom was at work or gone for a few days. I could tell she wasn’t thrilled but gf never said anything. I’m pretty sure she knew what I was up to but she wanted her free drugs more than her child’s safety.

I used to get babysat by this black family from Grenada and one of the daughters took me under the slide in the back yard and touched my dick and made me touch her. I'm a male btw. Guess it explains my humiliation and femdom fetish.

kind of innocent but my freshman year math teacher was in a wheelchair. i used her lack of easy mobility to steal a copy of the final exam. i got the A i needed to make the honor roll, even though i didn't deserve it.

More stories!

I did manage to eventually get the tip of my cock past the ring of her asshole when she was eight before we broke up. That took a little ambian though and some patience.

Don't you feel sick and disgusted about abusing this poor little girl?

I mean,you could've fucked her mother instead

How old were you guys at the time?

I did fuck her mother.
Heck sometimes I'd save my load just for her and use the kid as foreplay for myself. You can't pound a child after all.
Besides I've seen what happens when these kids grow up.. Skids. All of em.
Why feel bad about using a girl that's going to end up like her mother anyways?

Because you are part of the reason why girls like her end up like her mother

my friend's little sister had a party when the rest of the family was away. she let her friends put vodka in their dog's bowl and it almost died from dehydration. it apparently lost half of it's body weight because not only was it being fed alcohol, it wasn't being fed actual food either. just hearing about this made me so mad that i hacked her email, found nudes, and posted them all from her facebook account.

Well, me and my brother are moving to a room on friday. Because of the emotional abuse we're going through by our parents. Im terrified of how its gonna turn out.

good luck user, figure this is the first step to getting your life back on track. you're doing great.

He's gonna give it to ya

And you gonna take it

Left,right and center

All the way

At first only him

Then his friends too

Then the social worker

They gonna turn you into a cum dumpster

this counts as murder in my country

She was dead already,what they gonna do?

Put her rotten corpse in jail?

My mom abused me as a kid.
I started enjoying it when I was 11-12 and started watching porn, but from 7-10 years she made me miserable.

>Put her rotten corpse in jail?
lul just saying

I may be one part out of a thousand fucking parts. You'd like to point that finger, but you know I'm a minor factor in the inevitable result.

How did you realize you were starting to enjoy it?

Well then I guess I'm a creep. Huh.

Really wishing a BBC or some hung whit guy would force me to suck his cock right now. Also wish I had a regular buddy on the dL to blow and experiment with. Someone who doesn’t mind that I’m fat idk.

Also rn I’m trying to bust a fat nut and swallow my own load so I’m gonna go down a JB rabbit hole cuz I really like the non illegal shit and I’m high af