Waifu something breadamajig

Waifu something breadamajig

Previous:Not this time

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Rory-sama claimed

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Other urls found in this thread:


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California is a shithole. Let it burn, break off, and drown.

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Human waste lmao

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All of it or just the shitty parts?

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_roousuu__sample-b5a3253c9f73541e828e953a902a4746.jpg (850x973, 165K)

Its all shit

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this is my waifu and i love her!

Attached: DZ29rBMVAAAxW0G.jpg orig.jpg (1864x2244, 194K)

Deaaaar trapman!~ guess who got sick and is stuck in bed now?~

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Aegis claimed.

Says the guy living in a glorified prison.

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I never asked for this.
That sucks, do you have the flu?

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_citron_82__sample-4080e12b7f06dfbd32b9a2ae86b52f66.jpg (850x738, 161K)

Hey, we turned that prison into a country in 150 years.
Too late. Prepare for another blackout.

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Australia is one of the most underrated slights of all time.
>Where do we send our prisoners?
>The other side of the fucking world.

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You went from a prison to a self ruling prison.

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It's alright, PG&E will make a scripted and forced apology to make things better. I hope to leave this place one day.
The koalas and dingoes make up for it.

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And yet we have better healthcare

Attached: 045-1.jpg (235x428, 78K)

Doubt it, just been feeling completely exhausted all day from the moment I woke up

Attached: Junko130.png (640x954, 700K)

Ur a dingo.
Koalas are perfectly evolved to not survive, yet they somehow manage it.


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>drop bears and more brazen wolves
Fixed that for ya

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I like this variation of my rules

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They're just like sloths, cute, but makes you wonder how they survived for so long.
Speaking of exhausted, I almost fell asleep in my astronomy class. Just take it easy.
Sorry, please don't make me stand still while you glass me.

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Nonon c
What's up.

Attached: satsuki_nonon_by_cosom-d7tiew7.png (800x642, 281K)

Yeah, they're pretty low tier. But then again, Australia's meta is weird.

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Fiiiiine muuum, will be sure to leave myself in your capable hands

Attached: Junko127.jpg (1200x1200, 550K)

California is nothing but earth quakes and faggots

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I thought this was common knowledge?

Attached: nonon_jakuzure_by_2grizabella7-d6s5nop.jpg (1024x1448, 274K)

Not to anyone outside of murica gots to inform them

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Are you having a bad time?

Attached: nonon_jakuzure_by_squiby_327-d728ihr.png (800x1061, 939K)

Fuck the meta
Don't give me attitude.
And don't forget the wildfires.

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Not really, no

That's the heavens purging the filth

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Fuck my ass Putin san

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Chika Fujiwara hell yes BROTHER

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Attached: Takami.png (1280x720, 1.3M)

Its always good to have flavour, CC
I wont make you do anything

Attached: 046-1.jpg (296x150, 29K)

Aw, it would be more fun if faggots were actively bothering you.

Attached: Nonon no business.gif (500x500, 718K)


This is not a joke

Attached: hot yeen -x.png (900x840, 620K)

save me from this abyss they call California

Mai-san claimed

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I often wonder if I would be welcome back
Or if I should just stay away

Solve this Riddle tho

How can you be a Californian, praise it like it's the greatest thing ever and than move to Texas

Run child, run far away as you can

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>caring what the fuck people think about you on an Anonymous Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum
Stupid pizza slut.

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It could always be worse.

I bet you play Little Mac in Smash too.

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All yer Waifus and Husbandos are Trash.

..Best Husbando is Slave Knight Gael, Obviously.

Best Waifu Not a Joke

Attached: Slave_Knight_Gael.png (1066x767, 836K)

Was meant for

Cause Texas doesn't get you to buy electric cars just to shut off the electricity?

Attached: Nonon45.gif (245x245, 753K)

this guy right here

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What can be worse than calis?

There's too many calis invading my Texas

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Can't go wrong with some divine punishment.
Looks like we're both stuck here, for now.
Never, I would only as fire emblem characters..

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Sorry mum! You didn't hear anything

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Mongolian basket weaving forum?
I thought it was a Vietnamese shoe making forum

Stop selling avocado toast you dink.

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Only 2 people here know you my dude. Hows work treating you?

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Third world countries.


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Yes, when it all burns. A new life will rise from the ashes

Tell that to the mexicans

It's esdeath isn't it

Gonna have to move out here soon

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i know the rules state only 1 per poster, but fuck it, i want her too.

Attached: so fucking cute -o.jpg (480x428, 97K)

Hail to the Queen

Hail to the queen, the beautiful yeen!

Attached: really cute -o.jpg (338x424, 17K)

Esdeath works?

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The furry part of me approves.

Attached: Nonon22.png (500x281, 174K)

Well, I guess
Had a break down a while ago and have now been diagnosed with psychosis
Was in a psyche ward for a little while and now I take anti psychotics

Not allowed to tattoo anyone due to it but still own the store so makin money

I spend my days watching Netflix and playing vidya

furry or Not

Attached: bae jasiri -e.png (933x930, 475K)

Surprisingly yes, hell if I know what kind of job will take him

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Move out where?

It's one per poster, not only one poster can have a particular waifu at a time.

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are 2hu allowed?

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You get my approval and that's it, otherwise use that tongue and lick it.

Attached: Nonon9.png (1562x1200, 1.66M)

Jasiri has ascended, not even furry at this point.

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Thinking about either Seattle or Denver but I'm open for ideas. Just get me the hell away from all these mexicans

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>his waifu is literally from a waifu catalog

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Ouch. Meanwhile I have a pretty easy job at a cafe owned by my brother. Had a massive health scare 3 months ago thats resolved with complications. Long story short, I had major surgery.
You guys have to fight for her now.

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took you so long to determine

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I imagine Seattle would be just as bad as California, perhaps even worse. It's where all the hipsters go.

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Call it tough love.
Come on man, I just really like fire emblem.
I have a paranoid relative that thinks people from out of state keep starting the fires.

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I'm eating. Stop seeking validation from online Anonymous users.

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No, she brings peace. This is not what she'd want.

Attached: sisinisawa -x.jpg (798x944, 91K)

*cough* Tomo might be catalogued too you know
*cough cough*

Attached: Nonon155.jpg (184x184, 15K)

Heart or brain?

alright you silly, really love you

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Ah right, it's above Cali.. damn

Meh, Cali deserves to be burned into ashes

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Large bowel

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Those sleepy eyes and quirky attitude? I dunn-nooo

Attached: Nonon2.png (600x800, 610K)

I was tempted to say liver.

Attached: Nonon36.png (100x100, 21K)

There are so many options though. Like Dedede.
And the DONG.

I think no matter where you go you'll get crazies.

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That's a fat rip

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I think you may be confusing the term catalog with the term archetype.
Tomoko is becoming a character archetype, while 2hu is a catalog of girls.

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you had to ruin my streak..

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Feel bad for u

How'd you find out?

Come to Ausland, we have less crazies.
My liver is somehow still functional
Combo broken

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this isn't the last you'll hear of me

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I don't give a flying fuck you worthless furry piece of shit. Consider killing yourself before you ever quote me again you subhuman filth.

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But who will form the NCR?
No, I will not change my mind.

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who are you talking to?

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Just come to Florida, embrace the crazy.

You ride Kangaroos to work.

Then you will suffer the wrath of my DONG.

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>we have less crazies
They have you, poopie boi

Beats me

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Blocked twice in 3 weeks, then a massive reaction to the bowel prep for the surgery. Heart rate was at 180+ for 12 hours and I could feel the pain through ketamine. They wanted to cancel but I would h ave been fucked without the surgery.

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