Lia Marie Johnson naked shower fight vid or pics?

Lia Marie Johnson naked shower fight vid or pics?

Attached: Lia-Marie-Johnson_thefappeningnew_com-1.jpg (640x1136, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: EI9x04oUYAEjpPg.jpg (900x1200, 125K)

Both from vola cancer

Attached: 1090BCC5-EBA0-44AA-AB48-3796172923E0.jpeg.jpg (750x1334, 111K)

wait is this real?

is this bitch pregnant now?

i can forgive that girl for anything for beta faggot reasons, except the tattoos. tattoos on fingers? wtf? tattoos right next to those perfect tits?? i can't deal with this shit. she's so gorgeous up until those shitty garbage tattoos appear.

There is a fight vid clip on cancer that you get a peak at her, but it is grainy and dark. And yes, its real. On reddit too.

damn, she really fallen off, she just a straight up thot now

>straight up thot now
where are the nudes and sex videos then? it's all hearsay until we have definitive proof.


what the fuck is her problem?

Too much money at a young age does that to you

This is now a Lia Marie Johnson thread


i just checked out, she has a stalker type reddit page, with sexy pics and vids, no nudes tho or nothan

it was from the beginning

too much/too little money makes no difference. it's attention. you can be rich or poor but too much male attention to young girls warps them. not really their fault, blame the parents.

i think with her post-thot revival we might see a phoenix rise from the ashes.

Attached: nebs0xyz57i21.jpg (1125x2001, 217K)

So where’s the fight

do you think her parents feel guilty? i wonder if they got paid for her react videos. either way, they let the internet ruin her. they probably didn't know what they were doing though.

she's hot as !
is it bad I have no idea who she is or any of the movies she's been in?

Old kids react/teens react slut, went wild after a while, this is the result.

link vola??

"wild for a while" a fresh track from lia marie johnson.

Re-post cancer link, lost that shit

don't i mean....just......just don't do that mates for the ignorant newfags who can't resolve this cancer "puzzle".
...jeez Sup Forums these days *sigh*

I see a bunch of losers assuming anything that isn't criticism of her is defending her. Sure she does drugs and have sex but so do a lot of you and even if you don't you probably would if you could.

good hearing from you lia


Bump. I wanna see that naked fight video


That naked fight video is shit. You can only see her leg and blurry grainy tits from the reflection of a glass. Thats it

ive fapped to worse. now feed the baby please.

Well I mean I still wanna see it lol

Where did you see it

you don't have to see it you stupid fuck! as he said you can't see shit! you can't see her! you don't have to see it YOU STUPID ASSWIPE MORON

Lol k you’re funny. Someone post it

baby wants cummies, spoonfeed baby

so glad you can't see it but you're not missing out on anything because there is nothing to see. hope it hurts :)

You're judging it from the screenshot, but she's actually fighting naked in the video.

This is fun for you is it?

you know that's her? no. no one does because you can't see shit in the video. how many ways can i explain it to you.

Just wanna see the video. I could give a fuck what you think of it


Uh the video is something to see

I'll post the video for these incels. Disapointment at its core

do it. then they'll say "hurr oh yeah brah!! now i see!!!" but will find out THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE

Please do

is this the power of hollywood?

She didn't even make it to Hollyjew

I wonder what causes you to be so passionate about other people not seeing what you’ve seen. I’m sure you wanted to see the video at one point. Chill tf out Tourette’s mf

anyone have a topless photo of her?

no i didn't. i happened to see it. i didn't seek it out. you just think because you WANT something you NEED something. fucking retarded faggot child i'd choke the fucking life out of you.

I’m just curious cause I heard about it you fuckwit. I never said I needed it. You’re the one getting your rocks off spazzing out at anons

you know im kind of disappointed how many deepfakes there is of her too.

Attached: zim7chthcar31.jpg (835x1043, 82K)

lives in hollywood

close enough. creating a nice booze body.

Attached: Lia-Marie-Johnson-Naked-850x1024.jpg (850x1024, 138K)

i am saving people here the trouble and worry!! obviously it's not readily available and dumbfucks stick around and waste time waiting to see it. when then do they will be disappointed because it's not good video!

Attached: Lia-Marie-Johnson-Nude-Naked-Porn-9.jpg (960x1280, 61K)

So... you voluntarily waste your time flying off the handle instead?

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fuck off!

You’re the one with the problem. Try smoking some weed or something, I bet it would calm you down

Calm down you sweaty bitch.

Jesus she’s ugly

get away from me jfc. can't wait until you see it and admit to yourselves that i was speaking the truth.

Lmao. You instigated this.

So, you're saying you have the video and you can totally see her bobs and vagene?

and asshole, yes

i'd be down to see that tbh

less bickering more boobies

Video was posted last night. Just imagine this but way blurrier and then the back of that black bitch covering everything

>get away from me jfc
Don’t you have lego to build faggot.

Is everyone just gonna keep bitching about it or will someone link

no. because there is nothing to see. you wouldn't even know lmj was in it if the chick that tweeted about didn't tell us. that's how fucking bad and useless the video is so you don't need to see it.

just send the fucking video god damned.

Stfu lia

Who cares. Just post it for us to shut up

no because there is nothing to see in it, so it is not needed. you can't even tell lmj is in it until someone else says that she is in it.

Best we got for now

Attached: 11-Lia-Marie-Johnson-Nude-Leaked-1.jpg (1010x1280, 210K)

i didn't save it. you know why? it appears as if it's a few random people arguing. riddle me this fuckstein: if she were clearly seen in it *and* nude as everyone is saying then why the fuck hasn't a screencap of that been seen? instead you just see that. gee i wonder why. FIGURE IT OUT YOU STUPID FUCK!

Attached: 10-Lia-Marie-Johnson-Nude-Leaked-1.jpg (960x1280, 210K)

Imagine hitting the wall at 20.

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This is cute lol

it sounds right though. he is correct in everything he is saying.

True true, but still wanna see lol

What does she do for a living?

I've never seen such autism. All this time someone could've just said "yea I saw it. It was shute. Here [insert] see for yourself. And then we all could've came to the same conclusion and made a decent lmj thread. Instead you're all wanking eachother

then look in the vola, it's a pretty shit video

There's the video. As everyone's allready said, It's shit.

i have said it. many times but autism retards just want to argue.

creating anticipation for the inevitable nudes that keeps attention on her

What in the fuck were they recording this with? a 1960s Sonograph?


decoy vid

If Lia is actually reading this thread, flush the drugs down the toilet, call your parents and apologize then ask them very very nicely if you can come home and try to get your life sorted out.

Who shit in your cereal this morning? Sheesh.

Not with those tats.

are you a true fucking moron? why the fuck would she be here? let me guess, you come here and the rest of the 7 billion people think and act as you think they do based upon your shitty life experience? you are what? 18? god damn kys dumb fuck.

uh excuse me. i have said over and over and over drooling for this video is a waste but noooo i can't possibly know. and i was just proved right. i hate the people that didn't believe me.

this nigga got a bigass forehead