Was food really expensive during the babyboomer childhood days?

Was food really expensive during the babyboomer childhood days?

I'm thinking about that right now. My dad used to tell me that OK BOOMER-tier story every so often about how when he was a kid he had very little to eat and how things are so much better today. I'm wondering if, perhaps, things were flip-flipped around, maybe during the 50's and 60's houses were stupidly cheap, but the big expense of the old American household was food.

The thought of that is so foreign. I can't imagine anybody in our modern day having only barely enough to eat. You can feed yourself really well on a few dollars per day.

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In 1988 my family took us out to pizza hut when they used to have restaurants I was 6. Two adults, 2 kids, we ate a couple pizzas, sodas, desserts. I remember it costing $80. Dad made a big deal about how this was a massive treat and cost a lot so hoped we enjoyed it.
Fuck knows what that is in today's money.

He's fucking retarded.

Food was cheaper and there weren't 50x stacked mexican families living in studio apartments to compete with.

Everything was cheaper. Every job paid a living wage. Everything was EASY.

That's the statistical and mathematical REALITY. Just another dumbass boomer. Things are impossible in the modern era. No point.

I just quit a job because I realized that if I stayed I would be stuck in student loan for eternity. A tough 40-50 hour a week job that pays 30k a year.


nah, boomers just like to roleplay as their parents and pretend that they survived the depression

Definitely true, in my country we only had about 10 McDonald's and pizza huts. They we're a major treat.

Assuming you're an American: adjusting for inflation the equivalent meal today would be $173.63 USD.

boomers had it easy and still have it easy. they suck down all our social programs and then call their kids ungrateful.

they could go to college on a summer job pay

you could go across the country on pocket change on a whim

you could afford to buy a house

rent wasn't 35% of your income

you have mobility in a company without a degree

Minimum wage had more buying power back then

boomers royally fucked the coming generations by starting wars, artificially driving up their house vales for their own profit, de-funding programs left and right and ALWAYS lowering taxes for the rich.

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what country?

>boomers royally fucked the coming generations by starting wars, artificially driving up their house vales for their own profit, de-funding programs left and right and ALWAYS lowering taxes for the rich.

thats politicians who did that, new and old.

Key word here is feed, and in that sense youre wrong, it just SEEMS like there is more food, but really its just the "goo-men" and the GMO companies keeping the market full of garbage. Half of it doesnt even have any nutrition. honestly nothing nowadays is lucky, 50's and 60's were GOLDEN compared to the shit show of a country we have now.

who voted for them?

No. Bullshit. 40max!

themselves, if your IQ over room temperature.

>ALWAYS lowering taxes for the rich.
no no, this is truem but yes the politicians nowadays are the ones in that age demographic, you literally cant run for many offices being under 50

Yeah I remember pizza hut being expensive as shit. Shit pizza wasn't ever work it into.

this is also before mcdonalds and plant goo foods

I adjusted from DKK to the equivalent in USD
Denmark. Shits expensive here in comparison to almost everywhere else. But my parents and grandparents say that back then the price of things were worse. Supply of some items was limited, apparently you hardly ever saw things like tomatoes or bananas. Things like cantaloupe or watermelon were unheard of even in the 80s.

see, the boomers kept voting for these people, now everything is fucked when we finally start to take over.

but remember we can't cut any benefits for our parents that would be evil. better raid all the safety nets and programs young people use to prop up Social Security checks and medicare

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Denmark isn't america. In america it was cheaper to buy food back then, and all of it was untampered and untoxified.

its the politician wealth class. They dont care about anyone but themselves, young or old. That's why it baffles me when people cheer for trump. Another illuminati billionaire.

People are stupid. They are not redeemable.

Pizza Hut was mega expensive. On Tuesdays they used to have a all you can eat buffet for $20. That was the cost of a regular pizza in '91. Friends and I used to pig out there. We were uni students would be our main meal for the week.

With two-thirds of modern America being obese, any other point in time is like Africa in comparison

People didn't make as much money, but food was cheap af

people made A LOT more money back then

Food was def. more expensive back then. Most of it was what you might call 'farm to table' and organic these days - which as you can see at the market is more expensive.
You didn't have your wal-marts and shit shipping cheap mass-produced food and cheap processed crap (full of many cheap filler ingredients to seem like 'more')

If you wanted steak you went to the butcher, vegetables you went to the grocer, bread was from the baker, or you made it yourself with flour from the general store. These specialty shops didn't have the volume and synergy for cheap shipping and sources.

tl;dr ya food was more expensive. Lot of other things were cheaper though.
CPI vs inflation are pretty diverged due to this.