How would a sex slavery ring operate?

How would a sex slavery ring operate?

1. How are women selected and obtained?
2. What is not tolerated by clients?
3. How much is charged?
4. What fetishes do you cater to?

>post women you know and others say what they’d do/what they’d pay

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It's called sex trafficking.
Get it right faggot.

is that katarina?

you wanna eat?
you want out of the dark box?

good, get fucked by this greasy fat guy, then you get to eat and sleep in a bed today

they get these girls young, and they break them early

Why don't you just get on Twitter and ask @hillaryclinton how she runs hers?

1. Take those that interest myself or are requested by others
2. No harming the girls in anyway
3. 300 for a night, 2000 for the week
4. Anything that makes them feel degraded up to and including impregnation

I know it's early but go to sleep, Randy.

Someone want to make her suffer?

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all good candidates

Need sauce

One of the cadre at Medina Training Annex, Lackland AFB recently got back from a deployment to Africa hunting and killing sex traffickers.

Good luck.

how do you know this?

What about milfs? Would there be a demand for this?

How would they practically be obtained/scouted?


Milfs would have enough of a demand. Would scout them out the same time as their teenaged daughters. Take the daughter first and then use her to lure the mother in so she could be grabbed too

What the fuck is wrong with you. Honestly just think about how horrible what you said is if you said it to a real person face to face

I just came to watch OP's house get raided by the FBI.

>taking anything on Sup Forums seriously

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It’s possible to exploit a loophole in the United Kingdom’s private school system whereby you can bring a young woman over from a country of your choosing, pay one months term fees at a private school, then coerce the young woman to come away with you after that month and put her in the sex trade system of the UK. The school also gets a tax break for attracting foreign students (albeit for one month). It’s a well-known trick.

now that is fucked up

Nobody wants to pay to fuck a milf, moron


depends on how they look and if i could get a round in with her daughter too

katerina hartlova

No harming the girls in any way?

Well you just screwed 75% of the business

dont want them coming back with cuts and brain damage. light bruising would be fine, just nothing that would permanently harm her

get remote island, kidnap/purchase asian girls of child bearing age, breed with white men, sell off women after child bearing age, start selling sexual access to kids, breed those when they're 20 or so. very self-sustaining. oh yeah, boys go off to work the mines or other forced labor after 15 (or 10 if they're not attractive).

Understandable,either way is better to have a small stash of disposable ones to make one time big cash in a No-Limit-Sale

maybe those could be the ones that put up too much of a fight or i get the most complaints about.

Exactly,multi purpose,big time sale,disposal of troublesome ones and a method to control the others through the threat of being the next one

Nothing better than fear to keep people obedient

would definitely keep them all in line after that

Epstein didn't kill himself

nice meme fag

Epstein was sold as a sex slave,the buyer killed him