What's your relationship like with your dad?

What's your relationship like with your dad?

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I've never seen him :(
He made a hit n run

What did you find out about him?
Do you wish you'd met him?

Only his name, can't find him nowhere
3 options
1 - dead
2 - in another country
3 - I was told lies

And yes I'd love to meet him he be Atleast 80 now if alive

People make mistakes. That could have been you, me, your brother. We all make mistakes. No one means to run someone down

I can't really be angry at pops
Thank God he was horny after mom
God bless all the perverts in the world

hows your life developing?

I'm trying to find out what I really want to do, as in work or education, but I feel it's too late.
And I gave up on women all together.
I'm just not turned on by them.
Considered hooking up with young twins but I can't get around because I'm broke, but I feel lots of people is in the same situation.
Thanks for asking

It's "twinks" not twins, as in young men for that famous butt sex lol

he lives an hour away and calls me occasionally, he is the equivalent of a clingy internet friend in my eyes and don't really have any interest in talking with him at all

I have a great relationship with my father. Everyday I acknowledge how lucky I am to have a father like him.

Relationship is like that of a co-worker who works in a different area from you and whom you hardly see. You'll pass by with a mandatory "How are you?" and that's it.

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You anons have dads? I was made in a fucking tube.

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I could almost have wrote this myself. I dropped out of college about 13 years ago.
How old are you now user?
I'm starting to think it's not too late but I always believe it was until recently.

Everybody needs some man love.

nonexistent, he divorced my mom when I was 11, told me he never wanted a son, 5 years later he married a woman who was exactly like my mom that had a son who was almost exactly like me, he invited my sister to the wedding, so yeah, fuck him

I'm around 40
I can get a job or education still
But it's shit if I don't burn for it with a passion.
Last time I had a job was OK I cleaned a factory for 18 month until factory moved 80 miles away.

I'm sorry dude

How are you making money now?

I'm not, just welfare, just enough to feed myself and rent.

Damn man I'm the same but 5 years younger. Where can I get some guidance? Everyone seems to think that I should know everything. There's no help out there.

Last time I saw him he was on his deathbed, and the only reason I visited him was to tell him to go fuck himself one last time.
The world is a better place with him gone.

I'm 34 in January.
You got dealt a shit hand
You're obviously not dumb and worth something. I dunno where you're from and your governments grants but you still have a chance to do what you love, what makes you happy.
Life doesn't come to you, you have to make it happy. I'm no great example but I will try, for me

That's why I've isolated myself, to figure out Wtf is going on with my life in this world.
No one can help me but me and God.

Talking to your imaginary friend won't help. Be an adult.

>Be an adult
How do I do that?

we talk often but its never about feelings

I'm not religius

Well it was nice talking to you OP and you other guys, I really enjoyed it.
Have a good one

My father had a brain hemorrhage when I was three years old and become lifelong disabled, I see it every time I close my eyes.

He is the strongest best person I have ever met and I will never be as good as him.

I can however never tell him that, he is the best, strongest person imaginable. I can never measure up to that and so can never tell him anything of what I think.

He is truly the best person I have ever come across, I will never reach that pinnacle and all that says is I am a worse person.
He is my hero but he will never know he is my hero because I am to weak to open up and tell him.

To my own kids know all I see myself is a detriment I will never be as worthwhile or as good a person as he is.

He is the strongest best person I have ever known.

It just leaves me wanting in comparison

My dad mostly ignored me as a kid but he's pretty good now.

Haven't seen or spoken to my Dad for 19 years. Have no plans to ever reconnect with him and here's a list of reasons why. (If you think I should extend an olive branch for a reason other than smacking him with it let me know).

My Age: His Actions:
4 Drowned my pet cat and it's kittens in front of me in a 44 gallon drum.
4 Beat the living shit out of me until I puked and passed out and felt like I left my body. Continued unwarranted beatings until I left home and caused major immaturity in my mental development.
6 -> Started beating the shit out of my Mum (continued until I was14 and they split)
8 Ran over my Mum with the car in front of me on purpose (didn't kill her)
10 Cause my Mum to have a nervous breakdown from abuse (she is on meds now)
11 Started giving me alcohol thinking it was cool
12 Split from my Mum and took me with him separating me from my younger brother who was only 9. We never developed a close brotherly bond due to this and now don't even talk.
12 Held my first ever girlfriend (13) down on the bed and digitally raped her then bragged to me about it and how much he enjoyed doing it
13 Made me smoke a joint to thinking it was funny
15 Didn't protect me from a random sexual predator (this still haunts me)
16 Again put me in a position with his girlfriends son who was also sexual predator that drugged and molested me. Like I said, I was naive and immature because of him.
17 Kicked me out onto the street making me homeless and without a job or a house to live in. I didn't eat any food at all for over a week and had no idea what welfare or assistance was. (Naive remember)
18 onwards, has constantly tried to create animosity between my brother and I wherever possible and treats me like crap.
30 He realised that I was now a danger to him and has avoided any contact like a coward.

Oh there is more as well, he tortured many family pets of the course of my life

I am. Sorry this happened to you user

Nope, no olive branch, a bat or a shotgun maybe. Jesus.

Oh there is plenty more but I didn't want to write an even bigger wall of text. Needless to say the events have affected my life in almost every aspect. The only bright side to it is that my brother was spared from the worst, even though it cost me my relationship with him.

When I was a kid/teenager, my dad used to cut my finger and toe nails, shave me, trim my pubic hair, pop pimples on my face and back, dig out in grown hairs, smell my arm pits and penis after I showered to make sure they smelled good, and cleaned the smegma off of my penis. He would beat me if I ever denied him. This went on until I was 16 when my mom divorced him and moved to another state. I haven't spoken to him in over 7 years.

He also resented me for being a spaz who couldn't talk to girls and was shit at sports while he was a total chad in high school/college.


this sounds like penis inspection day shit right there

probably my best friend, he decide to invest time on me instead of his friends when i was a kid, so we did snorkel every time and some nature stuff like catch bugs and shit. Hes kinda grunt but honestly cant ask more.

pretty good,
Never met my biological dad tho

Full of lube.

Out of choice?

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never had a chance to, left after knocked up my mom.

mom knows his name however unable to find him anywhere, not really bothered since i already have a dad so im ok

I want to fuck him

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do it, get cuddly when he's drunk it always works

Mine offered to pay for an abortion then left when when my mom refused. I’m over thirty and he finally paid the child support that he owed in arrears since I turned 18 . This was only after years of me obsessively lurking to find his ever changing whereabouts and workplace. Now I am a dad who has been divorced. I pay child support consistently and without hiding

he changed the wifi password so i exposed him for cheating on my mom. kind of a rash decision but i was pissed at the time. needless to say the relationships are strained all around.

on the other hand, my dad is only 14 years older than me, which helps us to get a good bond

well if he was cheating then it's his own fault. also, don't change wifi passwords without a heads up.


tyrone :(

My relationship was pic related but instead of a busy father it was an uncaring one because I didn't share his interests. I recognize that thats me in the last panel though, and being bitter won't make my life better...but its still very hard.

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Would be an improvement at least I would have a stereotype to fall to

do white families not have deadbeat dads? it's a money issue. black americans are generally poorer but poor whites are just as likely to have broken homes.