What does it look like i do for a living?

what does it look like i do for a living?

Attached: o[l0-[.png (516x339, 369K)

suck dick for crack

Rape grown men out in the wilderness

smoke meth?

Browse Sup Forums.

Lumberjack whos too manly to use tools

Make people's teeth tiny

Eat glass

test person for pepsico

Sweet-Tart quality control specialist

Rock Candy Taste Tester


Motivational speaker

Chase the one ring

Just hide in cave with your ring

Surprised this took so long

Attached: 1509498269712.jpg (301x330, 16K)

Attached: newqueen.webm (300x600, 1.1M)

Clearly you're a dentist taking a picture of a patient/client

Smoking meth and drinking mountain dew

dentist spoiler: those teeth are all prepared for crowns. just a guess, but OP is in a third world country and about to get many very long bridges made.

Campaigner for Brexit

teach my ex how to give blowjobs

DDS here. Those are absolutely normal crown preps for someone getting a full mouth rehab. Looks like mostly single unit crowns plus bridges from 4 to 8, 31 to 27 (or maybe a few implants) and 24 to 21. And he will need a few implants on his lower left though.


Trump supporter

Protect your precious


Hillary supporter.

Britard detected

isnt this what people do when installing fake teeth? fucking disgusting never understood why grind your own down to get some fake shit that looks artificial as fuck

chew concrete

Play a significant supporting role in Lord of the Rings

shit the queen

There's one problem with that. Any self-respecting brit would be against brexit after they finally released all the negatives

It looks like your parents are tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts
>muh fluoride