At this point I’m pretty much at a lack of fucking words

At this point I’m pretty much at a lack of fucking words.

Is this progressivism? Is this the utopia that the left wants?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Urination is not a crime.


the civil war is going to erupt regardless of Trump's re-election in America. And the war will soon turn into a western civilization purging of deranged leftists. It will make the fable of the holocaust seem like child's play.

Urination in public causes fucking diseases, user

I saw this earlier today.

Attached: Capture.png (941x421, 51K)

Make April 19th the big boogaloo kickoff

Unless you're not a broke junkie and you get caught taking a piss in a parking garage. Then it's court, fines, and having to register as a blue dot chomo.

This has to be bait, no one can be this dumb.

this is also a bait

I think we should be focusing on real crimes instead of public urination. Give a ticket, move on.

urine is NOT "sterile". homeless people can be very diseased IV drug users and have hepatitis coming out of their rotting dick the never bathe and they may have HIV and be pissing some blood. that IS a biohazard, not just gross.

This is the gay capital of the world that just sprayed 500 gallons of aerosol for a greta thunberg mural and spent $70 million on a golden gay bridge suicide net

Just because you wear a diaper at all times that you can just go in whenever doesn't mean we all have the same luxury.
>when you gotta go you gotta go


"Hello, friend democrohhhhhh goddddddddddd!"

It's probably just impossible for the DA to prosecute so many cases.
The courts would be backed up for decades.
It's probably a message to the legislature/electorate from the DA.
Most of the rich who are not tied to Cali are moving away already.


I'm going to come piss in your face

Kill yourself and the germs won't get you.

Love how the libtards are saying this is a "homeless" problem...reality is they're ALL addicts / mentally ill / ex cons. Never once met the unicorn homeless dude who lost his job and was kicked out on the street,

I can't wait to watch this city burn.

Holy fuck.

Liberals in CA have gotten out of control

>Never once met the unicorn homeless dude who lost his job and was kicked out on the street,
So you must meet and chat up a lot of homeless, eh?

>Never once met the unicorn homeless dude
I've met a couple after the dot-com bust, but they were legitimately looking for work and panhandling in decent clothed and all, not screaming in the street and throwing shit at cars.

Ah yes, the homeless schizo pissing under a bridge surely has the $200 he'll need to pay his public urination fine. Maybe he can liquidate his assets, currently consisting of a rusty shopping cart full of spent toothpaste tubes, discarded McDonalds wrappers, and 14 sq. ft. of moldy tarp.

You mean like the waste of manpower and resources to slap someone with a 50$ fine for posting on a wall? Sure kiddo. Conservatism worked for the last 200 years of slavery, life sentences for a ounce of pot and wife beating... which you can still beat your wife with a rod no bigger than your thumb on texas or be anyone up on the courthouse steps on the third Sunday in Arkansas.

have you retards really never pissed in public before

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Not user, but I used to do this thing when beggars came up to me, I'd ask them for a story. If it was interesting or entertaining I'd give them something. Some dudes would tell me some fucked up shit about where they used to work, others made up fantastical stories. Now they just get mad and yell at you and push you around because they've become entitled druggies.

slavery wasn't done by conservatives you fucking mong, it was ended by them.

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Sup Forums new breed of right-bent boorlickers? Pissing in public?
Now scandalous!
>obviously they have but they don't consider their times "in public"

Normal people totally end up homeless l, shit happens. But they don’t stay homeless for long. A right minded hard working individual can get off the streets.

Same topic, worth a watch

Uh huh
Neat story

Ya, behind a fucking bush, or in an alley, or somewhere I won’t be seen. People in San Fran don’t give a fuck anymore.

To me it’s pretty incredible to see the number of left-wing fucks on this thread actually defending pissing in public.

>Normal people totally end up homeless
you mean millennials that would rather buy the newest iphone then a down payment on a mortgage and their parents refuse to support them any longer.
Yeah that's a mental illness.

Yeah, totally made that up. Did I impress you guys?

>everyone on the planet is 13 and has never left the basement

It’s easy to talk that kind of shit on an anonymous forum. How much property do you own?

Not a leftie. I just know what it's like to be out when you get hit with the NEED to go and your only options are pissing your pants, dancing from business to business in search of a toilet to use for free, or pissing on that tree.

3bedroom 1bathroom
10,000 sqft lot
payed mortgage on time for 5 years.
I'm 30

Oh, I guess I wont lick their urine pool then.
Also urea kills most bacteria and fungus. In fact you can pee on your feet to cure athletes foot. The more you know user.

Nigga, you don't own shit.
In fact you are in debt which is worse than having nothing.

Also gay included

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>doesn't understand mortgages

Cure me user

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Stop paying your bill and what happens?
You don't own anything you owe on.

I don't plan to stop paying my bills.
And my property value has doubled.
So if I get into a situation where I can not pay my mortgage I will just sell my house for double what I bought it for and start over again.

Ok Boomer.

Still don't own the property till the balance is zero. Good on you for having equity. Equity is liquid, your job is liquid, and even if you have the deed it's still not yours because your just a renter.

This article corroborates your point. Carry on.

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At 5 years you probably haven't even finished paying pure interest yet nigger

>Still don't own the property till the balance is zero
and if I stop paying taxes on it I won't own it either.
good job pointing out the obvious.
I'm under no delusion.
I'm also not sleeping under a bridge.
Ownership seems very important to you.
I think Macintosh owns more of your phone than you do if you get down to the brass tacks of it.
I don't live in a world of philosophy.

The Millennials are memeing again

See, the liberals in here are not saying we aren't all like that, they are making excuses and trying to explain why shitting in the street is ok. Kill yourselves.

id think the rational thing to do would be to install public toilets, not legalize pissing on anything whenever

Prosecution of public urination is a complete waste of taxpayer money.
Its not like they're decriminalizing it, the police will still arrest and detain people, the DA simple wont prosecute them
no it doesn't, dipshit

peeing in the street doesn't spread diseases dipshits

yes, that's the utopia that the left wants.

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You know that a vast majority of public urination cases in ALL cities go unprosecuted right?


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You think people should be jailed for public urination?

I'm pretty sure people of both political officiation have done this in some way in some form. Especially when drinking.

How dense are you that you affiliate peeing outside with politics?

You just want everyone to be locked up?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Seriously, you guys need to chill THE FUCK out.

I'm not the one claiming things.
A faggot sharing a studio for $300 isn't sleeping under a bridge either.
Not even mentioning the ones who go homeless by choice

people will still go to jail for public urination, they just wont be prosecuted for it

Spend two months broke when you're making your own money and you'd be worth listening to.

You're a child.

Air is wasted when you are the one breathing it.

You would think
Almost certainly a whole pile of tears and butthurt over that idea.
>hears my conservative family get mildly triggered when France put out street toilets

Go read a book millenial

Millennials not wanting a mortgage. Would rather pay some jew's a complete anchor on their parents through their 20's or homeless. Yeah Fuck Commiefornia and millennials

california is officially mexico now

3rd world status complete

these same leftist want the entire country to look like cali

>heh, come back when you've made shit economic decisions

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>I'm not the one claiming things.
Your claims are:
I don't own my house because I pay for it.
My house is worthless because "equity is liquid".
I am worthless because my "job is liquid."
I'm a renter because I pay a mortgage.
Having debt is worse than having nothing.

All of your CLAIMS are metaphysical claims.

I HAVE a nice house, yard, warm bed, car, job.
No matter who you think "owns" these things I physically have them.
And that's kinda all that matters.

I'm a NEET. Keep paying for my shit wagie cuck

No it doesn't, we have bacteria everywhere, not the same as diseases.

You too wage cuck. Keep paying into a system that I take total advantage of because fuck boomers

>You're a child.
U mad, bro?
I'm 36 and living in a house which I only own about 18k on. Attempting to zero that by next year, 2 at the moat. The value of the house and property is about half a mill right now. remember the bush recession? Totally lost my job and went without for a good long time.
Whatever though. Stay triggered at people performing required bodily functions where they need to

Number of cities have tried that. They very swiftly become a contaminated mess used for drugs & bum sex that no one wants the job of cleaning.

meanwhile,op is one of the idiots who voted for a guy who's been a leftist most of his life.and supports the presidents family even though they are life long leftists

Lets make this a junkie thread

I'm sure the "system you take advantage of" will build a nice prison for you to "take advantage of" while I enjoy retirement.

>wanting a mortgage
If that was the only fucking expense owning a home.
Say what you will about renting but nt having to personally worry because the won't stripped half the roof off makes a difference.
And fuck mowing the lawn for traditions sake

The "rule of thumb" is not what you think it is.

op is mad because freedom is better then his law enforcement boot licker president

>Is this progressivism? Is this the utopia that the left wants?
When dealing with organized jewry you can be sure that you're experiencing jewish word games. They get you to agree to things by having "special definitions" or words. Progressive means regressive. Liberal means totalitarian. Freedom is slavery. War is peace. So on and so forth. This concludes my TED talk on jews

NEET for life. Ive made it thru my 20s with out any job. I have a car paid for by your cuck wages and I smoke every fuckin day. Thanks wage slave

not the user youre replying to, but I worked hard and built my life from the ground up. Feels great to be retired before 40. You be your welfare ass while I vacation every day for the rest of my life.

It's the utopia the left deserves

yeah we accept these trade offs.
Robot lawn mowers and better roofs.
Also if your landlord wants a product that inconveniences you.
too fucking bad.

now wait until the day your parents get tired of you leeching off them and throw your stuff on the front porch and tell you to get the fuck out.then lets your "neet life"

Three decades, no rental properties, and you're proud of paying a mortgage "on time" Christ user, you really shouldn't be talking any form of shit.

Commensal bacteria can become pathogenic if it comes into contact with a bodily area that isn't immunologically attuned to it (fecal oral infections, wounds sepsis, etc. These can also cause pretty gnarly skin infections, plus E. coli strains inhabit the lower urinary tract. Plenty of infection can occur with interaction with urine, especially if it's been there a while where bacteria that use urea as a food source can grow in it.

its funny when retired welfare queens think they are any better then people who dont have a job

and thank you future prison worker.

>a car paid for by your cuck wages
LOL a whole car to yourself? such a big boy you are.

My life is a vacation every day now. Have fun wasting your viable years working and enjoying freedom when you're ancient

No it doesnt. If you cant fucking read beyond a 5th grade level what are you doing trying to use scientific papers?