What do you think of Slavic countries and people? Which ones are your favorites? Are you a Slav? What ethnicity?

What do you think of Slavic countries and people? Which ones are your favorites? Are you a Slav? What ethnicity?

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No one gives a shit. Literally scuffed White people. Invented nothing, completely dependent on Western Europe for anything remotely redeemable. Dead weight. If every Slav on earth died tomorrow the destiny of humanity would not change.

Did a Slav hurt you when you were little? What did one of do to you?

Slavs are based.

Pretty cool dudes, I'm a celt myself we have a few in my country and they seem like good people I don't mind them, they go out drinking with us and introduce drinking games and shit so it's a good thing for me, they seem to be hard working people some of them can be dicks but you get that in any country but overall decent people.

Which Celtic country are you from?


"Invented nothing"

Go kill yourself you welfare taking cock sucking piece of nigger trash.

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Question for slavs actually, do you guys consider Russians as slavs or are they Mongolians? From my knowledge alot of Eastern Europe(Poland, yugoslavia states etc) seem to hate Russians so just curious

Where the Serbs, Croats, Bosnians at? Alo bre!

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Serb here. I'm not big on Russians, every one I met was strange. Poles and Czech and other Easter Bloc nations hate Russians because they were under them during the Cold War. They literally invaded them..

They’re cool, they catch a lot of shit. But you gotta hand it to them. They took a huge stand against the insane amounts of immigration forced on Europe. They refused to take any in

Yeah I get that, as an Irishman I know the Serbs hate the Croats and the Croats hate the Serbs, are Russians slavs though? A polish friend of mine said they are like inbred Mongolians XD

Russia is huge, it spans 12 time zones, far East they have Asian looking people. European Russians are some of the whitest, blondest in the world. Just remember, every third girl you fap to is probably Russian!
Like I said before, there are hard feelings from being behind the Iron Curtain.

I am Croatian, hello! I also wish no ill will towards other people. I don’t hate other ethnicities.

Yeah true, gotta love those Russian girls :)

Bosnian here, I approve.

This thread now about Russian bitches!

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from porn i see that czech women are the hottest in the world. i can't believe how beautiful those girls are and they seem like they will do anything to please a man. i wish i could have a czech girl so damn bad.

It's simple. Go to Czech Republic. Protip: don't get too attached, there's a whole country of girls there.

i want to do that. or bring one to the us. i would fucking love to find one of those beauties.

they have more ANE ancestry, more than Scandinavians do

ANE are ancient north eurasians which were like cromagnid siberian people. Native Americans have around 30% of their DNA

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wrong map

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Imo, two way tie between Czech and Ukraine women, hottest girls on the planet.

i'll check out ukraine girls as well. those eastern european slavic girls are incredible. way hotter than any girls i see in the us.

What, nobody wants moar?

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Are Southern Slavs even that Slavic? What if they are mostly people like Romanians, Albanians, and Greeks? Hungarians might be a bit more Slavic, in fact, although they don’t speak a Slavic language.

Slavs are white niggers.

I thought those were the Nordic Scandinavians?

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Are you on drugs?

look at this map
the difference between Russians and Bulgarians is akin to the difference between 90% blonde Icelandic people and 90% brunette Spaniards

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Slovak here.

While that's true for the general populaiton that we dislike Russian-related stuff, there is an alarming increase of pro-slavic conservative people in our nation (generaly prone to neo-nazism and conspiracy theories but not exclusively) with considerable voting power who think Putin is the new Jesus Christ, everything from the West is rotten, everything from Russia is great and history books are all lies, we actually prospered under Russian occupation.

Stupid people everywhere.

Also, you have a whole bunch of people equating Communism with pro-slavic sentiment. Commi shit was designed to poison the Slavs

A reflective and loyal people burdened by their past and present governments

Croat from Bosnia here, all I want to say is that we got fucked hard by communism. There are still some people who think it was better in Yugoslavia but in my opinion it's just nostalgia and they couldn't see the full picture. No socialist/communist country can ever compete with capitalist countries. The history is proof of that. The only nice thing from Yugoslavia is the fact that we south slavs were united but the war happened and there is still a lot of tension but it's not that bad, especially with younger people. I have many serbian and muslim friends and we have no issues. Regarding other slavs I didn't meet many, mostly online and they were pretty cool. The only thing I don't like about us slavs is that we have serious alcohol issues, here on Balkan every other person likes to drink too much or is an alcoholic and that can create some family and other issues

Kako to mislis "likes to drink too much"??

No such thing...

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I am also an anti-Communist Croat, although I kind of like some things about Tito, he was pretty OK as far as Communists could get. Nobody quite like him before or since his tenure in office.

i am american with non slav background but dated a serbian girl for several years. split due to some financial stuff, her weight gain, and she was extremely emotional it was tough to deal with. however she is pretty based and redpilled, was loyal, and crazy in bed.

anal and ass to mouth easily? that is my dream of slavic girls they seem like they will do anything for a guy if he wants it.


What is with the Slavic and Hispanic stereotypes of being “crazy in bed?” Do Anglos just not do that as much at all? Why?


pick one

>not fat

pick one

The lowest class of white people who are actually partially an asian people which explains their propensity towards morally unconscionable acts.



Ukrainian partially.

I think South Slavs are part Greek and Roman, not part Asian like many East Slavs May be. I don’t know if West Slavs have that, either.

South slav here. Family comes from Croatia and Serbia and some czech i think but i consider myself Serbian. I think Serbians are known for their stubbornness and arrogance which I share, but we're like that because we're passionate about what we believe. Some of the tallest people live within the Dinaric Alps. Im around 6'4 and thats the AVERAGE in some areas. What happened to Yugoslavia was disgusting but we were foolish to go against the US. We could have been united under one country and one day I hope we can create the Republic of Yugoslavia but for now we are a broken people.

Slavic people are pure cancer. They should never move out from their countries
Att Nordic user


czech republic is pretty legit, haven't visited the rest but 80% of russians I met are legit brainwashed and shouldn't be allowed in civilized society until they go through some serious deprogramming

Czech here. Fuck commies

So much butthurt...

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i've been into a couple of slavic girls, one for a very long time. they're ok



My understanding is the slavs are the niggers of the "white" race. Scientists say they are not even really white.

arent niggers the niggers of the "white" race?

חחחחחח מה קורנליוס קשור

He might be somewhat Slavic, but maybe more Italian.

I'm Crimean Russian.

Sadly no. We haven't been allowed to own them for many years now.

I'm not the user you were responding too but I'm pretty sure Slavs aren't white. At least that's what I was taught in school.

What are they, then, Central Asians? Are Southern Europeans also Middle Easterners, to you?

white enough to have blue eyes and blond hair, my country (austria) is surrounded by slavic countrys.

I would say turkish people are the niggers here...

You are nothing. The Great Empire of Turkey could crush you in the blink of an eye.

As a Polack: fuck Russia, fuck Ukraine and Bosniaks aren't even Slavic.
Love to Slovak, Croat and Belarus Sup Forumsros
Czechs and Serbs are okay, Bulgolia kek

yeah what a great empire... these sandnigger mudslimes all infest middle europe because they are poor as fuck in "your great empire".

>"great empire" "crush you in the blink of an eye"
typical moslem mindset, you people all still live in the middle ages.

cześć bracie


That's rough man, we've got to be nice to other Slavs, too.

Slavics are based and red piled, most of the time.

ev nas brale

Direct Polish descent

Sooo you've studied racial theory in school, eh?
You must by like 100 years old, wow.

Nobody is taught that in any school, anymore?

As somebody interested in stochastic processes, I can tell you that the Slavs invented tons of shit. Ever heard of Kolmogorov? Gelfand?

Slavs can be great academics and inventors.

Anthropology is legit science, but racial theory aka "whites, blacks and shit"... well, it maybe was related to science some time ago but now it is just as good as plane earth

But maybe muricans do teach their kids like that, what do i know.Those SJWs should look like their bs about whypipo is based on something real, after all.

half Bulgarian. good food. good drink. cool language. the people absolutely give a shit and absolutely do not give a shit at the same time. lots of funny experiences with weird/interesting people, mostly involving drinking and eating.

also anytime I smell a stale cigarette stained hallway or garage, it automatically gives me nostalgia for Bulgaria

Africa is to black people what Slavic countries are to white people

AKA, Slavs are the only Whites, Africa has the only Blacks?

Heyy! he was behind of this...?

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AKA the bottom of the barrel STD ridden dirt poor tards

Why do you think that?

I love Slavs.
t. Italian.

Evo me iz Hrvatske, trenutacno serem na wcu

Hrvatska? Croatia, yes? Which part of the country are you in, which region do you like most?

evo me brate drkam

slavs are filth. they're not white, they're mongrels who demand to regarded as white. they have horrible genetics, and are prone to alcoholism, disease, they're mired in poverty and are low-IQ abominations that have slav-squats imprinted upon their dna. they should be gassed!

YEaaaah I thought it was him.
he is a beast!

Near Zagreb, the capital city. I like this part of the country altough the whole country is beatiful. I like the seaside the most.

He’s a cool guy.

Very nice, thank you. I have been to Zagreb and parts of Dalmatia.

from what i've seen, some are gold, others worse than assholes, maybe the great variety is due to their large numbers, but they're just like any other group of people and in fact seem more humble as would be expected from the underdogs of europa.

All right, decent analysis of Slavs. I like them better than Western Europeans, who are too cucked and SJW nowadays.

Much more humble and warm. As a Croat myself I find Slavs very friendly, especially if you can hold your drink. We are considered conservative, but there are open minded people. One thing which is important that we are a happy nation. Croatian high school and student life is considered the most enjoyable part of our lives. Oh and men, real dudes don't care about clothes. You can wear anything as long as you're decent. Men don't judge by clothes. Women, on the other hand do.

No matter the answer, it's not going to change your face.

There is always plastic surgery, but seriously, genetics can’t change.