Waifu cringe

waifu cringe

featuring Yui. Yui Hirasawa

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Sounds like a grand time.

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doesn't sound very great either way.

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Cringe me big boy

Attached: Nonon63.jpg (1996x2557, 1.16M)

k-on is a fucking garbage series

Someone is eager

Attached: Chelsea (46).jpg (1356x1080, 137K)

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How else do you pass time?
Behave yourself.

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I'll admit, it was a show that didn't quite catch me.

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What do you mean?

Attached: 1327b5a037783f89f6eb7982ca4cf30d.jpg (1024x1350, 428K)

but but that's no fun

Attached: Nonon95.jpg (787x1015, 116K)

Livin' a comfy life with my comfy wife, how's everyone doing tonight?

Attached: Fujino (172).jpg (969x544, 389K)

Blep. Come bully Vanzai

Discord - gg/cynrWA

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yes yes come one come all

Attached: Singapore.gif (16x11, 356)

I was making a joke about the drama, like how Jack was sperging out earlier. I won't ask what's that all about, but it's the second time I've seen it.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.

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o-oh, i see. nice eass
yay!!!!!!!!!! okay!
woo, dont hold your breath im not actively looking, just keeping an eye out
its okay, i can afford one, and thats all i need
it was exactly one, which is probably moderate?

Attached: Dgo9KrzUEAA7Jba.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 807K)

I can still protest them right?

Attached: Nonon39.jpg (733x1000, 516K)

I’d like to, but I don’t wanna come back.

Attached: 562Remalicious.jpg (890x1506, 546K)

Of course, just don't throw blood everywhere.

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Jack spergs all the time.

Attached: __rory_mercury_gate_jieitai_ka_no_chi_nite_kaku_tatakaeri_drawn_by_yun_lin__a0a2da9ccf9a7f554bfe455a (2480x3195, 376K)

sorry. o-oh, th-thanks. nice asto
yay!!!!!!!!!! okay okay!
oh, okay, no worries.
yeah... i'll get you two
yeah, maybe... i dunno...

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No no, just nudity and maybe some sexual content.... viewer discretion advised.

Attached: Nonon62.png (739x600, 411K)

fuwa fuwa time
(fuwa fuwa time)
fuwa fuwa time!
(fuwa fuwa time!)
fuwa fufa TIME
(fuwa fuwa TIME!)
fuwa fuwa time
(fuwa fuwa time)
fuwa fuwa time!
(fuwa fuwa time!)
fuwa fufa TIME
(fuwa fuwa TIME!)

That's not who I meant to tag, apologies.


Well, it seems my neighbors are having fun. Being in a complex with other people sucks.

It doesn't really matter much. No matter what, he'll be hateful.

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fuwer is our word, but you can say fuwa

But about as harmful as a box of haunted Astolfo plushies

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It's entertaining at least. I guess they need to feel important by starting drama.
I won't complain, especially if it's good.
Speaking of Astolfo plushies...

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I don't want him to turn me gay though.

Who cares, really?

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Those who ask...

You lied, there's no bulling there

Attached: Chelsea (78).jpg (888x1080, 92K)

顔を洗うために Kao o arau tame ni To wash my face
机に置いたメガネ Tsukue ni oita megane glasses I put on the desk
君が遊んでる Kimi ga asonderu Those you're touching in fun
それはボクのメガネ Sore wa boku no megane are my glasses

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What is there?

Don't worry, remember the phrase "no homo" to banish the gay away.

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Hirasawa, Yui Hirasawa
Proceeds to drink wine

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Can I have some gay?

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it's been almost 4 years since Marc Laidlaw left Valve
nice picture
you should lay easy on the forbidden grape

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But what if I forget? I can't risk it.

I don't have any gay to give.

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M-maybe you can use my butt instead

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Phew, straight up I haven't looked through my lewd Nonon's folders since... whelp last time I was here. hm

I know right? Boo

*silently records*

Attached: Nonon103.png (1000x1458, 527K)

its all ogre

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hey buddy i think you've got the wrong thread, the erp thread is two blocks down

a man can dream

create some, bully nev. he's fat and has more gay than a clown car filled with male strippers

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They're... a little too weird.

Attached: Nonon161.png (300x300, 107K)

u-umm well

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i'm sorry

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It's okay, sempai. Nobody has to know

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What's the point of living if don't take a few risks? Don't worry, you will never succumb to the gayness.
Lewd or not, Nonon's cool.

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I think you're saying that to trick me, foul succubus. I'm a pure boy, untainted by the gay.

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i-it's fine
[spoiler]I'd rather you do bad things to me though i'm not good at taking the lead[/spoiler]

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Nice legs

Attached: Chelsea (67).jpg (954x1038, 113K)

shh, I kinda wanna see where this goes.

Attached: Nonon107.jpg (884x1248, 353K)

cringe yui

How precious
We can't do this here but if you want my Discord is Louise#4697

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Wouldn't it be incubus, since I'm a guy? Either way, I root for both teams.

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They get me around.

Attached: Nonon23.jpg (640x924, 162K)

Hello Blood-chan.

Details, details. I'm fairly planted on one team.

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no i'm actually both of them

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Probably not him but trolly enough

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Shame, but I understand.

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damn that discord is nasty

I assumed based on them giving Louise's discord. That's a very Blood-chan thing to do.

Why a shame?

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We will never have a true bromance.
Gonna make myself something to eat, I'll be back.

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But bromances aren't gay.

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He doesnt want to fuck with her, he wants to fuck her. Then kill her.

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That's...lovely. Then again, I think Blood-chan told me something fairly similar.

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Thats because its the thing he's fixated on when it comes to her.

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what anime is this?!

my hero academia

I'm pretty sure he says he wants to kill everyone.

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boku no picu

But its rape and kill Louise because shes actually a girl.

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Louise is another that people insist is a trans-girl, right?

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>he doesn't know

damn i cant believe louise cut his dick off

louises' streams oh god oh fuck

Well those 2 answered my question.

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Your question. Godfamn Im brain dead today.

She's another old timer, I take it?

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Not as old as some. But yes.

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It's just pure and wholesome. heterosexual bonding. Btw someone once accused me of being bloodchan.

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>louise an oldfag
my sides

All you boomers and your drama.

Yep, completely straight dudes playing games, drinking, jerking off, and doing all sorts of other fun things together!
I think I was also accused of being Blood-chan. Then Blood-chan accused me of being someone else.

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I have arrived

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A bromance is a lifelong friendship.
I guess he started a lot shit. Don't know the full story, but he's seems quite deranged.

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lol no it isn't fuck off

>shes actually a girl
And I'm straight

Attached: You Know Gasai (152).jpg (496x701, 190K)


Indeed, no homo at all.
It's best to not get involved with him.

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You are straight though

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Just finished my soup, did you eat anything?

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