You've got 5 seconds...

You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in your entire life thats even 1/10th of 1% as brave as Greta Thunberg on any given day.

>Protip: you indisputibly can't

p.S. Queen of Sup Forums

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I fucked your mom

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All hail the new Queen!

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The average kid who has to go to a shitty, nigger filled school is braver than this bitch

want bravery? AH! I've fucked my best pal's gf on a bench while he was filming. And after that i've disposed of the condom in a trashcan, still want to talk about ecoshit?

I went to starbucks with my balls hanging out of my underwear and didn't fix them till I came back home.

Added to the ban archive.

damn son, has you dick look normal yet??

Tits or GTFO

Stop being so insecure.
Do you pine for being able to throw a football like Tom Brady. Do you pine for singing like Adele. do you judge yourself against everyone in the world. Yes you are the ultimate failure OP

woke up coz whats shes doing is not brave at all

ok rabbi

I went to a us school

Shot a dude robbing a mom and pop store, thunderflaps, turdburger has nothing on me

I'm not a potato

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This chick gives me ptsd

Anyone that has to walk through downtown san-francisco is braver than her

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i want to beat greta to death with my bare hands. I fucking hate this stupid autistic bitch

Oy vey! Look at that entitled bitch eating FOOD on a TRAIN while HUMAN BEINGS in Africa have slightly worse food! The nerve of those wh*te goyim!

Literally anything i have ever done

I made a bird house once

I once won a german speech contest with a speech translated on google translate. I won first place amongst people who were german speekers.

I used a public restroom once

Woke up, this some real shit bait retard

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I rode a Paki/Arab filled bus once

Vent 10 kg of R-12 in front of EPA office.

Even the kid who mispronounced "dedicated ram" is braver than that little cunt.

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In coming angry white incels

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Had black friends.

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aaaar maties!

Thunberg means "tunatown" in German.

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>planted 10 apple trees on my land
i actually lowered my carbon footprint unlike that retard

you got ten to 'splain us why lefties use her to promote what no one trusts or beliefs,MMGW,,now,'climate change' times up
reason, preservation of the international liberal government cult/religion

I scaled down the side of a 30 foot cliff to get a fishing spear and equipment for some dumb friend of mine

i know its bait, but I never talk about this. I've saved a girls from committing suicide. she only managed to swallow half the pills before I slapped them out of her mouth. she was hospitalized, but the doc said if she had much more, she would have died. shes now in college and doing well

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correctly guessed how many jellybeans were in a jar. at lead i was right on one thing.

I helped pull a guy out of his crashed car even after everyone else bailed when the engine caught on fire. The engine was halfway through his dashboard and there was gasoline everywhere but I got him out.

I'd like to see that stupid FAS retard do something that actually impacts the real world.

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>act like the world owes you something while being a pawn for your parents agenda

Saved a drowning person. He was almost dead. I didnt go run my mouth for fame. If she was for real, she would be pushing China and India to get their acts together.

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What bothers me the most about this girl is the way she talks.

What's with the weird low-voice thing she does? It's like a whisper yell or something. Very off-putting.

I masturbated at school.

What do I win, OP?

Climate change bad !

Did it

where did you cum?

are those police mechs?

oh look, basement man-children getting angry at a little girl because she uses science to argue for a cleaner environment.


Gee, that was when I was 13, so I don't really remember the specifics...probably onto some toilet paper. I know I got a driblet of cum on my underwear and some fat kid was mad at me for being in the bathroom for 30 minutes.

Superkai64 is a national treasure, damn it!

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It takes a whole lotta courage to go up infront of the world and talk about how cool Hitler was, doesnt make whats being said any less bullshit. It's the same with greta. Shes just a globalist puppet, probably doesnt know what the fuck shes even saying.

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wow fucking loser i thought you meant you were jacking off in the classroom during a lesson

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Pathetic little retarded tool for absolute idiots of parents.

I bitch slapped a bully in elementary school and he ducked off. I stood up for something and it actually worked. She can’t say the same

that's a good representation of people getting mad at a child lol

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I haven't demanded anything form anyone. I keep to my own business and don't really care how you live or what you do- any of you. I don't force my views, no matter how nutty or uninformed- on anybody. I respect your right to exist and speak your mind. I don't care if we agree or not. I just don't demand anything of you. I stay out of your way and avoid you. I don't want to hear you or even talk to you. I believe you are free and so should I be. Free to associate and free to have my own ideas. So good for her. I simply choose to ignore her, she will go away if we all just agree to be free and stay out of each other's way. Nobody cares, really.

Whenever I see her, immediately think of play-doh.

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I talk to my dickhole.

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I'm still laughing about tuna-town

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>one single thing you've done in your entire life thats even 1/10th of 1% as brave as Greta Thunberg
I rode my bicycle home from a theatre on the other side of town one Saturday night.

I did that too, and I rode my bicycle there.

I eat raw beef.

I have pilot license
I fly planes that dont take jet fuel
She flies in jets

>I fly planes that take AV-gas
>twice the cost of JP
>I am superior