Impeachment nearing

Impeachment nearing.

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Same thing that’s been said the past 4 years.
Face it, the Senate will never impeach him, even if they decide to file it in the House.
The most accurate predictive model for the next President has unfortunately him winning the 2020 elections.
I’m tired of this shit for the past 4 years already...

aaaaaaaaand you'll get a nice prize at the bottom of that cereal box: CIVIL WAR!! YAAAAAAY

You niggers need to stop this or you'll tear the country apart. Shut the fuck up and go home. YOU LOST 4 YEARS AGO. YOU WILL LOSE FOR THE NEXT 40 IF YOU DON'T STOP

So I agree with this sadly about 92.7%.. I believe it will pass the house and I also believe it will be crushed in the Senate. The Senate will not remove him. So what is the next play, I am very confused. Are the Democrats going to try and play on America’s “feelings” ?

no, they'll take care of him kennedy-style. i hope that never, ever happens but it's what i see the deep state operatives doing. how unfortunate that it's come to this, with the deep state resorting to such lawless means

I'm a liberal and I don't want him impeached. That would give us President Pence, and he might actually be able to get something done. All Trump does is talk. Annoying, yes, but better than actually having a conservative president that knows what he's doing.

>agree or else
Fucking keks, Sup Forumsra.
Chillax and drink some whiskey or something.
There isn't gonna be a civil war so maybe you'll put your little pecker away because you're not going to get to shoot brown people anytime soon.

Why are Trump supporters so gullable for these ridiculous conspiracy theories? This thought process is by far the biggest threat to the stability of the USA.

>>I'm a liberal and I don't want him impeached. That would give us President Pence, and he might actually be able to get something done. >>
>>All Trump does is talk.

That border wall in CA is getting done.

>>Why are Trump supporters so gullable for these ridiculous conspiracy theories?
>>This thought process is by far the biggest threat to the stability of the USA.

One would've thought it was global warming / climate change instead, you delirious faggot.

When Trump goes, that's the signal to erase everyone in the room.

Lefties enjoy your remaining time in the sun.


Go read up on cults and whatnot.
Trumpers qualify as a legit cult.
Trumpism will go down in history as a bright shining example of a personality cult.
I'm being serious.
If you actually want to get through to a Trumper you need to know how to deal with cultists. Using methods devised to draw friends and loves ones away from a cult are actually effective in trumpers.
Obviously they'll still be a conservative (as am i) but they may take a hard look at trump and realize he's bad even if he says what we like.

That wall was built decades ago. Dumpy is just running a scam on you rubes.

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Re-adjust your tin foil hat, faggot. There is no "deep state". That is conspiracy theory bullshit that the Republican party feeds you to get you whipped up into a frenzy and blindly support anything they do.

They are very poorly educated. That is both the long and short answer as to why any of this is happening.

That's what all you CIA spooks say.

They already fucking set themselves up to be mad regardless.
I live with a redhat.
I kind of wish trump would put the mcdonalds down because the foil-right is sure "the left has a hit out on him. He even said so, Via qanon.

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Left will NEVER hit Trump, because they know Pres. Chic-Fil-A would immediately kill all the fags and close bars on Sundays, and make women wear X-tian burqas.

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More of a general implosion followed by the most autistic clusterfuck imaginable as the eight realizes is kind of full of shit with its civil war boner

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it's a democratic ploy to turn the senate. Trump is tremendously unpopular. if they pressure the senate and the senate rides Trump they're going to get beat in 2020. they've already lost big in local elections this month. impeachment passing the Senate isnt impossible. not likely right now but...

expect some big headline to drop that gives the GOP an excuse to turn. once they see they're on the wrong side of the argument they'll hang it all on Trump's neck and try to save themselves. if impeachment voting draws out then we'll probably see that headline. probably something connecting Trump to Epstein.

>probably something connecting Trump to Epstein

Maybe but I don't think any of them want to go near the Epstein thing.
Too many of their own were way more involved than Trump with the guy.

I think trump will skate anything.
I'm be surprised if he doesn't have the Devils luck

true. it could be any number of excuses. the Ukraine thing, a tie to Russia magically surfacing. exactly what it is doesnt really matter. as long as people buy the story they'll run with it. I wouldn't have been surprised if they tried with the Epstein headline but it just didn't get enough traction in the news.

It’s kind of an awful tactic to turn the senate.
More than 1/2 of the republican states up for election are red strongholds. And the gamble of “if they don’t remove, people will vote them out of the senate” is backwards. If Texas removes, I’m sure those republicans will never get office again.

one democrat hoax after another.

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why dont the dems nominate a real opponent, like a real actual decent human being , not a 76 year old pedo?

All of this posturing is just so much crotch cheese. They will lose support nationally and the House will not vote to impeach without 'bipartisan' support.

Tomorrow's hearing should be entertaining