Some Bros over at /fit/ were telling me about this place and I have to say they were right. What an absolute shit hole...

Some Bros over at /fit/ were telling me about this place and I have to say they were right. What an absolute shit hole. You guys just sit around trading strangers pictures from social media like some desperate autistic losers. And the ones that actually tricked someone into being with them want other men to fuck them. What is wrong with you people?! Why are you so pathetic? Why don't you put in a little effort and become the man that you currently want to fuck your girlfriend/wife? Why don't you quit obsessing on dick rate threads and trap threads and go and exercise or something? Just do something productive with your life. Stop being a bunch of sad degenerate losers. Jesus Christ I had no idea people like this existed. I really feel bad for you all. If you want, come over to /fit/ and we'll gladly help you. It's not too late to live a good life and be happy. We want to help.

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He's not wrong though

Pics of girl?

I'm happy here

Complacency and happiness are not the same.

Sup Forums is truly pathetic. What is there to gain from the 10000th fb/ig thread? Fucking numales


So you gonna show us your girlfriend's tits, or what?

>Killer Kross and Scarlett... nice use of wrestlers to rustle the jimmies of neckbeards, boomers, and roody-poos

Respect the reference OP.

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>Bros over at /fit/ were telling me about this place and I just have to post here
...bcoz why?

Scarlett Boudreaux

Why a picture of Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux though?

What are you fucking five? It's a paragraph.

This was my 2nd choice.

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Doing steorids now is becoming a Man? Interesting

Lol, nice

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Check'd. Are all'y'all from /fit/ wtf

If they were from Sup Forums they'd be asking about the guy...

It’s definitely too late for them, what the hell are you talking about?

Have you seen 70 year old Sylvester Stallone? It's never too late bro.

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For there to be successful people,there has to be miserable losers too

We bring balance to this world

Without us your success would mean nothing,it'd be average,but with us existing,we make you successful

You need us

Sup Forums is full of coomers who have nothing better to do than jerk off to random internet pictures all day

>success is a zero-sum game
Lrn2success fgt pls

It is

What makes someone stand out on their work field for example?

The capacity to do things other cant,or to do them better

If we were all equal,we all would be regular Joe's regardless of how perfect

I go to the gym 4 days a week but still I have to say:

GTFO and back to /fit/, nobody here cares...
Stop forcing this shit on other boards!

Youre exactly like the fucking jehoovas witnesses that go around from door to door, spreading and forcing their shitty interests to complete strangers, that dont give a fuck about this shit.

>I go to the gym 4 days a week
Taking creepshots isn't enough. You have to actually lift those weights broski

it's not about "equal"'s about "taking"

Sharpie in poo hole

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Oh thanks for the great advice faggot... I probably would even get more gains while jerking off to creepshots than you failing at the gym with your women weights, cunt!