Where were you when your love for Marvel movies died?

Where were you when your love for Marvel movies died?

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i never loved them

theyre entertaining sure, but comic book stories are 70 years old now, if youre this late to the party thats on you

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It died when they started releasing all those xmen side movies, origins and all that stuff
I've never really liked the mcu movies save for a couple and even those weren't that great

“She’s got help” fucking yuck, let’s make sure to get a scene with all the awesome female superheroes

After watching Endgame, followed even moreso by seeing the release cycle made public

Logan was amazing probably the best marvel movie and that was recent. avengers, black panther, amazing Spider-Man, Captain marvel etc are utter garbage. basically because of those films which seem to be the norm now I don't watch Marvel movies anymore.

Logan was pretty dope, though. Too bad the only X-Men anyone gave a shit about Wolverine. Would have liked a Gambit movie but it's dead project now. Didn't want Tatum anyway so guess it's a victory.

Forgot to mention Logan, that was pretty good. Way fucking better than its retarded source material

Casting Elba as Heimdall the White. casting another non white as Valkyrie. Fuck Hollywoods SJW brainwash bullshit

Gambit is a trash character

The Marvel movies are solid enough. The worst of 'em is meh while the best are really entertaining. Spider-man Homecoming a Thor III, and Avengers Endgame are great.

I like Logan, Spiderverse and Winter Soldier.

You're a trash character

Iron Man 3.

If you're really going to let one cringy scene effect your enjoyment of an entire franchise then that's on you.

Probably when they started announcing endless sequal and spin offs so all the drama in the "main" movies was meaningless, especially in Infinity War because of half the cast "dying" when they had 2-3 movies lined up, so I knew they weren't dead and they would come back, killing the suspense of the movie.

yeah pretty much during that scene

the whole movie was basically an abortion, which is probably why liberals love it

When I realized every movie is just the exact same dudes in colored outfits, punching each other and CG explosion eye candy without any suspense or emotion

I can agree, spider-verse was a refreshing look on how comic book movies should be made.

Oh I forgot to add the part where Dr Strange outright says they win, it was obvious they where gonna win for sure, but I just wanted them to lose for real so we could've gotten a real ending, also the 5 years of half of everyone being "dead" that could've been a cool set ilup for some sort of power grab movies where other Marvel factions that weren't in Avengers could've had their 15 minutes of fame, that Disney just glossed right over and everyone pretended that nothing happened.

X-men 3, Spiderman 3, and a shitty Hulk movie all came out around the same time. Way to much CGI, explosions, stupid plots, and the main characters were no longer developed well.

I still enjoy x-mens/spidermans 1 and 2. Come to think of it, Blade 1 and 2 were also great but third one was a rectal sore.

I never really liked them, I was more of a DC fanboy until Man of Steel came out, marvel is OK but all the movies are pretty samey.

When suicide squad barely featured jared leto's joker

Xmen 1 and Logan were good... black panther was ok... idk it's just so overdone and none of it is any good anymore

this is pretty true. especially the first 2 avenger movies (didn't waste money on #3). in those movies you could tell it was a question of how many fight scenes could they fit into 2 hours then once they know that they make up any weird scenario they can to make them fight, even against each other. the old question of which hero is stronger was used constantly to make up ways to get the heroes mad at each other to set up a bunch of fights

With the 2010s ending very soon, what will the state of superhero movies be like in the 2020s? Will they go back to a 2000s style darker format, like how the Batman movies were, and even the Spiderman movies were sometimes?

I really enjoyed the first Iron Man movie, and that's about it...really

Ironman and Logan were good, rest were trash. I have never paid for any because hollyweird is full of pedophile communists and they will never get a dime, but I will steal all they make with impunity. Give those commies a taste of their own medicine.

Age of Ultron, in the theater, in my seat.

i didn't see captain marvel because i think it was over-hyped by the feminists..but it wasn't too bad the girl power scene, it was just a nice nod...not an inexcusable train wreck like the last jedi

>third one was a rectal sore

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thats what made the mcu so great, they would take trash characters and make them great