And one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

And one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

More like this? Please and thank you.

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doing God’s work user

Let me guess, no one is allowed to be outraged about this because otherwise it'd be homophobic

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Too bad he was a cunt who wanted to take over Europe

Wouldn't Hitler send 99% of the people that come to Sup Forums to the same chambers as these trannies or is this the fictional Hitler that cares for neckbearded men that fap to loli?

What can one do?
I already don't have a social media so I can't be ostracized

You could see those black women in the video look back at them.

Will you niggas ever do anything with your outrage or will this be a constant echo chamber thing?

At least I'm no pedophile. The lgbt is so inclusive, they're allowing predators in causing kids to be abused and harmed. You're the salt of the earth

I'm not apart of that shit you nigger I'm asking what is the point of being outraged if you do literally nothing with it.

I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about any news outlet would get chastised by these idiots if they spoke out against it.

i'd fuck that kid

>for no reason at all
Lrn2history fgt pls

So fucking what? If they spoke the truth people will follow and agree. Blacks convinced a nation that hated them during a time when segregation was a huge problem. You niggers and every other sane person can do the same thing with the gays. Stop sitting idly by like a lazy sack of shit and do something about this.


Word, faggot

moar kids in drag, plz

For ants?

You save the tumb, stupid fag?

shit, you're right. sorry about that.

No one has more of these?

Please and thank you

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Somebody post more kids i'd like to fuck.

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damn .. i like this one.
it has to be the fictional one. the people in my historybooks had a truckload of reasons to do it. i dont say there where good ones but there where reasons.

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