Sup Forums. i just had my first creampie after my surgery, do you want to see more?

Sup Forums. i just had my first creampie after my surgery, do you want to see more?

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Nah fam, we good.

Yeah, we really don't need to see any more.

Fuck it show that disgusting hole while it’s full of cum can’t get uglier than what it already is


Find a new picture, asshole.

Fuck it I’ve seen worse I’d give that a try

doesnt really looks like a surgery
it looks like an accident

please go away


Looks like a completely natural vagina. Your doctor did a great job.


Bait, and unoriginal at that. I hope you stub your toe in the middle of the night.


That pic is not what pretty much any surgeon in the USA would do. Fun fact: In the USA, the path to doing this extremely complicated type of specialized surgery usually consists of 4 years med school, 5 years urologic surgery, 2 years of urologic plastic surgery fellowship, then 1 year of transgender medicine subfellowship. The results typically look like pic related and they don’t cut your dick off, they redirect it into a “clitoris” making you capable of orgasm.

However, you can always go to some foreign country where “surgeons” aren’t held to anywhere near the standards in the USA (often just 6 years of combined college and medical school) and get your dick literally chopped off and a hole drilled. Much cheaper that way.

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that doesn't look too much better

12 years of training and they couldn’t make her a clit? Sad

keep that shit away from me holy fuck if any of you bitches look like that when we get back to the crib don't be surprised when a nigga bust yo bitch ass out on the floor ya feel me

There is a clit, it’s hidden under the folds.

I trans people are pretty gross but get aload of this guy lol. Fucking niggers niggering up the board. I would honestly vote for a trans president if it meant all the niggers had to go back to africa

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Even the best transgender surgeon in the USA can’t (at this time) make a vagina that you’d actually mistake for the real thing. I would disagree with your statement though, I think it looks much better than OP posted, but definitely not ideal.

The reason it’s better, aside from cosmetics, is because it’s actually sexually functional (orgasm, arousal), less prone to infection, and carries much fewer complications. It’s much more “livable.”


That's a dick, not a clit

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everyone starts as a female in utero but then your Y chromosome tells your clit to become a cock

In a few remote locations where inbreeding is the norm, testosterone doesn't manifest until puberty, so all the boys grow up as cis-females but their genitals slowly morph from a vagina to a penis as they grow to adulthood. Like an involuntary sex change.
I'm not sure if it makes them sterile or not. It's probably on YT somewhere.

Lol. This is the most untrue thing I've read on here all day. Nowhere in human biology or history are genitals mutating past fetal development. You just outed yourself as a retard.

lmao what a terrible argument

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i wasn't making any argument retard.
it was just a fun fact
i hate trannies

>*user states fact*
>terrible argument
You're retarded

He’s referring to a condition called 5a reductase deficiency. It causes genitals that look ambiguous but become slightly more male-like at puberty. It’s a real condition, he’s just describing it like a dumbass.

Nice inverted dick bro

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Seems disingenuous in siting this condition to prop up an intersex argument.

Not really sure what you mean by that. 5ARD is a classic example of an intersex condition. Intersex conditions are usually very illustrative of the fact that female genitalia is the “default.”

OP makes me want to give up on surgery
gives me hope

Yes really, because they a biologically male but with a condition.

You should give up on surgery because your sex is not the cause of your depression. Period.

That's not a MtF bottom surgery. For one thing, the vaj is on the bottom, and any real MtF surgery would you know.. put the vaj on the bottom of the body.

What this looks like is either an accident happened and the person lost their penis and this is the best the doctors could do to give them a functioning urethra, or it's an extreme body modder that wanted to be a eunuch for a kink.

Don't listen to the haters. The procedure is all that'll make you happy in life. And then you automatically start passing as a female. Guys will approach you for dates, or lesbians if that's your thing. Trust me sister this solves everything. You, yes you, you will be a REAL woman.

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when do you have the rest of the surgery?

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This. We've had this thread every night for a bit now

God no

how tf you know I have depression?
>checked dubs

I would hope, but there's more to life in happiness, and it takes a lot more than a just one procedure to start passing. I appreciate the support tho sister.
For the time being I can get guys to approach me in the gay scene, just wish I had a better hole to offer.

I came here to wank. Just saw whatever the fuck that thumbnail is and no longer have the urge to wank. Well done OP