How much horsepower should a “good” car have?

How much horsepower should a “good” car have?

>don’t want bs answers like “it depends”
>just give me a number
>good car, not fucking hyper car

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It depends




The power to weight ratio should be at least 12 lbs to 1 hp.

It does depend, mostly on weight of the vehicle.

On average you'll want a minimum around 200hp, 250 medium, 300+ for fast

but yeah, those numbers change completely if you're looking at sports cars, SUV's, trucks, whatever.

Seriously? My current car has 180 but it weighs like 2 tonnes... it’s slow as shit.

Sounds kind of excessive...

look man if your car is "good" or "bad" based on it's ability to go faster then you will ever get to drive it in traffic, you are looking for mens makeup.

350-400 honestly is enough. Driven a 400 whp Sti and I felt like that was perfect for a DD

Gear ratio plays an important role as well.

You fucking retard, it does depend, are you some yee haw sumbitch or a city boi, do you like cars of trucks, what's the terrain like, that shit.

>>don’t want bs answers like “it depends”
those aren't bs answers
BHP is just raw power
it doesn't tale into consideration the weight of the vehicle
and it doesn't care about what the car is being used for
150bhp is good for a compact commuter
200 is good for a sporty convertible roadster, light duty truck, or minivan
350 is good for a muscle car or heavy duty truck
over 350 gets into supercar and commercial cargo range

op is a faggot

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I use mine only in the city and therefore 60hp are more than enough but I have my bike with a 150hp If I wanna ride cross country so I'd choose somewhere inbetween if u only got a car

HP is not the right measure of speed... you have to consider all of the other factors like transmission type, drivetrain, weight, etc.

Most important, what is this car used for?

I'll give you an example, I once drove a 570 hp modded out mercedes e550, fast as shit in a straight line. Guess what? A small sports car like a miata is still way more fun to drive. You don't even feel the speed in the benz and it's wasted money to maintain that overcomplicated POS.

4d20 + 50

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>the miata meme

Oh god

Yeah, there's way too many factors that go into this. But OP wanted the short answer so thats the best I could do.

Overused example but it's true... big fancy luxury cars that go way too fast are a waste of money, you don't even feel like you're going fast. It's just risking tickets for dick ego points

Did /o/ kick you off because you asked such a fucking retarded question? Go back and beg for forgiveness and get the fuck off Sup Forums


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How’s the fiat 500 Abarth? Apparently it’s one of the greatest driving experiences... but only 160 horsepower?

Id say 350+
Bottom line number, maybe 295, but no lower

You've obviously never driven a Miata then. You'd understand it's not a meme. Think before you speak.

1700 at the very least

Never driven one but have heard that they are fun. They are extremely unreliable though, very expensive to fix and just all around nightmares. Would never ever ever own one

anything less than 9000 is a purse

1 actual horse

And gayer then a Miata. Truth

miatas are fun you nigger trash pos, theyre reliable too. have fun with your niggermobiles or whatever the fuck shit you drive

so Fiat took a roadster that was as reliable as you could expect one to be and Fiated the shit out of it

>bmw m2

uhh okay... have fun with your hairdresser’s car.

believe you're getting this one confused with the abarth roadster they colab'd with mazda, we were referring to the 500 abarth

OP is obviously 12 and never driven before.

Stupid question is stupid.


explain why

bc F=ma

>trying to explain basic physics to a nigger

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The best car to drive is always the car that you most comfortable with driving. You seem like a child, so stick with 150-200 HP until you know yourself that and road. Enough to have a decent payload, and to get your fat ass over a hill. To much power when you are clueless will get you nowhere.

1hp but it's a really strong horse.

it does depend. 500hp is a lot faster in a lightweight car vs a massive piece of shit topheavy SUV

i'd say 1hp per 5kg at the least.

damn posted my comment before reading the thread and saw your command and it seems to be 12lbs is pretty much 5kg.

Better be a GTR

Over 9000 HP

i guess im going to be the one giving you the only good answer user.
the ideal amount of horsepower is about tree fiddy

455 hp and 455 ft lb

source: my camaro ss
falling asleep on highway? floor it, you'll be up in a second.
car trying to cuck you by blocking while trying to change lanes? floor it, they have no hope of catching you.
ricer trying to race you? floor it, you'll never again hear the sound of a leafblower in front of you
tired of mustangs? floor it, unless it's a gt500 you're good

Toyota Prius has about 110-125 horse power.

I've used that car to haul my entire apartment in a U-Haul trailer from Utah to California.

So that's a good car.

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300hp minimum for a sedan. I drive a pigfat sedan at 290 crank. It's good enough to get in and out of traffic but 300 at the wheels would be ideal for just a commuter.

>don’t want bs answers like “it depends”
Except that's not a bs answer at all. It literally does depend on a number of factors. For one what type of car are we talking here? 200 hp on a 2800lb 2 door is gonna feel a lot different than 200 hp on a 5000lb suv.



Despite their stigma, the mazda miata/mx5 is widely considered to be one of the greatest ‘drivers’ cars of all time.

100bhp is ample for anyone

100. Anything beyond that is unusable on public roads.

Pussy ass uhaul. My 2018 ram 2500 is made for towing, I'll rip that little car around with the pussy trailer. That doesn't make it good, it ain't about towing. My 2012 accord is a great car.

I think you missed the point of this thread and what OP said.

Because it takes about 1 hp to move around 12 lbs of car in any sort of entertaining way. Also there are situations where you need to hit the gas and make the car MOVE or there can be a collision, and a slow-ass dog of a car will get hit.

So, if a car weighs 3000 lbs it should have, at minimum, about 250 hp. More is always better.

its not about horsepower. Its about how many seats your car has.

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I want that van now


If only camaros didn't look ugly as fuck. The 2019 ones are o.k. but still pretty ugly

100 is ok
200 is good
above 200 is fun

Air Farce;) would do a report on something like this

Above 10hp per kilogram

Well, that can really depend on a lot. Just House power, 300 should do you good if the car isn't too heavy. But what about reliability. The BMW 335i can make some stupid power (just over 300 stock, 400 with a tune and some bolt ons) but you have to deal with some stupid problems to keep the car running well. Premature failure of water pump, high pressure fuel pump, frequent walnut blasting of the intake valves, oil leaks. But if you DIY everything it's not that expensive. Over all I love having a car that can blow away most everything on the freeway while having my ass air-conditioned.

So if your looking for something that is fast and low maintenance and reliable, you're living a pipe dream. Big engines making low power seem to last really well. But the other way around it can be complicated. Especially small turbo engines.