Can we get a YLYL thread with genuinely funny content? Let's set a few ground rules:

Can we get a YLYL thread with genuinely funny content? Let's set a few ground rules:

Avoid blatant political shilling
Post only material that you have lost to

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>genuinely funny

Uhhh you’re new around these parts aren’t you?

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>Can we get a YLYL thread with genuinely funny content
Sure, when do you start

At least I'm contributing, faggot.

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You should stop

You're posting shit that doesn't add anything of value, you may as well be posting banana pics faggot. ylyl threads used to be funny before faggots like you turned up.

Value is a relative term. I still have yet to see a contribution of ANY kind from you faggots.

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moar plz

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Wow, i know people are retarded but... Just wow
Mfw i read normal gas shell would have around 400 ppm and this fucking idiot made around 30.000 ppm in his bath at home

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laugh or cry i guess

One of my all-time favs

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this one finally got me

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every fucking tiem

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its fake

>File: BURN MY EYES.jpg (780 KB, 1101x3855)
never fucking eat while browsing this place

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is this a reference to a book? if so what book? Seems interesting.

got me

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continue post them all

i never understood this one..why is 8 minuets per hour funny

My fucking sides

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Ask yourself how the fuck that makes any sense

“Hey user, how fast are you going right now?”

“I dunno, like 3 seconds per minute”

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You should be going at least 20 seconds per minute.

rate of travel is [distance] per [time] - miles per hour, feet per second - so the joke is basically just that he didn't know that. it's not exactly A material tbh. should've died years ago

lmfao this literally got me

this is also very funny, well done

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>rape dwarf
Sounds like something from a Bulgarian folk tale

Weird read couldn't read properly but still edged and ended cumming

Lost. Hahaha a girl's got a bit of plastic shoved up her butt


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broth ez

fuckin Violent J i haven't seen that mf in so long

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I thought cum nugget was bad but jesus fucking christ

>mfw this mental juicypop trashass bean lookalike mental inbred nigger monkey dungus posted a pic of him licking these worms out of her ass

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dude most of this thread is shit thats been posted in ylyl threads since 2015 what the fuck is this

Lost, well played user

Jesus christ I almost lost to this

that picture looks very HP-Lovecraft-ian.

I mean, they posted within roughly 5 minutes of each other, that could easily happen by just searching through your galery for the right image. Calm your mantits

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Because only shit from 2015< still makes us laugh not unlike you, banana or some-other-shitty-meme-lover2019

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Maybe it is refering to Rats in the Walls by Lovecraft

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Fuck outta here with those rookie speeds, I average about 60 seconds per minute