Admit it user. As much as this game sucked. It still has a place in your heart...

Admit it user. As much as this game sucked. It still has a place in your heart. I bet you can hear the first spawn music now. Simpler times.

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Literally no one would argue this

Good thread dingus

>Good thread dingus

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I never played runescape growing up because even then I knew it was fucking gay

I never played it. Runescape wasn't popular in my country. I like the simple graphics style though.

Wasted 10 years of my life on that game, SMH.

Never played. I didn't have a pc with internet as a kid. Missed out on alot.

>as much as this game sucked

It didn't though. Now it does.

I first played halo combat evolved multiplayer in like 2012 lol

I play OSRS everyday. It's extremely nostalgic and almost sad. Reminds me of all the homies I used to game with, but it's an absolute blast to have this game back now I'm an adult, I roll up on random people and just give them 1m in cash. They freak out.

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Fwm plebs

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I still play every now and then. Trying to get 99 Slayer. Just 4 more levels to go.

>Not having 99 firemaking

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Nice man, almost halfway there.

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It was fun, but 2000s MMORPGs, most of which seem to have either radically changed or have gone defunct since years ago, were a lot of time wasting.

RS2 was around at the same time as classic WoW. If we're comparing, yes, RS2 sucked. But I loved it non the less. Even have it installed on my phone in case I feel up for running up and down East Varrock, collecting iron ore that I'll some day smelt into my first set or iron.

it didn't suck


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