I just found out the only person who ever loved me thought I was a piece of shit and never really loved me...

I just found out the only person who ever loved me thought I was a piece of shit and never really loved me. I want to die

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Dying is so overestimated.

it's alright user, things will get better eventually, right now try to focus on things you enjoy and try to better yourself. The world is a big place and there are a lot of people in it, there's beauty in it but there's also shit which'll fucking kick you down, but real strength is t stand straight and say fuck you and do the shit you want to do. You can rise above mate I believe in ya

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Idk man I thought that she actually loved me and then someone sent me screenshots of some shit and she never did. All I ever was to her was a joke

Quit crying over high school bullshit

yeah yeah been there as well
take it from an oldfag, women are emotionally children. all of them. every single one. they'll turn around and trash your memory and reputation like it never mattered just for tingles. go your own way, never commit. escorts are cheaper than cohabitation.

I havent brushed my teeth since last thursday

Kill her. It's the only way to get closure.
Worked for me.

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yeah so what faggot, focus on things that matter

I can't recall the exact last time I did, but it was earlier this year. I brush maybe like... a dozen times within a good year when both my adhd allows me to remember to do so and if my mood lets me care enough.
And I still have a cute loving gf. Get rekt incels


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Based. My face is breaking out from my lack of showering too

Man up! Go to the gym! Find hobby! Make money, make friends and spend some good time. Make that person regret thinking that about you


>Ever loved me
>Never really loved me

Boohoo faggot ...go find your ipod

Life's a bitch and then you die m8. It is what it is

do a flip faggot

that means it's her loss, what has happened has happened and it's time to move on. You have a finite time on this earth so don't waste it on shit that has already happened, get a hobby, read books go the gym that sort of thing, I had my best friend at the time straight up fucking leave me, (i know it's not as bad as what you're going through but stay with me) what got me to feel better was to give time for myself to do the shit I like, I even picked up music production for a while, i know it hurts but stay in there mate



>on fucking Sup Forums
what do you expect retard

omg do it :b

atta boy

If that person didn't love you, they didn't love you.

Doesn't mean you don't deserve love, it just means that person sucked. Keep working on yourself and keep your head up, OP. You'll find somebody worth your time.

If it's any consolation, I also think you're shit

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