Have you ever had an omegle win? i only had one

have you ever had an omegle win? i only had one.

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Nope, I'm ugly and even the ugly chicks have standards these days.

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Had a few, back in the day some just asked me to show my dick.

I've had plenty. Haven't used it in ages. Now get wins through snap and psn

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Plenty. Dozens

phenomenal ass attached to a great body and cute face
same girl?

yessir. thicc polack.

She posts on Reddit

not anymore. tried deleting everything.

Playstation Network

Just play something like Overwatch, chat with a qt girl. Add her or let her add you after a game. Chat with her in private etc.


show wins

Twice. Once when I was with friends and it was a bra flash but that's it. Another time, I was staying at a friend's dorm when I was locked out of mine -- I was on my laptop on his desk when I matched with a hot and married mom. She was into younger guys so she stripped down and we masturbated together. My roomate came in right when we finished so I slapped the laptop closed. Feels bad, man, but it was fun while it lasted.

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Yes. I am attractive I used to Skype my Omegle girls almost every night. I grinded Omegle 3 hours/day for a month. Helped my confidence with women

Heyy! he was behind of this...?

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I ended up fucking an extremely hot Indonesian girl I formed a long distance friendship with from Omegle, does that count?

Thousands. I had thousands of videos on mless that i kept private, just to store and access them from my phone. some of the videos i had separated into multiple videos because i had the girl playing with me for hours. but i've had two accounts deleted by them now. countless hours of work lost forever.

i pretend like i'm a foreign actor who doesn't speak english but can type it. eventually you'll get an american girl who believes you and is charmed by a non-american.i take it from there.

just be traditionally handsome

I was autistic but I still got to see some tiddies once.

As a 40 something oldfag, I fucked the shit out of an 18 year old I met on omegle. She was only about a 6/10 though.


Yeah i had a great win,some mad chick

i want to fuck my gf on omegle and cycle through webcams.

no disrespect but i also want to fuck your gf on omegle

Moar !

started off slow

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then warmed up

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She’s gorgeous
Moar !
You still have contact with her?

> be me 2015
> jerking off on Omegle, the usual
> mostly dicks and fakes. f12..f12
> then, one hot brunette standing topless
> start cranking
> she stops touching herself
> "that is the ugliest dick I've ever seen."
> tell her she has martha stewart tits. flip her off. F12.
> pepe.jpg
> F12..F12..more penises..
> then, 10/10 blonde with hot ass body. clothes on.
> cranking HARD.
> she takes top off.
> "show bottom"
> she takes off panties and starts fingering hard.
> asks me to cum
only ever Omegle win.

she's in poland and i'm in germany. not super far but it'd be an effort to see her.

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yeah i just keep going next on the question mode until I see a girls kik/snap then just send my cock for every one and usually 3-4 respond positively

You never met in real life?
Moar tits
Kik ?

bra flash

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then this

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we met in munich for oktoberfest

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Not bad. And you met primarily on Omegle ?
How tall is she ?
More full body standing

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You gotta invade that ass like hitler invaded poland

5'3 and yeah, it was pure luck. we started talking and we realized we'd both be in munich. she's not from here so i said i'd show her around. she seemed so innocent but it turns out she's not. one upped me completely.

forgot pic

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nah no wins, i used to snort ket on there for jokes, spoke to some pretty chill dudes.
Fun omegle pastime : pose as an underage girl and get the guys email address, smash the email address into faceb and 7/10 time youll get a return on his faceb acc, now feel free to drop his full name into omegle. 4 the lulz

You were nude on omegle already or first later ?
More with face

neither of us were nude on omegle. it seemed super innocent until we met up. probably the alcohol and the party atmosphere.

Never used it but gf said she used to get drunk and go on there. She saw a lot of stuff.

a lot of pee pee i bet lol

Had a few successes. Less so than my gf back in the day. She used to use it relentlessly back in college lol

Yes that and guys putting stuff up their butts.

You need to invade Poland.

might be even easier the second time.

Ended up getting in a 3 year long distance relationship. Met up and fucked quite a few times.

mate if she was that easy her father definitely molested her. it wasn't because you were a stud.

Plenty. Just keep up an interesting convo, wear semi edgy shit, and having an 8+ inch dick as an optional bonus, and you’re good.

Dont really care why. Hell could have been gang raped dont care. In the end she was and is a whore n was hot

I've had plenty of wins but probably because I go on omegle pretty consistently. Weirdly enough most of my best wins come during the weekday mid-afternoon. I'm also just jacking off and not showing face.

I had an Omegle win so hard the bitch sent me a vid of her masturbating in her wedding dress and hour before her wedding and calling her husband a faggot.

fair's fair

>reverse image search

WHat do you get out of larping that you have a gf you big fag?

lol that was their win, not yours

Yeah a few, like 4/7 of them were pretty average looking older chicks but three of them were nice looking teens/early 20's I'd say.
All of the matures fully masturbated to orgasm with me. Lonely housewives or something I guess.
Only one of the teens masturbated with me at all, she was fully nude, we came together, she called me daddy. That was fucking fantastic (pic related).
The other pretty ones just flashed or watched me jerk off and typed to me, one filmed and sent it to her friend.
Keep in mind this is 7 wins out of probably a few hundred or more hours of wading through ugly fat dudes with tiny cocks.

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I'm the one usually showing my tits lol

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Based. More?

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Nice Cock user

Had a sweet Latina babe masturbate for me one time. I was shocked she was actually doing it and did whatever I asked

Poland still exists? Pfft and on German clay no doubt.

Had a lot of luck on periscope

Mind your business yank. Germany is fine without you.


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