Dear liberal subhuman faggots. If you hate yourself for being white then kill yourself. Problem solved

Dear liberal subhuman faggots. If you hate yourself for being white then kill yourself. Problem solved.

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okay fat acne ridden meme warrior

yes because clearly the people who chop their own dicks off and worship people of other races are the good looking ones
good one faggot

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white slaves matter

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Such musculine

Very internet

Many wow

why do you love niggers you faggot?

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here's what happens when liberal faggots talk shit about Trump in real life

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you're both ugly

All types of degeneracy under one banner
Good god what has become of humanity

Women are terrorists by nature.

That is why those faggots roam in herds. They circle around and stick their asses out.

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okay nigger worshipping cuckold sissy
reminder Brad Pitt is gay and raises shitskin children

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>implying there are no libcuck boomers

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Trumptards chimping out like a bunch of fucking niggers, what a surprise

except for the fact that the libcuck was the one who attacked him with a baton and then the superior Trump supporter gave him brain damage with a single punch and according to you liberal cucks there's nothing wrong with being a nigger anyway
in fact we should worship niggers and give them all of our money according to libfaggots

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Hey fellow Americans. I'm a liberal and I live in a large coastal city. AMA. How are things going for you guys?

why are you gay for niggers?

Actually, you can see in the gif that the libtard was nowhere near the trumptard, the trumptard approached him and attacked. Then he turns to attack a woman whose hands are raised in self-defense. God, what a piece of shit.

he was attacking everyone he could find with a baton and the courts agreed with me you stupid faggot
maybe liberal nigger dick suckers should not be so weak if you don't wanna get brain damaged

This happened in Paris, like Europe. Not Paris, Texas you halfwit. Not a Trump supporter but le Pen you rockape

I'm not gay and I have nothing against black people. I also live in Oregon which has about 5% african-american population, if you live in the south or Midwest you probably have had different experiences than me.

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oh so you mean you are a perfect example of Sup Forums's belief that liberals only like blacks because they don't have to live around them
if you lived around niggers you'd realize how God awful they are

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Actually, you unbelievable fucktard, it's the libs who tend to live in cities alongside blacks and other races. It turns out the people who spend the most time around them are the ones least likely to be racist.

To be fair, though, I see his point. I lived in the South surrounded by white conservative Southerners, and now I hate banjos.

I don't know about that. I use public transit to get to work and encounter a lot more minorities than the average Oregonian. They're mostly just normal people who want to get off the bus asap. There are some crazies just like there are some white crazies. Where do you live user?

maybe in small numbers
when they outnumber you they will steal all your shit and kill you

Lol I mean, to be fair we did literally enslave and kill the ones who rebelled not that long ago. It's going to take a long time if those scars ever heal. I ask again out of curiosity, what state you live in? Inb4 chicago

who the fuck is we? I'm not Anglo. I'm German.

I live by Chicago. I grew up in Kansas. Didn't know what racism was until I moved to a big city. Country folks don't give a fuck about shit unless you're an asshole then we punch you in the mouth. And if you're not a big puss about it we buy you a beer and generally become friends

Omg people have walls in their home?? That is 100% the same as a border wall, checkmate!

>"hurr durr we enslerved dem so we shood let them kill us nao to maek it rite"
liberal cuckolds confirmed for having actual brain damage

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why would you answer when you're not me?
he didn't ask you retard
i live in New York State

So you went from libtard hitting people with baton and receiving his just desserts for it, to your street hero just deciding to swing at anyone he saw with a baton. What exactly do the courts agree with you on again? I'd assume just his innocence because you sound pretty retarded with that attempt at justification. Not that it ever even needed justification.

See, THIS is a fuckin dialogue. Yeah I'm a guy who lives in a fairly big city near a coast. Definitely never voting for Trump but I don't like any of the Dems options either. Call me a libtard if you want, I still consider trumpfags to be my countrymen.

Your parents clearly didn't slam your head as hard as they should.

if you are a part of the "ok boomer" faze KYS

hahaha the fact is they released him immediately and filed no charges and the libcuck got brain damage
says the faggot liberal who worships niggers and hates his own kind

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>OPs ownage level : maximum ownage
Get owned libtard

Underaged detected

*phase, fucktard.

nigger cock sucking liberal faggot cuckold bitch detected

Dear faggot on Sup Forums, get your redneck fat ugly incest shit-cuck level thoughts and fuck off you dumb boomer, Trump is a retarded faggot

Trump still hasnt gotten rid of all the mexicans. :/

if you hate Trump you love niggers and want them to fuck your girlfriend

shut up igen faggot


got em'

if you value yourself solely for being white, you're pathetic and you know for the good of humanity you have to kys.

if you shit on your own race and advocate for other races over your own you are a retard, genetic failure and you should kill yourself

yet niggers love themselves solely for their race and don't say shit cause you're a cuck

sorry I don't pay attention to the ramblings of inbreds. read my post again, read your pointless reply to not what I said at all, then cry some more.

mad cuz white, cracker?

you'll notice the thread is specifically about white people, as said by OP. Sorry you're a triggered little bitch and can't keep up. cry more faggot ;^)

you just suck nigger cock and advocate against your own interests
you condemn white people over a word yet you let niggers sit on street corners and preach about whites being white devils and "inbred mutant albinos" because you are a massively retarded cuck disgrace

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you'll notice you're a cuck retard
you literally deserve for niggers to kill you since that's what you vote for

mad cause you're a slave, nigger?

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still sperging out like a faggot, got rabies tard? Sorry you can't even keep up with a simple thread, must suck being this much of a triggered bitch all day. kys moron, you know it's the right thing to do.

he got in jail for cripplin him.

still worshipping niggers cuck scum
keep worshipping them to they murder your family you stupid piece of shit
if you love niggers so much then withdraw all the money out of your bank account and give it to some ghetto niggers

Ok communist

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and when you sperge another dumb reply see

Wow, you better calm down fatty, you're going to give yourself an aneurysm

Boomer logic

wow better suck more nigger cock you liberal faggot
vote to give more money to niggers so they can fuck your wife some more you cuck bitch

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Gonna have to man up and do your own dirty work. Good luck.

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liberty prime is satire lol

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Ok communist

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I bet that was a short parade.

>fellow Americans

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All you MAGAFAG diddlers belong in jail

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A. Epstein was a JEW
Jews are overwhelmingly liberal
B. Bill Clinton went to Epstein's pedo island 26 times while Trump never did
C. Joe Biden is an actual pedophile

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Never forget to respect your fellow Americans. They are the greatest people in the world.

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I don't hate myself for being white. I hate you for being white and never shutting the fuck up about it.

Weird that Trump is their king then huh

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We hate you because you think being white means something.

you think niggers should be rewarded for being black and everyone should be able to attack whites for our race

most kikes voted for Hillary Clinton you stupid piece of shit
yet you don't seem to mind when niggers won't shut the fuck up about being black

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Hilary who? I'm talking about president Donald Trump, self proclaimed king of the Jews. But for some reason that doesn't bother you hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

>yet you don't seem to mind when niggers won't shut the fuck up about being black
how would you know tard? just desperate grasping?
reeee I'm a triggered white faggot. kys

because they do it everywhere you nigger loving faggot
what is black entertainment television? where is the white entertainment telivision?

Dear idiot,
I actually enjoy being white, i don't feel any guilt because i performed no bad things towards my fellow humans. Also i'm not full of empty hate which i see you are full of maybe you should dunk your head in ice water and cool off a bit.

Love your fellow human.

does keeping niggers as slaves mean you love them, kike? you are an inbred Jew faggot

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you are a faggot cuck scumbag who should kill himself
can't wait till niggers murder your family and you try to rationalize it being because of racism

so no basis in reality at all then, called it. kys you desperate faggot

literally shaking