How did you feel after you ate shrooms for the first time?

how did you feel after you ate shrooms for the first time?

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Pretty excited and euphoric. My thoughts were all over the place. My buddy was freaked as shit though. Kept hiding in the bathroom and didn't want to be with anybody. He hated it

yeah the body is a wierd thing

I want to try, but haven't got any yet. I've tried acid, that's okay but pretty unpredictable

Later on, look up microdosing.

Have only taken 3gs made colours more "plushed" and brighter like brighter hues. Music was a lot more intense on the come up. Something to do on a day where you have nothing to go to (work etc)

completely changed like I had a clean slate but scared that I had lost my sense of self
was not ready for ego dissolution during my first trip at 17

I felt amazing, although a little nervous and overwhelmed. I love mushrooms, I do them at least once a year.

First time I took em it cured my depression

Last time I took em I ended up getting sent home from work the following week in a taxi, then got put in a mental ward in a hospital with full blown psychosis by my family. I got put on antipsychotics for months and almost got fired from work.

Moral of the story is be careful how much you take and never mix shrooms with other stimulants if you don't want to end up in the looney bin. Almost ruined my entire life from 1 bad trip.

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>Getting high before work
Bruh thats a rookie mistake, what went wrong?

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Jesus Christ what else did you take on top of shrooms that day? What you just described is fucking bath salts

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>other stimulants
mush isn't a stimulant tho

No man sorry. I feel like this is something that not many people get warned enough about. To be honest I had been taking heaps of Ritalin for weeks that got me to that point.

no it's psychosis which is very possible with psychedelics
it's not all fun and games kids, be responsible

>First time I took em it cured my depression
>Last time I took em I ended up getting sent home from work the following week in a taxi, then got put in a mental ward in a hospital with full blown psychosis by my family. I got put on antipsychotics for months and almost got fired from work.
>Moral of the story is be careful how much you take and never mix shrooms with other stimulants if you don't want to end up in the looney bin. Almost ruined my entire life from 1 bad trip.
That's why you microdose. A tiny dose that doesn't result in any hallucinations. It helps with depression. You just feel... better. More energetic etc. Do that like once every 3 days.

Seriously look up microdosing. It has become a big thing in silicone valley for this reason.

damn a nice amphetamine induced psychosis with some mush thrown on top
that's awful to imagine

while microdosong can be beneficial jesus christ am I tired of hearing about it
it's like cbd, everyone recommends it for every fucking problem

yea reborn

I took it on a Saturday. Took a regular sized spoon of Lions Mane with about 6 grams of mushrooms and a Ritalin that morning. Nightmares for daaaaaaays and no sleep meant I couldn't do my job. Was super duper fucked up. Started talking in riddles and saying all kinds of weird shit.

Never touching Ritalin again man. Getting lean isn't worth losing your sanity over.

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I had half a good trip and half a bad trip. First half was hilarious, confusing, and overall just a great expirience to have in life. To me it was like dreaming and forggeting most of the dream thd day after. The bad part was after I hate too many grapes and i puked. Everyone around started to freak out and i thought i was poisoned thanks to that. I hallucinated sirens and police light and i was feeling cold as if I was dying. Then i imagined i died and everyone around me was hiding the fact that i died and i tried to expose them. It was creepy from their side and hella terryfying from my perspective.

10/10 will do again

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Felt like we were all in South Carolina

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I grew about 4 feet and now I can break bricks with my bare hands. Kinda sucks I can't go near a turtle though.

The Ritalin helped turn you into the Riddler

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because it work.
there is solutions on big problems in the world, why not spread it?

>am I tired
Microdosing can help you with that.

***ATTENTION**** STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie..... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this...... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested! Add me on discord @ DumbassFaggot#8613

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I have taken 3.5g a couple times and as long as I'm in a good state of mind before hand, it's always a great trip. Usually get overwhelmingly happy and loving. I have taken 6g before and it was closer to a mild extended DMT trip which resulted in ego death. Very beneficial to my state of mind. I have taken as little 1g and watched a movie or football game and it makes you more into it than you could imagine. Always do it with someone you trust and care about. Makes it worth all the while.

Fuck this I'm reporting him

Why? Just leave him be

Making threads about it is one thing but what he's doing is spam by bringing it into completely unrelated threads

Fuckin' keked. Thank you good sir