How do we fix women?

How do we fix women?

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sharia law

go fuck yourself

confused pol with b?

you don't.

Just start taking MD and you'll start understanding them

I think it's all the incels on b that need fixing.

Spotted the single roastie with 3 kids and no future.

by not giving them children and letting their weak genetic lines die out, most women throughout history have been able to reproduce, so of course shit DNA lives on

spotted the second roastie

>Only 9 were messaged
I'm sure this girl has a bright future ahead of her.

When she turns 30, she'll desperate for any cock that shows her attention and she'll be used as a cumrag, writing articles for shit like Cosmo about how men are awful.

I think it's easier to fix yourself. Go do that.

hahahah, look at the fivehead

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Spotted yet another 12 year old incel. Did mommy upset you once?.

>spends life savings on a dating agency
She literally spent all of her savings on what a fucking algorithm can do on a dating site. You can literally search for whatever you're looking for with a couple of clicks. What a fucking idiot.

You don’t. You either lower your standards, change yourself to meet women’s ever-increasing list of demands in a mate, or you choose to remain exactly the same and don’t get any at all. Save up your pennies. Get a sex doll. They make ones with sexy faces and big, phat asses and titties that jiggle nowadays.

You don't.
Unless you find a magical lamp that shits out a genie and one of your three wishes is to reverse the sexual dichotomy so that men are the choosers of mates, you don't fix women.

The key is in understanding how women subconsciously think. A woman's subconscious instinct is to seek a man who has the best prospects of those available; in other words, the one best able to protect and provide for her and her children. This is why you see women with extremely fugly but rich men. Women do not operate on looks alone like men do. Men are 99% visual, and base their desire of a woman on her physical appearance, because women have developed physical features to denote desirability such as wide childbearing hips, large boobies, and so on.

Now, once you understand that women are subliminally conscious of a mans prospects as a large portion of his desirability, you can use that to manipulate her opinion of you. You don't need to BE the one with the best prospects, you need to APPEAR TO HER to be the one with the best prospects.

Always seem busy, as if you have a lot of fruitful endeavors going on. Ensure that you do not under ANY circumstances appear to be a hanger-on to her. Do not try to anticipate her wants or needs. This sends a message that you have nothing else important to do.

Dress well. This is a visual indicator of success. Buy generic knock-offs of expensive brands, then steal some brand tags from stores and sew them on yourself. Ensure she sees them at some point.

Never, under ANY circumstances EVER disclose your financial status to her or allow her access to your bank accounts, PERIOD. If you MUST share resources with her, create a separate joint bank account that you periodically deposit to. Keep your private account PRIVATE. The mystery of how much you actually have is what will be attractive because she will assume from your efforts to appear successful that you have more money than you do.

I could go on but I ran out of space.

lol look how upset you got at being called a roastie
hit the nail on the head didn't it


I fucked a hot blonde in my town by pretending I was rich. She found out I was lying. I'm just waiting to get #MeToo'd by a useless whore who thought she was using me for money.

your fucking stupid.

Women get the selective advantage to choose whichever men appear most beneficial to themselves, and as a result heredity is going to reflect those genes in which represent those superficially attractive traits. That is probably why acne hardly ever arises anymore, why there are so many perfect faces and why younger people pass on the sorts of genetics that seem sterile of the randomness that typically defines humanity. As a byproduct, less variability and more narcissistic traits are bred for, almost like a self-nailing coffin.

If women just took a chance with whomever, the natural process would be restored. When it's the case "every incel should just go out there and try", they might each gain something, but the problem in principle doesn't change.

women like that shouldn't reproduce. ignore them.

i think one of the problems is they are raised to expect perfection, but spend their whole lives hiding the fact that they aren't perfect. and the person they are hiding this fact from most of all is themselves! their whole world is a defense mechanism against themselves.

You play the same game.

>Was ugly through high school
>Was ugly through collage
>No girls ever interested
>Get good job
>Get good apartment
>Still ugly
>Girls suddenly wanna date
>To late
>Escorts and singel life for me

WOMEN are fine.

Western women are the problem. They're put on a pedestal and it ends up producing retarded garbage like that.

This, excluding the escorts. I was a loner in high school with no friends and came from a broke family. Constantly made fun of and girls laughed at me. Now, I just bar hop and do just fine.

By donating to the advancement of sex robots and sex dolls. Let these fucking useless whores die out like the useless beings they are.

that's a girl from Scandinavia though

She's a western skank who went to Scandinavia. I hope she was raped and drowned.

But she is validated by handsome men who fuck her, and even cucked handsome men who exclusively date her for awhile. Of course none of those men ever settle with her but she'll find that out later on


You should try hanging around some rich women.

1) You will see they don't give a fuck how much money you have.

2) You will see exactly how much a fucking sellout men are. Because you'll eagerly prostitute yourself just as quick as any thot.

Problem is rich women can afford plastic surgery, so they're rarely unattractive enough to prove to you just what a whore you are.

it's so funny that black men actually get all this without even realizing it. The flashiness to the nth degree at the cost of almost everything else is actually a good start to fuck as many sluty whores as you can.

If you can't find women to fuck, you are the problem. /Thread

Islam is right about women

She has a seven head, damn. Isn’t Propecia covered under Scandinavian health care?
Hair line receded so much you’d think Moses bitch slapped it like he did the Red Sea.

Her hairline will do that.

>understanding anything
Lol,k. They’re apeing what their Jew masters tell them with their rap puppets.

The western culture is north America and Europe idiot

Thet always say nen are the shollow ones only intrested in looks but then women want looks money etc. ,,,

And Australia/new zealnad...

Yea, forgot about Oceania
However western world just means white countries

Tinder cracks me up.

Its elevated girls well above where they should be.

Like this wonky faced 5 head thinks shes special when shes quite mud, but tinder has made her think shes hotter than she is.

roastie is a fem term, most Sup Forums users are male. i dont think you quite grasp the lingo you're pretending to be hip with.

a 12 year old wouldn't be an incel. incel's are by choice. most 12 year olds aren't abstinent by decision.... please get your lingo together... i know neither of you are incels, roasties, cucks, or whatever other low IQ terminology you want to sling and are just pretending, but pretend better please. It makes for boring content on Sup Forums when you're just shitposting

Well 0% of these women have meet a billionaire that's for sure! And most of them have seen average hard working Joe's

Take their phones away

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>an incel is by choice
>involuntary celibacy
>by choice

Just block them or ignore them
Don't give them attention if possible
Y'all act like it's rocket science

>To sum this up in numbers

Incels are incels because they call themselves incels incel