ITT We give ourselves cringe ass kojima character names

ITT We give ourselves cringe ass kojima character names.

I'll start. You can call me Kek Cringeman.

Attached: cringeandmorty.png (604x471, 304K)

Loud I'm like quiet but i scream on the top of my lungs!

Attached: 5801.png (260x239, 7K)

jerk coomer nutman

white blackman

Attached: mikej.jpg (1200x915, 195K)

Gay straightman, profound statement on sexuality

Revolver Dickslot

mother daughterson


Road Packageman

Attached: ulysesses.jpg (480x360, 26K)

sads gaPEMMAN

Trip N Fallman

Attached: _109359132_dest_screen_ps4pro_4k_e32018_00016_1528772991.jpg (624x351, 29K)

Small bigguy

Attached: CIA.jpg (716x768, 79K)

Trout Jackal

dipshit autismo


Complaining about the joke names just makes you look dumb. You think he doesn't know "Die Hardman" is retarded? You're being trolled.

Phil Hartman

Attached: DC284833-DCF7-435B-BE8B-D49F94BD5DC5.jpg (727x729, 118K)

Thick McRunfast

Chilled Snake
a hero who smoked too much medicinal herb

Attached: 1567896745279.gif (381x522, 676K)

Snake feeder black lagoon

Ultrafag O.P. McDicks

you know seeing The Dude all the sudden makes me realize Hank from Detroit: Become Human is just The Dude

how did I miss that until now

Attached: 1571577922594.png (290x333, 117K)

Every single reply has been the same joke, tasty irony


not a name KYS